
qū ɡuānɡ cēn cī
  • anisometropia
  1. 结果不同年龄组患儿疗效差异有显著性(P0.05),斜视性弱视与屈光不正性弱视及屈光参差性弱视相比,疗效差异有显著性(P0.05),轻度弱视的治疗效果明显优于中度和重度弱视。

    Results There was a significant difference in the therapeutic effect among children of different ages ( P0.05 ) . The effect in patients with strabismus amblyopia was significantly different from that in patients with refractive error amblyopia or anisometropia amblyopia ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 较低程度近视性屈光参差不导致弱视。

    Lower degree myopic anisometropia will not cause amblyopia .

  3. 结论:屈光参差性弱视眼的P和M通道可能都受到了视觉发育敏感期异常视觉经验的影响;

    Conclusions : It was infered that abnormal visual experiences during early development may affect either P pathway or M pathway in anisometropic amblyopia .

  4. 成人近视性屈光参差LASIK术后双眼单视功能的建立

    Research on binocular single vision after LASIK treating adult myopic anisometropia

  5. LASIK矫治儿童高度复性近视散光性屈光参差

    LASIK for anisometropia of high myopia and high myopic astigmatism in children

  6. 基于fMRI的屈光参差性弱视静息视觉网络的研究

    Study on the " resting-state visual network " in patients with anisometropic amblyopia based on fMRI

  7. 结论LASIK是安全有效的治疗屈光参差的手术方法。

    Conclusion LASIK appears to be safe , effective and preferred treatment for correction of myopic anisometropia .

  8. 屈光参差性弱视眼的对侧眼MLS也较正常组低(0.01<P<0.05)。

    The MLS of the fellow eyes of the amblyopic eyes in anisometropic subjects was also depressed as compared with that of the normal group .

  9. 结论LASIK矫治儿童高度近视性屈光参差是安全、有效的,且可预测性及稳定性均较好。

    Conclusion The technology of LASIK for anisometropia of children with high myopia is safe , effective , predictable , and stable .

  10. 结论在严格的医疗化管理下,利用CL矫正少儿眼外伤术后无晶状体眼的高度屈光不正、屈光参差,恢复双眼视觉是安全、有效的。

    Conclusion It is safe and effective to use CLs in youngsters ' traumatic aphakia with high refractive error and anisometropia after surgery when there is strict medical administration .

  11. 方法:给32例(5~15岁)经传统疗法治疗至少6个月无效的屈光参差性弱视患儿口服息宁1mg/0.25mg/kg,一日三次,连续60天。

    Methods : A 60-day administration of Levodopa / Carbidopa ( 1 / 0.25mg / kg , three times daily ) was given to 32 children ( mean age , 9.63 years ) with anisometropic amblyopia .

  12. 经过多因素分析发现影响视力的主要因素是视神经损害、角膜损害(Haab纹)、屈光不正和屈光参差。

    The major factors influencing the visual acuity were the glaucoma optic nerve damage , corneal damage ( haab striae ), refraction error and anisometropia .

  13. 对屈光参差(球镜差≥1.50D,柱镜差≥1.00D)儿童,进行同视机检查,按常规配镜及遮盖治疗弱视、随访。

    To the anisometropia children ( sphere difference ≥ 1.5D , or cylinder difference ≥ 1.00D ), we examined by synoptophore treat them by glasses and occlusion and followed-up .

  14. 方法采用视觉电生理诊断系统及1.5T磁共振成像仪分别记录18例斜视性弱视和15例屈光参差性弱视患者的视觉诱发电位与血氧水平依赖功能磁共振成像信号。

    Methods Using an EPI gradient echo sequence in 1.5 T MRI and visual electrophysiological system , the pattern visual evoked potentials and calcarine activation by monocular viewing of check-board pattern with reversal were examined in 18 strabismic amblyopes and 15 anisometropic amblyopes .

  15. 在眼前放置正负透镜诱导单纯近视和远视性屈光参差。范围+1.00D~+3.00D、-1.00D~-3.00D。

    The lens were put in front of subjects ' eyes to induce simple myopia and hyperopic anisometropia ranged + 1.00 - + 3.00D and - 1.00 & 3.00D .

  16. 阿托品联合短时遮盖治疗学龄儿童屈光参差性弱视的临床分析

    Effect of atropine combined with short-time occlusion for treating anisometropia amplyopia

  17. 50例远视性屈光参差的双眼视功能观察

    Observation of Binocular Visual Function in Hypermetropic Anisometropia of 50 Cases

  18. 近视屈光参差眼的角膜地形图和生物超声测定的分析

    Analysis of corneal topography and ocular biometry in myopic anisometropia eyes

  19. 屈光参差性弱视行角膜屈光手术后实施遮盖疗法的效果分析

    The occlusion effect on the anisometropic amblyopic after the corneal refractive surgery

  20. 屈光参差性弱视同步记录多焦视觉诱发电位和多焦视网膜电图的对比研究

    Study on anisometropic amblyopia by simultaneously recording multifocal VEP and multifocal ERG

  21. 高透氧硬性角膜接触镜矫正屈光参差性弱视后立体视功能的评估

    An evaluation of stereoacuity among anisometropic amblyopia cured through rigid gas permeable lenses

  22. 不同质地随机点立体视图检查屈光参差立体视的结果分析

    Effect of the random-dot stereogram texture on the stereopsis test for anisometropic children

  23. 准分子激光手术在矫治儿童严重屈光参差性弱视中的作用

    The role of excimer laser surgery in treating children with severe anisometropic amblyopia

  24. 目的探讨屈光参差对立体视功能的影响及其机制。

    Objective To investigate the affection of anisometropia on stereopsis and its mechanism .

  25. 天津市3~15岁儿童屈光参差与立体视的调查分析

    Study of anisometropia and stereopsis among 3 ~ 15 years old children in Tianjin

  26. 结论屈光参差性弱视治愈后的巩固是预防复发的根本。

    Conclusion Consolidate of anisometropia amblyopia have been cured is found to arrest palindromia .

  27. 屈光参差(变常)眼不同颜色簿本对学生屈光度影响的长期观察

    Anisometropic eye Observation of student diopter change in students using different color paper books

  28. 准分子激光治疗屈光参差的临床观察

    Clinical observation on excimer laser for myopic anisometropia

  29. 近视性屈光参差与双眼视功能相关性的临床观察

    Clinical observation on myopic anisometropia and binocular vision

  30. 目的研究实验性屈光参差及其造成的视网膜像模糊和不等像视对立体视的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of defocus and aniseikonia induced by anisometropia on stereopsis .