
hú sūn
  • monkey;macaque
猢狲 [hú sūn]
  • [monkey] 猴子的别称

  • 你身躯虽是鄙陋,却像个食松果的猢狲。--《西游记》

猢狲[hú sūn]
  1. 树倒猢狲散。

    When the tree falls , the monkeys scatter . ; When the boss falls from power , his lackeys disperse .

  2. 树倒猢狲散

    When the boss falls from power , his lackeys disperse .

  3. 难看的猢狲高高地坐在树上做怪脸,露出牙齿。

    The ugly apes sat upon the trees , and grinned .

  4. 他还恐怕那钱猢狲知道他是急用,要趁火打劫,高抬利息。

    He was worried that " Old Miser " knew of his sore need and would take advantage of the situation to boost the interest rate .
