
  • 网络Corneal Topography;Orbscan
  1. 方法对312例(366只眼)PRK手术患者进行术后1、3和6个月的角膜地形图检查。

    Method Corneal topography of 312 patients ( 366 eyes ) with a month , 3 months and 6 months of follow up after PRK was examined .

  2. 方法采用角膜地形图对290只准备行LASIK手术的近视眼进行检查,同时采用散瞳检影法检查记录近视度数及散光并对两种方法所得数据进行比较分析。

    Methods Before LASIK , 290 eyes of myopia were measured using corneal topography and retinoscopy via dilated pupil for their refractive state , and then relevant parameters were collected and analyzed .

  3. 主观辩证法商议角膜地形图为临床评估LASIK效果提供了客观依据。

    Topography provides a subjective method to evaluate the result of LASIK .

  4. 应用角膜地形图评价PRK矫正近视散光的疗效

    Results of PRK for correction of myopic astigmatism and topographical evaluation

  5. 目的观察及评价角膜地形图引导的近视准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)。

    Objective To observe and evaluate corneal topography guided laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ) .

  6. PRK与LASIK治疗近视术后的角膜地形图分析

    Corneal topographic analysis after PRK and LASIK

  7. 中低度近视LASEK术后角膜地形图分析

    Corneal topography analysis after laser subepithelial keratomileusis for low to moderate myopia

  8. 角膜地形图测量手术前角膜前表面Q值平均-0.19±0.07;手术后平均为0.77±0.15。

    Corneal topography showed the change of corneal anterior surface Q value were from average - 0.19 ± 0.07 before surgery to 0.77 ± 0.15 after surgery ( P0.05 ) .

  9. 结论:角膜地形图定量分析对PRK术后角膜表面的改变、手术设计的改进、手术疗效的预测等是必要的。

    Conclusions : Topography analysis is necessary for predicting the changes in corneal surface and the effect of therapy after PRK .

  10. 【方法】分别用OCT和AC-OCT的高分辨单线扫描程序(HighResolutionCorneal)、角膜地形图程序(PachymetryMap)测量30例(30只眼)正常受试者的CCT。

    [ Methods ] The CCT of 30 eyes of 30 normal persons were measured by OCT and AC-OCT with the high resolution corneal and pachymetry map procedure , respectively .

  11. 术后7d,1、3、6、12、15m分别以角膜地形图等方法测得角膜屈光状态与增视效果。

    The refractive indexes were examined by corneal topography or other ways at 7d , 1m , 3m , 6m , 12m and 15m postoperatively .

  12. 方法61例119只眼在LASIK术后不同时期进行角膜地形图检查,比较正常角膜地形图及中央岛型角膜地形图眼的视力及其变化,判断术后中央岛对视力的影响。

    Methods Corneal topographys of 119 eyes were measured after LASIK in different period , compare the visual acuity of normal and central islands eyes , and the change of centra islands in different period .

  13. 所有术眼的角膜地形图提示角膜中央呈规则圆形变扁区,角膜中央3mm直径的屈光力平均下降4.25D。

    In the corneal topography , the central regions were flattened regularly and round or approximately round in shape ; the mean refraction at central 3 mm region was reduced in an average of 4.25 D.

  14. 采用TMS2型角膜地形图仪对孔源性视网膜脱离患者15例15只眼。于巩膜环扎术前、术后1周及术后1个月进行角膜屈光力测量分析。

    The corneal refractive power of15 eyes before and after ( 1 week and1 month ) encircling procedure for the treatment of retinal detachment were measured by TMS2 Topography Modeling System .

  15. 采用TMS-4角膜地形图系统拍摄角膜地形图像,记录角膜表面不对称性指数、角膜表面规则性指数、散光及平均角膜屈光度等参数。

    A TMS-4 corneal topography was used to shoot the corneal topography in patients . The indices of corneal topography included surface asymmetry index ( SRI ), surface regularity index ( SAI ), astigmatism and the average corneal refractive power .

  16. 波面像差和角膜地形图在个性化角膜切削中的应用

    Application of Wavefront Error and Corneal Tomography in Customized Corneal Ablation

  17. 角膜地形图检查在低龄儿童散光检影验光中的应用

    The application of corneal topography in cycloplegic dioptoscopy to astigmatical children

  18. 角膜地形图在白内障手术切口中的作用

    The Function of the Corneal Topography in Selected Cataract Surgery Incision

  19. 近视屈光参差眼的角膜地形图和生物超声测定的分析

    Analysis of corneal topography and ocular biometry in myopic anisometropia eyes

  20. 角膜地形图在招飞体检中应用的初探

    The application of corneal topography in medical selection of flight cadets

  21. 角膜地形图引导的个体化切削术对不规则散光和高阶像差的影响

    Topography guided customized ablation on irregular astigmatism and higher order aberration

  22. 目的观察角膜地形图仪与散瞳验光测得的散光差异。

    To evaluate differences on astigmatism in corneal topography and mydriatic optometry .

  23. 屈光矫正,白内障手术,角膜地形图的有关信息。

    Nexus-information on refractive and cataract surgery , corneal topography and topographers .

  24. 白内障超声乳化术后角膜地形图和屈光状态的观察

    Clinical study on cornea topography and refractive status after phacoemulsification

  25. 角膜地形图引导的准分子激光个体化切削术研究进展

    Progression of excimer laser individual ablation guided by corneal topography

  26. 角膜地形图仪对近视眼角膜屈光力检测的分析

    The analysis of corneal refractive power in myopia with topography

  27. 巩膜隧道切口白内障超声乳化术后角膜地形图的动态变化

    Dynamical changes of corneal topograph after ultrasonic phacoemulsification with sclera tunnel incision

  28. 角膜地形图测量工具的比较及其临床应用

    Comparison of corneal topography measurement tool and its clinical application

  29. 术前角膜地形图检查辅助白内障人工晶体术中调整缝线的初步报告

    A Preliminary Report of Corneal Topography for Adjusting Sutures during Cataract Surgery

  30. 两种不同切口人工晶状体植入术后角膜地形图对比分析

    Comparative analysis of topographic change after intraocular lens implantation through two different incision