• 语素in húsūn 猢狲
  • 〔~狲〕猕猴的一种,产在中国北部的山林中,能耐寒。亦泛指猴,如“树倒~~散”。

  1. 另一个相似的例子是秋巴卡,那个猢基。

    A similar thing happened with chewbacca , the wookiee .

  2. 为什么火箭的比赛帖里会有猢人粉丝的帖子?

    Why do we have Lakers fans posting in a Rockets game thread ?

  3. 可是野猢的气味还是很难闻,我总是用芸香、熏衣草或烟草紧紧捂住鼻子。

    Yet , the smell of a YAHOO continuing very offensive , I always keep my nose well stopped with rue lavender , or tobacco leaves .

  4. 如果“野猢”这个种族满足于大自然赋予他们的那些罪恶与愚蠢,我同它们的和解就不会太困难。

    My reconcilement to the kind in general might not be so difficult , if they would be content with those vices and follies only which nature has entitled them to .
