
yuǎn shì sǎn ɡuānɡ
  • Hyperopic astigmatism;hypermetropic astigmatism
  1. 结论及时治疗儿童眼睑血管瘤,可以减少远视散光、避免弱视和斜视。

    Conclusion It may be decreased hypermetropic astigmatism , amblyopia and strabismus of patients to treat eyelid hemangioma in children .

  2. 固体激光治疗远视散光的疗效分析

    Analysis of efficacy of the solid state laser treating hyperopia and hyperopic astigmatism

  3. 方法散瞳检影法查近视散光935眼,远视散光755眼。

    Method 935 eyes with myopic astigmatism and 755 eyes with hyperopic astigmatism were measured by the mean of static retinoscopy .

  4. 结果:在3~12岁视力不良儿童210只散光眼中复性远视散光146眼占67.6%,复性近视散光占15.7%,混合散光24眼占11.4%,单纯性散光占5.3%;

    RESULTS : In astigmatism from six to twelve years old children , the ratio of compound hyperopic astigmatism was 67.6 % , mixed astigmatism 11.4 % ;

  5. 结论复性远视散光是儿童散光的主要类型,散光与弱视形成密切相关,应合理矫正儿童散光。

    Conclusion : The main type of astigmatism at preschool age is compound hyperopia astigmatism . There is an association between astigmatism and amblyopia . The children with astigmatism must be corrected .

  6. 结果(1)66只患眼(血管瘤)中,初诊时以远视散光最多(68.2%),3年后远视散光的例数和散光度数明显减少(P<0.05);

    Results ( 1 ) The case of hypermetropic astigma - tism was the most ( 68.2 % ) in 66 hemangioma eyes , the cases and powers of hypermetropic astigmatism in 66 hemangioma eyes were decreased after 3 years ( P < 0.05 );

  7. 结果复性远视散光最多,占65.96%,其他依次为混合散光15.71%、单纯远视散光8.67%、复性近视散光7.68%、单纯近视散光1.99%。

    Results In the astigmatic eyes , compound hyperopia astigmatism was the most 65.96 % , then was the mixed astigmatism 15.71 % , third was simple hyperopia astigmatism 8.67 % , compound myopia astigmatism 7.68 % , the last was simple myopia astigmatism 1.99 % .

  8. 有效地矫正近视、远视和散光。

    The procedure effectively corrects nearsightedness , farsightedness , and astigmatism .

  9. 未经矫正的屈光不正(近视、远视或散光),43%

    Uncorrected refractive errors ( myopia , hyperopia or astigmatism ), 43 %

  10. 未及时矫正的近视,远视和散光是视觉问题的主要诱因。

    Uncorrected cases of near-sightedness , far-sightedness and astigmatism are the cause of vision problems .

  11. 导致三种眼病(近视、远视、散光)的原因不明,但是和遗传相关。

    The causes of these three eye conditions is unclear but there is a genetic component .

  12. 未校正近视,远视和散光是形成视力问题的主要因素。

    Uncorrected cases of near-sightedness , far-sightedness and astigmatism are the leading cause of vision problems .

  13. 准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。

    The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia , hyperopia astigmatism diopter .

  14. 伴有近视、远视、散光者92例,经镜片矫正恢复正常视力。

    Recovery of 92 of cases of Ametropia ( Myopia , Hyperopia , A stigma ) by eyeglass correction .

  15. 近视、远视及散光都是由于眼球、角膜或水晶体变形引起的。

    Myopia , hyperopia , and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball , cornea , or lens .

  16. 通过验光检查确定散光轴向,并按年龄大小分成七个年龄组,就近视性散光、远视性散光和混合性散光之轴向分别加以分析。

    Astigmatic axes were confirmed by means of refraction . Seven groups were divided based on different ages and three types of astigmatism were analyzed respectively .

  17. 对发展中国家而言,眼镜能矫正多数视觉障碍,减少老花眼、近视、远视与散光的冲击。

    Glasses could correct the majority of vision problems encountered in the developing world , reducing the impact of presbyopia , myopia , hyperopia , and astigmatism .

  18. 又对屈光异常进行分类,发现3和4岁儿童大多数为远视和散光,其中绝大多数需配戴眼镜矫正视力。

    A classification for refractive errors showed that most 3 and 4 years old children were hyperopia and / or astigmatism and needed to wear glasses for vision correction .

  19. 57眼均有不同程度的散光,其散光程度与胬肉长度有关,其中顺规性散光33眼(占57.9%),远视性散光36眼(占63.2%);

    The level is correlated to the size of the pterygium . 33 eyes ( 57.9 % ) had with-the-rule astigmatism and 36 eyes ( 63.2 % ) were hyperopic .

  20. 模型有较强的通用性,适用于传统仅矫正屈光不正(近视、远视、散光)的光学区模型,也适用于波前像差引导的激光眼屈光手术。

    The model not only can be applied to the correction of refractive errors such as myopia and astigmatism , but also can be used in wavefront guided laser refractive surgery .

  21. 眼睛是人类获得外界信息的重要感觉器官,当眼睛出现近视、远视、散光等屈光不正现象时,会给个人的生活和学习带来诸多不便。

    Eyes are important human sense organs that access to information from outside , when the eyes appear myopia , hyperopia , astigmatism and other refractive error phenomenon , personal life and learning will bring a lot of inconvenience .

  22. 98%以上的内斜视者为远视或远视散光。先天性和非调节性内斜视中,约一半病例为轻度远视,平均屈光度分别为+3.18和+3.35度。

    Over 98 % esotropia were hyperopia or compound hyperopic astigmatism .

  23. 该模型系统建立了矫正单纯近视、单纯远视、规则散光所需要的角膜切削量,为屈光矫正提供了理论基础。

    The model can be used to correct myopia , hyperopia , and astigmatism .

  24. 远视、混合散光、近视患病率依次为9.85%、2.36%、0.80%(P<0.05);

    The prevalences of hypermetropia , myopia and mixed astigmia were 9.85 % , 2.36 % and 0.80 % respectively ( P < 0.05 );

  25. 从本组内斜视病例的远视或远视散光占绝大多数,且远视度亦比普通儿童高。因此,远视和斜视发生的关系不容忽视。目的探讨儿童部分调节性内斜视手术量及方法。

    The hyperopia of accommodative esotropia is much higher than that of other types of Objective To investigate the surgical extent and methods for pediatric partial accommodative esotropia .

  26. 结果本组轻度远视及远视散光较多,共234眼(71.3%),逆规则散光发生率高,218限中发生143眼(65.6%),并随年龄增长而增多。

    Results Most of the cases were hyperopia with lower diopter and hyperopic astigmatism ( 234 eyes , 71.3 % ), and higher incidence of anti-regular astigmatism ( in 143 / 218 eyes , 65.6 % ), increased with increase of age .

  27. 远视及混合性散光的弱视患病率高于近视性,差别高度显著性(P<0.01);

    The rate of amblyopia of long sight and mixing astigmatism is higher than near-sighted ( P < 0.01 ) .

  28. 结果数码摄影验光系统视力筛查在远视、近视、散光、屈光参差及斜视的灵敏度分别为87.62%、93.94%、80.77%、84.62%、91.67%;

    Results The sensitivities of the digital photorefraction instrument in hyperopia , myopia , astigmatism , anisometropia , strabismus were : 87 . 62 % 、 93 . 94 % 、 80.77 % 、 84.62 % 、 91.67 % ;

  29. 单纯性近、远视最多,单纯性近、远视散光较少,混合性散光最少;

    Most of them suffer from simple myopia and hyperopia . The patients with simple astigmatism were relative little , and the patients with mixed astigmatism were least .

  30. 结果:在9530眼中,近视眼4439只,远视眼4417只,其中近远视眼中均以复性近远视散光眼最多,各占56.50%,83.61%。

    RESULTS : There were 9 530 eyes of which 4 417 eyes were caught hyperopia and 4 390 eyes of myopia . The most was compound myopia astigmatism ( 56.50 % ) and compound hyperopia astigmatism ( 89.05 % ) .