
  • 网络distance Learning;distance teaching;E-learning;Long Distance Learning
  1. 但是目前的基于Web的远程教学系统存在着一定的不足。

    The actual distance learning system based on Web has some drawbacks .

  2. 基于Web的数据库及其在远程教学中的应用

    Database Based Web and It 's Application in Distance Learning

  3. Web远程教学系统的资源结构模型研究

    Research on Model of Resource Framework in Web Long-distance Teaching System

  4. 基于web挖掘的个性化远程教学模型研究

    Research on personalized distance teaching model based on web mining

  5. 基于Internet的远程教学软件开发模式

    A Software Developmental Model for Distance Education Based on Internet

  6. 基于WEB的远程教学管理软件分析与设计

    Analysis and Design the Software for Web-based E-learning System

  7. 开发基于WEB的远程教学系统的关键技术比较

    The Analysis of the Key Technologies in Remote Education System based on the WEB

  8. 关系网模型在基于Agent的远程教学系统中的应用

    Application of Relation Web Model in Distance Teaching System Based on Agent

  9. 多Agent技术在现代远程教学系统中的研究与应用

    Studies of Multi-Agent Technology in Modern Distance Learning System

  10. 介绍一个基于Web的信息与通信类课程远程教学系统。

    A distance education system for courses on information processing and communication is introduced in this paper .

  11. 从这两个角度来介绍基于Internet的远程教学系统的结构。

    The paper introduces the structure of modern teaching system based on Internet from these two points .

  12. 基于IP组播技术的远程教学系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Distance Education System Based on IP Multicast Technology

  13. 它可作为远程教学的评价系统,适用于任何Web方式下的考试。

    This examination system can serve as an evaluation system of remote education and adapt to whatever examination on Web .

  14. 作为一种新的远程教学模式,基于多Agent协作的网上多媒体教学具有广泛的应用前景。

    As a new long-distance teaching pattern , Internet multimedia-teaching based on multi-agent cooperation has a wide application prospect .

  15. 基于计算机网络远程教学系统中的交互式CAI

    Interactive CAI in Remote Teaching System based on Computer networks

  16. 计算机基础系列课程网络CAI教学的研究与实践&现代远程教学系统基于Web的辅助教学平台

    Research of CAI on Internet for Computer Base Lesson & Instruct Platform Based on Web of Remote Education

  17. 本文详细地论述多媒体在IP网络上的传播技术&流式媒体传播技术及在远程教学系统中的应用。

    This paper describes in details the streaming technology in the transmission of multimedia materials through the Internet .

  18. 基于IPSEC远程教学网VPN的设计

    Design of IP Sec-based VPN for Remote Education Network

  19. 基于Web的考试系统不仅适合局域网教学,也适合Internet远程教学。

    Because of being based on web , this examination system can be used for not only LAN education , but also Internet remote teaching .

  20. NET架构的J2EE标准,提出了远程教学系统平台的系统设计与实现方法。

    NET framework , the design and development of distance education system platform was proposed and analyzed in detail .

  21. 基于socket的远程教学辅导软件的设计

    Design of Remote Class Assistant Software Based on Socket

  22. 信息时代,人们对教育提出了新的要求,Internet远程教学作为一种新的教学模式正备受关注。

    The information ages , people put forward new demand to education . As a new teaching mode , the internet long-distance learning is highly anticipated .

  23. 基于Linux的中小学网络远程教学讨论系统的实现

    The Realization of the Long-distance Teaching-discussion System of Primary and Senior School Level Based on the Linux Operating System

  24. SDH虚拟实验在远程教学上的运用

    The virtual experiment of SDH applied to the remote education

  25. 随着计算机技术与Internet技术的突飞猛进的发展,远程教学作为一种新的教学模式已经得到越来越广泛的应用。

    With the rapid development of computer science and Internet techniques , remote education as a new education mode has already been more and more widely used .

  26. 基于WEB的远程教学是以学生为中心的现代教学的重要手段,基于虚拟现实的教学资源是网上教学资源中一个重要部分。

    Tele-education on WEB is a important means of teaching on the center for students , and teaching resources on VR are a departments of it on Internet .

  27. 自动答疑系统(AAS)是基于Web的远程教学系统中不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Automatic Answer System ( AAS ) is the important part of the distance education system based on web .

  28. 基于VRML的现代远程教学课件的设计研究

    Design of Courseware for Modern Remote Education Based on VRML

  29. Vod在远程教学中的应用多媒体服务器设计受QOS约束的多媒体网络模型

    Vod Application in the Distant Education Multimedia Server Design Multimedia Networking Model with Quality of Service Constraints

  30. 广州市继续教育课程WWW远程教学模式的探讨

    A Model on WWW Distance Learning of Teacher 's Training Courses in Guangzhou