
  • 网络distance vision;UCVA
  1. 不同色纸上蓝色和黑色视标对远视力影响

    Effects of blue and black ink maker of different color paper on distance vision

  2. 结论假性近视患者远视力降低程度与调节痉挛度数呈正相关。

    Conclusion The distance vision descend degree with the accommodative spasm diopters was reported positive correlation .

  3. 方法远视力检测使用E字标准对数视力表进行常规检查。

    Methods Far sight was examined through E Standard Logarithm Eyesight Table .

  4. 术后1a时,观察患者的裸眼远视力、裸眼近视力、屈光状态以及患者的主观感受。

    The uncorrected distance visual acuity , uncorrected near visual acuity , refractive condition and subjective feeling were observed 1a after surgery .

  5. 最佳矫正远视力丢失两行以上PRK组2眼(12.5%),LASIK组3眼(12.5%);

    There were 2 eyes ( 12.5 % ) in PRK and 3 eyes ( 12.5 % ) in LASIK group lost above 2 lines of the optimized corrected distance visual acuity .

  6. 结论MIOL植入安全而有效,可以提供与SIOL一样良好的远视力,及更好的近视力及立体视觉、更广的焦深、较低的戴近用镜率及较高的病人满意度。

    It can provide good DVA as the SIOL does , but better NVA and stereoscopic vision , less glasses use and higher satisfaction than the latter .

  7. 学龄前儿童屈光及远视力检查对早期发现弱视的作用

    Effects of Screening Optometry and Eyesight Test on Early Finding Amblyopia Among Preschool Children

  8. 结论红点黄本对城市小学生的远视力有保护作用。

    Conclusion Yellow paper with red dots have good impacts on urban pupils ' DV protection .

  9. 助视操对高中学生远视力的短期影响效果

    Near-term Effects of a New Eye Exercises on Improving the Distance Vision Among Senior Middle School Students

  10. 如果你的烦恼是远视力而不是近视力,就把这个方法用到远处的文字上。

    If your trouble is with distant instead of near vision , use the same method with distant letters .

  11. 结论利用屈光筛查有利于及早检测弱视,而且其灵敏度高于远视力检测。

    Conclusion Optometry screening can find out amblyopia in early time , and its acuity is higher than eyesight test .

  12. 远视力≥0.5者47眼(占33.1%)。

    Vision were equal to or better than 0.5 in 33.1 % ( 47 eyes ) of low vision patients .

  13. 红点黄本对初中生远视力保护效果的追踪观察

    A Follow-up Study on the Effects of the Yellow Paper with Tens of Red Dots on Myopia Among Junior Middle School Students

  14. 您的远视力只有0.2,再查一下近视力,请看这张表。

    Your distant vision is only 0 . 2 . Now come and have a look at this chart for the near vision .

  15. 目的探讨多种颜色纸张背景下,蓝色与黑色视标对远视力的不同影响。

    Objective To study the discrepancies between blue and black ink on 18 kinds of color paper on distance vision ( DV ) .

  16. 6例由于对侧眼视力较差(远视力4.0~4.3,近视力4.0)只能勉强阅读和需要借助凸镜阅读,但不能持久;

    This was due to poor vision in the fellow eye ( far visual acuity was 4.0 - 4.3 , near visual acuity was 4.0 ) .

  17. ETDRS与国际标准视力表在弱视儿童视力检查中的对比研究不同色纸上蓝色和黑色视标对远视力影响

    Comparison of International Standard and Diabetic Retinopathy Visual Acuity Chart in Amblyopic Children Effects of blue and black ink maker of different color paper on distance vision

  18. 同术前戴镜相比,白天远视力是患者认为优于术前的最显著项目,眩光和夜视质量下降是患者手术后早期的主要主诉。

    Compared with best spectacle corrected vision preoperatively , diurnal sight vision improved in most patients , while glare and worse nocturnal was complained by most patients .

  19. 随着人们对视觉质量要求的提高,不损伤远视力的前提下恢复近视力是目前老视矫正手术所追求的目标。

    With the development of peoples demand to visual quality , the aim to treat presbyopia becomes to improve the near vision without damages to the distance .

  20. 方法对4308名学龄前儿童筛查眼屈光及远视力,异常可疑者转眼科诊断,并对诊断结果进行相关分析。

    Methods A total of 4 308 preschool children received optometry and eyesight test . The skeptical cases were sent to the department of ophthalmology for further diagnosis .

  21. 矫正近视力和远视力、裸眼远视力两组比较,差异均无显著意义(P>005)。

    There was no significantly statistical difference between the corrected near and far visual acuity and uncorrected far visual acuity of these two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  22. 黄纸(包括深黄)与白纸均提供了较高的远视力,而深绿、中绿纸张以及宣纸均明显降低了远视力。

    Yellow paper ( including dark yellow one ) and the white paper have higher DV , and dark green , medium green paper and the rice paper had lower DV .

  23. 目的探讨红点黄本对小学生远视力的保护作用,为学生用簿本标准的制订提供依据。

    Objective To explore the effects of yellow paper with tens of red dots ( YPRD ) on myopia of pupils , and to provide evidence for the standard of students'book paper .

  24. 方法对8所幼儿园的2100名4~6岁儿童进行远视力普查筛选,视力低常者行眼科常规检查及阿托品散瞳验光。

    Methods Visual acuity of 2100 4 ~ 6 years old children in 8 kindergartens were surveyed , and those whose visual acuity were subnormal were optic examined and atropine was used .

  25. 观察指标:远视力、近视力、屈光(用1%阿托品)、眼底、角膜曲率、眼轴。

    Examination included far and near visual acuity test , eye refractive status ( based on retinoscopy , with 1 % atropine cycloplegia ), eye fundus , corneal curvature , eye axial length .

  26. 原45只眼低视力中有36只眼远视力提高到≥03,其中17只眼可达05或以上,脱残率为800%。

    Of 45 low vision eyes , 36 eyes had their distant vision improved to 0 3 or better ( 17 eyes ( 80 % ) even to 0 5 or better ) .

  27. 轻度近视及早期近视眼远视力平均提高2~3行(对数视力表)(P<0.05);但对眼球屈光度的影响无显著性(P>0.05)。

    VA by logarithmic chart increased 2 ~ 3 lines on an average ( P < 0.05 ) in light myopia and earlier stage of myopia with no apparent difference in diopter ( P > 0.05 ) .

  28. 方法检查237名6~12岁儿童、远视力1.0以上438只眼在松弛睫状肌之后的远视力和屈光状态。

    Methods We checked the eyesight and ocular refraction status of 438 eyes in 237 children of ages ranging from 6 to 12 years old , who all had the eyesight over 1.0 and were investigated under the loosening conditions of the ciliary muscles .

  29. 结果28例患者均顺利Ⅰ期植入后房型人工晶状体,随访观察证实矫正远视力>0.3为82.14%,>0.6为39.28%,,无严重并发症出现。

    Results All 28 cases were successfully in implantation of posterior chamber artificial lens in the primary operation according to the follow-up survey . The cases with corrected distant vision beyond 0.3 accounted for 82.14 % , and beyond 0.6 accounted for 39.28 % .

  30. 结果手术前、后平均远视力分别为0.04和0.6,平均近视力分别为0.75和0.70,平均最佳矫正视力分别为0.74和0.91,其中2眼瞳孔变形伴有眩光,未发现房角损害相关的青光眼。

    Results Mean far vision before and after surgery were 0.04 and 0.6 , near vision were 0.75 and 0.70 , best - corrected visual acuity were 0.74 and 0.91 . Pupil deformation with halo in 2 eyes . No anterior chambe angle damage-related glaucoma was found .