
jiǎo lì
  • Breccia;dust
角砾[jiǎo lì]
  1. 角砾状黑云母片岩的REE具有洋脊拉斑玄武岩特征;

    The REE of breccia biotite schist represents feature of oceanic tholeiite .

  2. 变形体和危岩体主要分布在1000m高程左右,岩性主要为二叠系下统角砾状灰岩、石英角砾岩等分布地带,少量发育在震旦系白云质灰岩中;

    Distortion and dangerous rock mass is distributed in the area at 1000m which lithology is limestone of Sinian and breccia of Permian .

  3. 高Mn/Ti比可用于区分ErnestHenry与EasternSuccessionofMountIsaInlier其它IOCG矿床中的磁铁矿和其它的无矿化的富磁铁矿的角砾岩体。

    High Mn / Ti ratios can be used to distinguish Ernest Henry and other regional Eastern Succession of Mount Isa Inlier IOCGs from unmineralized magnetite-rich breccia bodies in the region .

  4. 火山穹窿、爆发角砾岩筒等火山构造,NE向、NW向断裂构造,辉石闪长玢岩体,洼中洼环境等对成矿具有控制作用。

    These deposits were , when being formed , controlled by volcanic structures ( volcanic dome and volcanic breccia pipe ), fault structures ( NE and NW trending ), gabbro porphyrite body and depression in depression .

  5. 钻井岩心中的角砾成份和微体化石,提示撞击坑的存在,并确定撞击发生在35Ma前,即始新始晚期。

    The composition of breccia and microfossils in core samples suggest the existence of a impact crater and indicate that the meteorite collided with the Earth 35 million years ago , the late Eocene Epoch .

  6. 坝址区右岸岩体,总体上为片理化变质火山角砾岩夹变质凝灰岩(T3xd)和板岩(J2h)构成的薄层(板)状大角度横向倾向坡内地质结构。

    The rock mass of the right bank slope in dam area generally are metamorphosed volcanic breccia with metamorphic tuff ( T3xd ) and slate ( J2h ) which consisted the geological structure of transverse wide-angle inclined slope .

  7. 与熔岩呈过渡的火山碎屑岩主要为角砾熔岩和集块熔岩。

    The second rock is mainly breccia lava and conglomerate lava .

  8. 爆发角砾岩型金矿包裹体及其成矿物化条件

    Enclosures from Explosive Breccia Type Gold Deposits and their Physiochemical Conditions

  9. 多伦盆地侏罗系上统角砾碎屑玻璃岩的成因探讨

    Genesis of brecciated glass rock from Upper Jurassic strata in Duolun Basin

  10. 似鱼形断层角砾形成机制及意义

    The formation mechanism of fish-like fault breccia and its significance

  11. 矿石具脉状、网脉状和角砾状构造,发育有特征的矿物组合、元素分带。

    The structure of ore are of vein , stockwork and breccia .

  12. 论角砾/网脉-斑岩型金矿

    A discussion on breccia / stockwork porphyry type gold deposits

  13. 伊犁阿希矿化角砾岩筒型金矿床

    The mineralized breccia pipe gold deposits in axi , ili , Xinjiang

  14. 论述了隐蔽爆破角砾岩体的爆破-冷凝-成矿过程。

    The process of explosion condensation mineralization concealed explosion breccia mass is expounded .

  15. 滑塌构造和角砾岩化是地震引起的重力滑塌或泥石流形成的。

    The slump structures and brecciation formed by gravity flow related to earthquake .

  16. 九对沟金矿床受火山角砾岩体及张扭性断裂带控制;

    Jiuduigou Au deposit is controled by volcanic breccia body and compressional faults .

  17. 金矿物的粒度一般小于30μm,其形态多为麦粒状、角砾状和不规则状。

    The granularity of the gold minerals are generally smaller than 30 μ m.

  18. 浙江6702爆发角砾岩筒地质特征

    Geological features of no.6702 explosive breccia pipe in Zhejiang

  19. 浅谈角砾岩型金矿床采样方法的优化

    Discuss of Sampling Method Perfection of Breccia Golden Deposit

  20. 开江地区石炭系储集岩类主要为颗粒云岩和角砾云岩。

    The main Carboniferous reservoir rocks in Kaijiang area are granular and rubble dolomites .

  21. 主要矿石类型为角砾岩型。

    The ores are mainly of breccia type .

  22. 构造由多条长期活动的断裂带构成,沿断裂有糜棱岩带、角砾岩带和片理化带分布,同时发育韧、脆性变形;

    That mylonite belts , breccia belts and schistosity belts occur along the fault ;

  23. 南梁岩体主要由斑状花岗岩、流纹斑岩、花斑岩及流纹质角砾熔岩组成。

    Nanliang complex is mainly composed of porphyritic granite , granophyre , rhyolite-porphyry and rhyolitic agmatite-lava .

  24. 容矿岩石为下三叠统大冶组薄层状-纹层状和角砾状碳酸盐岩;

    Ore-host is weakly marbleized veneer and brecciated carbonate rocks of Daye Formation of Triassic system ;

  25. 角砾岩型金矿床是一种比较独特的矿床类型,以矿体赋存状态复杂,有用组份分布极不均匀为特点。

    Breccia golden deposit is extraordinary sort , which features complicated existence and uneven distribution of useful composition .

  26. 龙头山金矿床与燕山晚期流纹斑岩、角砾熔岩等次火山岩相有关。

    The Longtoushan gold deposit is related to late Yanshanian subvolcanic rocks such as rhyolitic porphyry and breccia lava .

  27. 矿床由石英-方解石脉、石英脉以及细脉浸染状硫化物角砾状蚀变岩等矿体所组成;

    The deposit is composed mainly of quartz-calcite veins , quartz veins and veinlet-dissemination sulfide breccias in altered rocks .

  28. 江苏吉山爆发角砾岩筒特征及其与铁矿的成矿关系

    Characteristics of explosion breccia pipe and its metallogenetic relations to the iron ore deposits at jishan , jiangsu Province

  29. 控制着韧性剪切带型、微细浸染型、层间滑动角砾岩型金矿化的产出。

    Those control outputs of gold mineralizing styles like ductile-shear zone , disseminated type and interlayer slipping-fault conglomerate type .

  30. 中段为重力滑塌岩块及角砾岩相-构造活动型冲积扇相沉积;

    The middle member is the gravity slide collapse block and breccia facies-structural movement type alluvial fan facies sediments .