
  • 网络refraction;Refractive;diopter
  1. CO2激光矫正角膜屈光的实验研究

    Experimental Investigation Used CO_2 Laser to Surgical Correction of Cornea Refraction

  2. 屈光度的大小不影响LASIK术后干眼的发病率。

    Refraction does not affect the incidence of dry eye after LASIK .

  3. 国人近视屈光手术人群Q值的相关因素分析

    Analyse of Q value and its related parameters in Chinese myopia population for corneal laser refractive surgery

  4. 结果平均光敏感度(Meansensitivity,MS)不受年龄、性别、眼别及屈光状态的影响。

    Results The mean sensitivity ( MS ) was not influenced by sex , age and laterality and ametropia of the eye .

  5. 结果:屈光不正眼儿童矫正屈光后皮层视觉功能区神经元活动范围明显增加(p<0.05);

    Results : After ametropia correction , the neure activity in the functional area of visual cortex of children with ametropia increased obviojsly ( p < 0.05 );

  6. 光性屈光性角膜切削术后转移生长因子β受体Ⅱ和表皮生长因子受体mRNA在角膜上皮和基质中的表达

    The Changes of Expression Level of TGF β R ⅱ and EGFR mRNA in the Rabbit Cornea after Photorefractive Keratectomy

  7. 目的:研究近视眼患者的角膜偏心率(e值)及其与屈光度、角膜曲率、角膜散光之间的相互关联。

    AIM : To investigate corneal eccentricity ( e value ) and its correlation with diopter , corneal curvature and corneal astigmatism .

  8. 屈光矫正后用CAM刺激仪和HeNe弱激光视功能治疗仪治疗。

    After refractive correction , they were treated with CAM in combination with He Ne weaken laser .

  9. 主要指标屈光度,高阶像差均方根(RMS)值。

    Main Outcome Measure Diopter , RMS value of HOA .

  10. 近视眼屈光系统CSF的初步研究

    Optical system MTF of the myopic eye

  11. LASIK矫治儿童高度复性近视散光性屈光参差

    LASIK for anisometropia of high myopia and high myopic astigmatism in children

  12. 彩色眼底像PS表现3种形态,B超下表现4种形态:PS形态与屈光度大小及眼轴长度有关。

    There were 3 kinds of patterns in color fundus photography , 2 kinds of appearance in B scan .

  13. 随访3~38mo屈光状态,分析IOL植入术后屈光状态及眼轴长度的变化。

    The refractive condition and the axial length were measured and analyzed after operation .

  14. 研究对象46例(84眼)LASIK术后屈光回退患者。

    Participants 46 patients ( 84 eyes ) of refractive retrograde after LASIK .

  15. LASIK术后不同方法评价角膜屈光力的准确性分析

    Accuracy analysis of evaluation of corneal refractive power with different methods after LASIK

  16. 高度近视手术后haze发病率低,无明显屈光回退发生。

    The incidence of haze for high myopia is low and no obvious regression is found .

  17. LASIK治疗RK后屈光欠矫临床观察

    Clinical study on LASIK treating undercorrected eyes after RK surgery

  18. PRK治疗屈光性斜视的临床效果分析

    Clinical effect of corneal refractive surgery on the treatment of refractive squint

  19. 目的研究准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)后,角膜雾状混浊(haze)发生机制。

    Objective To study the mechanism of haze formation after photorefractive keratectomy ( PRK ) .

  20. 结论LASIK是安全有效的治疗屈光参差的手术方法。

    Conclusion LASIK appears to be safe , effective and preferred treatment for correction of myopic anisometropia .

  21. 偏心摄影验光(EPR)是测量人眼屈光状态的一种简便方法。

    Eccentric photorefraction ( EPR ) is a technique for measuring the refractive state of the human eye .

  22. 屈光参差性弱视眼的对侧眼MLS也较正常组低(0.01<P<0.05)。

    The MLS of the fellow eyes of the amblyopic eyes in anisometropic subjects was also depressed as compared with that of the normal group .

  23. 目的探讨LASIK术中制瓣时发生角膜瓣异常者眼屈光状态的变化规律。

    Objective To investigate the refractive change after anomalous flap during laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ) .

  24. 目的比较屈光性透明晶状体摘出加人工晶状体植入术和LASIK对治疗40岁以上高度近视的差异与优劣。

    Objective To compare and evaluate both surgery of Refractive Lensectomy vs. LASIK for high myopia over 40 years old .

  25. 方法对1000只眼LASIK术前与术后的视力、屈光度进行比较、分析、随访。

    Methods To compare , analyze and follow up the vision and diopter of 1000 eyes before and after LASIK .

  26. 结论(1)准分子激光屈光手术后角膜愈合过程中成纤维细胞分泌产生生长因子bFGF及TGF-β1;

    Conclusions ( 1 ) bFGF and TGF β 1 were produced by fibroblast during the corneal wound healing after excimer laser refractive surgery ;

  27. 6.0mm瞳孔下,同一眼内3~5阶像差的RMS值呈递减趋势。在低度和中度近视患者中,各高阶像差和屈光度无明显相关性;

    The RMS values were decreased from 3rd to 5th order aberrations with pupil diameters of 6.0 mm in the same eye .

  28. 目的动态观察准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)后角膜修复过程中的组织形态改变。

    To investigate the morphological change of corneal tissue repairing after photorefractive keratectomy ( PRK ) .

  29. 角膜屈光手术从RK,PRK到LASIK走过了一个逐步成熟、完善的过程。

    The keratorefractive surgery has been developing from RK and PRK to LASIK and is becoming perfected gradually .

  30. 完全屈光性调节性内斜视弱视儿童治疗前后多导图形VEP的临床研究

    A clinical study of multi-channel pattern VEP in children with fully refractive accommodative esotropic amblyopia before and after treatment