
  • 网络aesthetic relationship;esthetic relations
  1. 艺术理想与生命关怀&评雷体沛教授新作《艺术与生命的审美关系》

    Artistic Ideal and Life Concern : A Review of The Esthetic Relations of Art and Life ;

  2. 在艺术审美关系研究中,他发现其深层特征是审美关系对象化,认为丰富而多样的艺术审美活动可以创造丰富完善的人。

    On the one hand , in the artistic esthetic relations research discovered the in-depth characteristic is " the esthetic relational object " . So he insisted that rich and diverse artistic esthetic activity may create the rich consummation person .

  3. 论语言艺术化的本质&语言与现实审美关系分析

    On The Essence of the Artistic Language-An Aesthetic Analysis Between Language and Reality

  4. 城市广告与市政广场的审美关系

    Relationship between City Advertisements and Municipal Public Square from the Perspective of Aesthetics

  5. 论巫术对审美关系和审美心理建构的意义

    Discussion on the Witchcraft 's Significance for Constructing Aesthetic Relations and Aesthetic Psychology

  6. 中国当代广告中的辩证审美关系

    Dialectic Aesthetic Relation of Advertisement in Modern China

  7. 在土地美学思想中,土地与人是通过审美关系的中介合而为一的。

    Land aesthetics idea indicates that land and human merge together through aesthetic medium .

  8. 论审美关系的本质

    On the essence of the aesthetic relationship

  9. 儒家的伦理化自然观将人与自然的审美关系演绎得淋漓尽致。

    Confucian 's Ethical naturalism post the reladonship between human and natural taste incisively and vividly .

  10. 音乐审美关系具有价值关系的特征,并存在于审美主客体的协调之中。

    Music aesthetic relation has the feature of value relationship that coordinates between the subjective and objective .

  11. 审美关系是由审美主体和审美客体双方构成的,美既包含着客观因素,也包含着主观因素,是二者的统一。

    The relationship of beauty appreciation consists of subject and object , i.e. objective and subjective elements .

  12. 真理主体和客体的相互关系主要表现为实践关系、认识关系、价值关系和审美关系。

    The relationship mainly embodies as practice relationship , recognition relationship , value relationship and aesthetic relationship .

  13. 主体与客体具有多重关系。有认识关系,有价值关系,还有审美关系。

    Subject has multiple relations with object , such as understanding relation , value relation , and aesthetic relation .

  14. 最后,谈到丧失主体间性审美关系的霸权式文学,这是审美的荒漠地带。

    Finally , the author thinks that the hegemony literature that losses the inter-subjective aesthetics is the desert of aesthetics .

  15. 离开了审美关系,美就不存在。

    It is argued that beauty exists in the relationship of beauty appreciation , without which beauty will not exist .

  16. 旅游审美关系主要表现在人与景观之间和人与人之间。

    Aesthetic relationship on a sightseeing refers to the relationship between human being and landscape as well as among persons .

  17. 蒋孔阳有一个较高的逻辑起点,一开始就将美学与艺术学做了区别,确认美学的对象是审美关系。

    From the very beginning , he distinguishes aesthetics from the theory of art , and determines the object of aesthetics is the aesthetic relation .

  18. 虚拟真实所蕴含的虚与实的超越逻辑,将创设人与对象之间的新型审美关系;

    Transcendental logic of unreal and actual , which is contained within virtual reality , will produce a new aesthetic relation between human and object .

  19. 同人与自然的其他关系相比,审美关系具有兼容性、个体独特性和历史性等特征。

    In comparison with the other relationships between man and nature , the aesthetic relationship has the characteristics of compatibility , individual independence , historicity and etc.

  20. 深入探讨两者的审美关系,有助于了解中国古代小说批评的独特内涵。

    It can help one to understand the instinctive connotation of the classical novel critic to make a thorough investigation of the relations of the two .

  21. 文学虚构活动的复杂机制要求文学研究走出审美关系,进入更为宽广的人生领域。

    Because of the complicated mechanism of imaginariness of literature , literary research is expected to transcend aesthetic relationship and enter a wider scope of life .

  22. 审美关系是主体心灵与客体形式间的愉快或不愉快的情感关系,它与认识关系,价值关系是不同的。

    Aesthetic relation deals with the emotional relation of happiness and unhappiness between subject soul and object form , it differs from the other two relations .

  23. 马克思与恩格斯有关生态审美关系的分析与预见成为我们在新世纪思考与探索生态审美观的重要资源。

    The analyses and predictions of eco-aesthetic relationship by Marx and Engels are the resource for our thinking and exploring eco-aesthetic views in the new century .

  24. 马克思、恩格斯早在19世纪中后期就对人与自然的生态审美关系有所论述。

    As early as the middle and late 19th century , Marx and Engels issued their argument with relation to the aesthetic relationship between man and nature .

  25. 人的社会实践活动促进了人脑的进化和生理感官的成熟,为审美关系的存在提供了基础。

    The activities of human 's social practice promote the evolution of brains and make the physiological sense mature , which is the basis of the aesthetic relationship .

  26. 本文采用艺术人类学视角以及研究策略,以历史与逻辑统一的历史优先性作为原则,以不同民族的人对现实的审美关系作为研究前提,从美感的形成机制入手探讨美感问题。

    This essay adopts the view of anthropology of art and its study strategy ; takes as rule the historical priority which is the unity of history and logic ;

  27. 本文认为,应该在具体的审美关系基础上深入研究日常生活所产生的审美需要及其特殊的表达机制,从学理上阐释审美意识形态问题。

    This paper argues that it is necessary to deepen our study on everyday life and its aesthetic demand , as well as its particular expression born out of it .

  28. 通过对禅的溯源、境的义界、禅宗思想与艺术审美关系的研究,证明了禅境的审美思维已经深深的积淀于中国人的心中,作为艺术创作的审美范则和心理追求而存在。

    To proved that the aesthetic of Zen thinking has accumulated deep in the hearts of Chinese people , as art is the aesthetic and psychological Fan exist to pursue .

  29. 他把生态思想引进美学研究,以生态价值观来反思人类传统的美学观念,重新探讨人与自然、社会以及人自身的多重审美关系,实现了生态观、人文观、审美观三者的统一;

    He introduces the ecosystem view into the aesthetics research , rebuilding the multiple aesthetics relations which between human and nature , human and social , and human being itself .

  30. 作为一门正在生长的学科,它以人与自然、人与社会、人与他人、人与自身之间审美关系为研究对象。

    As a growing discipline , it researches the eco-aesthetic relationship between human beings and nature , human beings and society , man and others , people and their own .