
  • 网络role player
  1. 再加上可能引进像安德烈·伊戈达拉这样的冠军球员,亦或是另一位富有经验的角色球员——甚至可能是像凯尔·科沃尔这样的优质射手——如此一来,湖人队新赛季的争冠阵容便组建完毕。

    Throw in the possibility of adding a champion such as Andre Iguodala and another veteran role player along the way - perhaps even another shooter such as Kyle Korver - and the formula is there .

  2. 当骑士队去年夏天签署的帕克,本来计划让他做一个角色球员,去防守一些外线高个子球员的进攻。

    When the Cavs signed Parker last summer , the plan was for him to be a role player who could hit some shots on offense from mid-range and be a defensive addition against tall wing players .

  3. 从任何方面讲,超级和蔼的本德可能是nba历史上最好的角色球员,但是这种骨头的伤病的确是难以忍受。

    By all accounts , the exceptionally likable bender may have been the best practice player in NBA history , but bone-on-bone pain was too much to endure .

  4. 我不能预测输赢,但是如果角色球员如果能投中由T-MAC的攻击而创造的空位的球,我们就不会被扫地出门。

    I can 't predict a win , but if our role players hit their open shots that will be created by an aggressive T-Mac , we will NOT be blown out .

  5. 他们在培养核心球员,寻求合适的角色球员。

    They 're developing a core and sorting through roles .

  6. 他们的角色球员在主场会表现得更好。

    Their role players will perform better at home .

  7. 我们的角色球员也会填补上来。

    Our role players are stepping up .

  8. 火箭不能赢球不是因为姚明,也不是因为麦迪,都是因为角色球员。

    Rox can 't win not because of Yao or T-Mac , but still the role players .

  9. 孙悦,一开始就是尽对的龙套,尽对角色球员,尽对的被裁型!

    Sun Yue , a beginning absolute bit-part player , absolute role players , the absolute dismissed type !

  10. 现在人们将牢牢记住超级明星是怎样做角色球员的。

    Still , you have to be impressed with how these superstars are willing to become role players .

  11. 今天火箭队中的角色球员在攻防两端梦幻般的表现是他们取得胜利的主要原因。

    Houston 's supporting cast was unreal today on the offensive and defensive side . Main reason they won .

  12. 希尔将在骑士队重新振作起来,他是那种在好的球队中表现得更好的角色球员。

    He will perk up in Cleveland . Hill is the sort of secondary player who looks better on a good team .

  13. 贾马尔-默里看起来有潜力成为掘金的建队基石,但除了一些有潜力的角色球员,没有人真正的站出来。

    Jamal Murray looks like he has the potential to be a building block in Denver . But other than some potential role players , no one has really stood out .

  14. 我更希望在一个冠军队当个角色球员,我每天都与顶级球员一起训练,当你上场的时候就心里有底。

    I 'd prefer to be playing a lesser role somewhere where I am training with top-quality players , knowing when you play , it is in a game like this .

  15. 字母哥可能是东部联盟里最棒的球星,但是还没有很好的角色球员来辅佐他让雄鹿真正成为联盟里其他球队的障碍。

    Giannis is probably the best player in the conference , but he doesn 't have the supporting cast yet for his team to be considered any sort of conference roadblock .

  16. 私底下卡佩罗相信贝克汉姆是角色球员,给皇马提供了更多选择而不是一个常规主力。

    Privately , too , the Italian believes Beckham is a man for the occasional game or run of games , an alternative who offers Real guarantees , rather than a regular starter .

  17. 对欧文来说最糟糕的事情尚未发生:杜兰特将在下赛季回归。与此同时,篮网队中那些他希望留下与其继续携手的角色球员也会不断进步。

    The worst hasn 't happened for Irving : Durant will return next season , and the Nets'role players - those he wishes to keep , I guess - will continue to improve in the meantime .

  18. 但更重要的是,他的回归对于骑士整体来说,将是一个极大的提升。骑士一直以来不得不用轮换角色球员充当得分后卫,包括老将何塞-卡尔德隆和德里克-罗斯。

    But it will be an even bigger lift for the Cavaliers as a whole , as they have thus far been forced to use a rotating cast of players at point guard , including diminished veterans like Jose Calderon and Derrick Rose .

  19. 这些球员绝大多数都在为自己专门打造的体系中成功过,但是现在他们需要在卢的体系中成为角色球员。与此同时卢那缺乏创造性,无法百分百利用火力点的半场进攻体系令这些球员更难适应他们的新角色。

    Most of these players have found success in systems that were tailored to their strengths . But they 're now being asked to serve as ancillary options for Lue , whose lack of creativity in optimizing his other options in half-court sets isn 't helping .

  20. 考虑到现实世界中不同角色的球员有着不同的职责分工,采用了层次分析的方法进行异构球员的选择。

    Last , a new method based on Analytic Hierarchy Process was used to choose heterogeneous players under the consideration that different players have different duties .

  21. 我是一位可以适应场上任何角色的球员,只要对球队有利,这些比赛的结果也证明了这一点。

    I 'm a player who adapts to any role for the good of the team , and the results have also come in these matches .

  22. 对于纳什不是这样,他看起来像一个局外人,努力在联盟中求生,作为一个角色的球员来帮助不同的球队。

    Nash looked more like an outsider , trying to make a living in the NBA by helping various teams he would feature in as a role player .

  23. 小牛队拆散了他们2011“老龄化”的夺冠阵容后,这几年一直摇摆不定,以致错失了几名超级巨星,而诺维茨基,这名39岁的老将,也接受了球队重建的事实以及自己角色向球员导师的转换。

    The Mavs swung and missed on several superstar targets after stripping down the aging roster of their 2011 title team , and Nowitzki , 39 , has accepted the reality of rebuilding and his role as a mentor .

  24. 是根据全局信息、场上策略动态分配各个球员角色,再由球员根据自身角色和周围的环境采取相应的动作的算法。

    The algorithm uses global information and strategies to assign the roles of all the players , and then players may take relevant actions based on their roles and the environment around .