
  • 网络aesthetic practice
  1. 它们在审美实践中形成了错综复杂的交互关系。

    They formed complex interactions in the process of aesthetic practice .

  2. 略论教师教学中的审美实践

    On Aesthetic Practice in the Course of Teach in g

  3. 要重视语文审美实践活动的开展。

    Paying attention to the development of Chinese aesthetical practice activity .

  4. 美在审美实践中生成和发展。

    Beauty is produced and developed in the process of aesthetic practice .

  5. 这也是一个生态审美实践的话题。

    This is also an ecological aesthetic practice topic .

  6. 论审美实践意象和美的创造

    On Aesthetic Practical Image and the Creation of Beauty

  7. 自由与耽溺:从后现代伦理学到消费社会的审美实践

    Freedom and Addiction : From Post-modern Ethics to Aesthetic Practice of Consumer Society

  8. 并由此以文学审美实践的方式实现了表达政治理想的诉求。

    And realized political ideals by literary aesthetic practice .

  9. 歌唱欣赏是歌唱审美实践的基本环节。

    Listening to songs is a basic part of the aesthetic singing practice .

  10. 审美实践:表现为对美的发现和创造。

    Thirdly , the aesthetic practice presents Liu 's discovery and creation of beauty .

  11. 通过开展丰富多彩的校园文化活动,引导学生进行审美实践和创美实践;

    Varied and colorful cultural activities on campus can lead students to appreciate and create beauty .

  12. 本文阐述了编辑审美实践活动过程。

    The article sets forth the course of practice of the appreciation of beauty in Education .

  13. 油画艺术作为一种审美实践活动,从一开始就与现实生活连在一起。

    Canvas art as an aesthetic practice , from the very beginning , together with real life .

  14. 美育既是特殊的审美实践活动,又是特殊的教育实践活动。

    To educate with the sense of perfection is a special aesthetic practice and a special educational practice .

  15. 美的创造过程就是审美实践意象的观念建构和物化过程。

    The creative process of beauty is that of conceptual construction and that of materialization of the aesthetic practical image .

  16. 最后是对大众文化创造和研究的美学期待,是走向审美实践批评的大众文化。

    Finally it is the aesthetic prospect of popular culture creation and study , and aesthetics practical criticism of popular culture .

  17. 体育不仅仅是人与自然竞争的感性象征形式,还是人的主体性的审美实践形式。

    One is perceptual symbol that competes between the human being and nature , the other is the subjectivity of practice .

  18. 中国特有的地理环境带来了以农为本的中华文明,从而使中国人的审美实践有着自己的独特之处。

    The unique geographical environment of China had brought the agriculture Chinese civilization , and made the unique Chinese esthetic practice .

  19. 主体是审美实践的发起者,审美形态是审美实践的文化成果。

    Subject is the initiator of the aesthetic practice . The aesthetic forms are the cultural achievements of the aesthetic practice .

  20. 它深入日常生活领域,在现实生活关系中通过具体的审美实践表征出审美与意识形态之间的辩证关系。

    Aesthetic system goes deep into the life anddisplays the dialectical relationship of aesthetics and ideology through the concreteaesthetic practices in real life .

  21. 第二节主要是对大量出现在现代审美实践领域中的丑进行分门别类论述与分析。第三节对于审丑所出现的误区及其原因进行了探讨与分析。

    Section ⅱ is the ugliness appear in large numbers in the modern aesthetic practice areas to different categories of discourse and analysis .

  22. 编辑已为我审阅过这篇稿件。本文阐述了编辑审美实践活动过程。

    The editor has read it over for me . The article sets forth the course of practice of the appreciation of beauty in Education .

  23. 它们之间的交互关系推动着彼此的发展与演变,也带动着审美实践与审美文化的发展与演变。

    Interactions between them promote the development and evolution of each other , and also spur the development and evolution of the aesthetic practice and aesthetic culture .

  24. 发现美→选择美→创造美是编辑在审美实践中所遵循的审美规律。

    It is the law that is to be followed in practice of appreciation of beauty , to I discover beauty , choose beauty and create beauty .

  25. 这些艺术作品不仅深刻地改变了审美实践和作品展示的性质,也开创了一种接受和体验艺术的新方式。

    These art works have not only profoundly changed the nature of aesthetic practice and display , but have also engendered a new means of perceiving and experiencing art .

  26. 二是意境在当代审美实践中得到广泛运用,对于进一步开发和利用传统美学资源具有示范意义。

    Second , the artistic conception is widely used in the contemporary aesthetic practice , and is of exemplary significance in the development and exploitation of the traditional aesthetic resources .

  27. 美术训练对口腔医学审美实践中提高医生把握容貌形态及空间感的能力具有积极作用;

    By training dental practitioners to make space judgments and subject arrangements in art painting , the practitioner can promote the ability of reconstruction , which is essential in esthetic dentistry .

  28. 通过审美实践活动来建构人的审美能力,不失为一条美化精神世界和亮化心灵的途径。

    By means of the practical activities of appreciating beauty in which the aesthetic judgment is constructed , it is a route to embellish the mental world and brighten the soul .

  29. 在具体教学中应渗透人生观、价值观教育,突出爱国主义精神,注重学习相关文学及文化知识,强化审美实践,逐渐提高审美能力。

    In teaching this course , life outlook education should be penetrated , patriotism , relevant literature and cultural knowledge should be stressed , and aesthetic ability should be improved gradually as well .

  30. 审美实践是主体和客体、认识论和价值论统一的基础,审美结果只有通过评价才能被认识和表达出来。

    Aesthetic practice is the subject and object , epistemology and the basis for a unified theory of value , aesthetic evaluation in order to be the result only through the understanding and expression .