  • 见"猢狲"
  • 〔猢~〕见“猢”。

  1. “树倒猴狲散。”

    When the tree falls , the monkeys scatter .

  2. 首次证明狲猴Macacamulatta可充当本虫的第二中间宿主和转续宿主。

    Hispidum . The tests were first demonstrated that Macaca , mulatta can acted as the second intermediate host and paratenic host of the parasite .

  3. 首次血清学证实青海省兔狲自然感染鼠疫

    The first serologic evidence of natural plague infection in Felis manul in Qinghai

  4. 兔狲泌尿器官的形态特征

    Morphology Characteristics of Urinary Organ in Steppe Cat

  5. 报道了不同浓度甘露醇对猕猴桃试管苗生长与保存的影响.在室温(10&30℃)条件下甘露醇能抑制狲猴桃试管苗的生长;

    Experiments with mannitol at different concentrations showed that mannitol could inhibit the growth of tissue-cultured kiwi fruit plantlets at room temperature ( 10-30 ℃) .

  6. 经对两只兔狲(♂1♀1)泌尿器官的解剖观察看到:兔狲的肾表面光滑,左右肾均为豆形,右肾略靠前;

    The urinary organ in two steppe cats (♂ 1 ,♀ 1 ) was observed by means of anatomy . The results showed that the kidney surface was smooth ; kidneys were bean shape .