
  • Refractive examination;【医】examination of refraction
  1. 对小儿散光眼的特点及其屈光检查与矫正注意点进行了讨论。

    The characteristics of astigmatism in preschool children and the points for attention in refractive determination and correction were discussed .

  2. 方法随机选取正视眼及各种类型屈光不正的人群583例1111眼,先行常规视力及屈光检查,然后分别对其进行针孔镜测试。

    Methods In 583 cases ( 1 111 eyes ) randomly collected , the routine check of the vision and refraction were done , followed by examination by the pinhole .

  3. 结论当眼挫伤眼部检查未见明显阳性体征,而又主诉视力下降时,应进行屈光检查,以确定有无眼挫伤后一过性近视的存在。

    Conclusions When the traumatic eyes had no positive sign except for the low visual acuity , the refraction examination should be done to identify transient myopia due to blunt ocular .

  4. 结论针孔镜在主觉屈光检查时可以使屈光不正眼的视力提高,能快速鉴别视力低下是由屈光不正或是由其它眼病引起的。但不能准确预测屈光不正度数及验光后的视力。

    Conclusion The pinhole can improve the vision of ametropia and quickly distinguish the visually impaired reason of ametropia or other eye diseases , but not exactly predict the diopters of ametropia and the post-refraction vision .

  5. 通常,眼科医生通过验光(即屈光检查)来为患者开配镜(普通或隐形眼镜)处方。如今,一个名为Opternative的新网站承诺,他们的新技术可以让人们舒舒服服地在自己家里完成类似的检查过程。

    A new site called Opternative promises the high-tech , hands-off equivalent of a refraction test - one of the exams performed by an eye doctor to measure a prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses - in the comfort of your own home .

  6. 由家长陪同到上海市眼病防治中心,由专业眼科医师进行眼部常规检查和屈光检查,测裸眼和戴镜视力、眼轴长度、眼压,并散瞳电脑验光和测角膜曲率。

    Accompanied by their parents to Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention Center , students were conducted by professional eye doctors , routine eye examination and refraction , eye test and glasses naked eye , axial length , intraocular pressure , and dilated eye examination and computerized corneal curvature measurements .

  7. 方法:对7对同卵双生子和8对异卵双生子的远近视力、眼位、眼底、屈光进行检查和统计学分析,并计算一致率及遗传指数。

    Methods : 7 identical twins and 8 fraternal twins were enrolled and evaluated ; then uniformity and heritability were calculated .

  8. 方法对6956名(13912眼)3~6岁儿童进行视力检查筛选,视力不足1.0者进行屈光、斜视检查。

    Methods 6956 preschool children ( 13912eyes ) were investigated and selected according to visual examination .

  9. 目的:寻求一种简便的早期诊断儿童屈光状态的检查方法,利于弱视的早期诊断和治疗。

    Abstract Objective : To evaluate the method of the refractive state of infant correctly in the early stage .

  10. 学龄前儿童屈光及远视力检查对早期发现弱视的作用

    Effects of Screening Optometry and Eyesight Test on Early Finding Amblyopia Among Preschool Children

  11. 目的探讨不同质地随机点立体视图对屈光参差立体视检查的影响,为研制立体视图提供依据。

    Objective To study the effect of random-dot stereogram texture on stereotest for anisometropic children , and provide the basis for the stereogram probation .