
  • 网络phase angle difference;angle error;phase error
  1. GJ-341光电经纬仪视差和反射镜角差的分析与控制

    Analysis and control of sight axis error and mirror angle error in GJ 341

  2. 该系统在实验室测试时的比差约为0.02%,角差约为2.4分。

    From the experiment result wo can see that in the laboratory the change of the ratio error is 0.02 % , the change of the angle error is 2.4 fen .

  3. 对57型磁变仪K、P两系数及定向角差的计算分析

    Analysing the calculating method of KP coefficient and the directional angular errors of type 57 magnetic variometer

  4. 本文介绍的校验仪采用新的校验方法&低压法,它是通过测量CT的内部参数来获取电流互感器的比差和角差。

    In the paper a new calibration method called low voltage method is proposed . The new method gains the ratio and phase error of CT by measuring the inner parameters of CT .

  5. 介绍了远动终端(RTU&RemoteTerminalUnit)中变送器角差补偿算法,并应用I2C(InterIntegratedCircuit)总线技术方便的实现变送器角差的补偿。

    The algorithm of angular error compensation of transmitter in remote terminal unit was introduced and the angular error compensation of transmitter was easily realized by using inter integrated circuit ( I ~ 2C ) bus technology in the paper .

  6. 高精度大口径平面镜面形角差法测试探究

    High precision large flat mirror measurement by angle difference testing

  7. 功率测量中互感器角差引起的误差及修正

    Power error analysis and correction in electric power measurement

  8. 用角差前方交会法配合光电测距快速定位桥墩

    Locating Abutments by the Angular Difference Intersection with EDM

  9. 同异反态势排序表在体育科学研究中的应用电能表中互感器角差的纠错算法

    The Application of Similarity Difference and Counter Tendency Sequence Form in Physical Education Research

  10. 钳型电流互感器角差的软件补偿法

    A Method Using Software to Compensate the Angle Error of the Clamp & Current Transformer

  11. 电流互感器比差、角差测量结果的不确定度评定报告

    Uncertainty Evaluation Report on Measurement Result of Ratio error and Phase displacement of Current Transformer

  12. 该算法通过引入不同步角差δ来考虑双端数据不同步的因素。

    The asynchronous angle difference is introduced to consider the asynchronous factors of two terminals .

  13. 不同晶体包之间取向角差为55°左右,为大角度晶界。

    Different crystal packet has the 55 ° orientation difference , which is called wide angle grain boundary .

  14. 为此,针对单波束测量提出了一种实用的海底倾斜角差分算法。

    So , a new method for calculating the seabed slope angle called the differential method is put forward .

  15. 经过实验室测量,整机系统的比差和角差达到了我国关于0.2级电流互感器的标准要求。

    It is shown from the test results that the ratio error and phase error have been integrated to meet class 0.2 of national standard .

  16. 基于接触角差的算法适用于独立轮对的踏面外形设计,可以设计出具有不同重力复原刚度的踏面外形。

    The method based on the contact angle differences function is suitable for the design of wheel tread profiles for independently rotating wheels considering varied gravity stiffness .

  17. 其输出拟合线性度大于0.99,输入电流大于15μA时,输出角差变化小于0.7%rad。

    The range of its output phase-shift is less than 0.7 % rad when the output linearity is more than 0.99 , the input current is more than 15 μ A .

  18. 这个角差称为金星视差,可以做为地球和金星距离的指标,因为两个数值互成反比。

    This angular shift , called the parallax of Venus , would provide a measure of the distance between Earth and Venus because the two quantities are inversely proportional to each other .

  19. 利用角差法原理设计了一种集高精度测角仪与五棱镜于一体的面形检测系统,实现了大口径平面镜不同姿态下的面形测试。

    The method of angle difference testing is used to measure the topography of large flat mirror , the topography would be evaluated by measuring angle change of normal every point on the mirror .

  20. 传统的电力监测设备普遍采用交流采样算法计算功率,由互感器角差带来的相移是影响功率测量精度的主要因素。

    Traditionally , AC sampling algorithm is used to calculate the power of electric power device and the angle difference between two transformers is the main factor that influences the precision of the power measurement .

  21. 采用零磁通补偿原理来改善互感器的比差和角差特性,将误差控制在需要的范围内,达到了0.2级精度。

    By using the principle of zero flux compensation to improve the ratio displacement and phase characteristics , the errors are restricted within the limits we need and the precision is up to 0.2 % .

  22. 在局部向量特征匹配法中加入了中心点与邻近特征点的纹线数,方向角差,中心点的方向角等特征信息,提高了特征匹配的准确性。

    In local vector match method , we add the line numbers and the dispersion of direction angle between the center point and near minutiae point . We also add the direction angle of the center point .

  23. 通过计算及有关实验,得出了该测量系统的总误差:无论是比差或是角差,其测量的绝对误差均可小于5×10~(-8)(对于输入端而言)。

    The author obtained total error of the measuring system by making computation and experiments . The absolute measuring error of either ratio error or angle error is less than 5 × 10-8 . ( for the input )

  24. 对评价指标体系指标层的因素分别引入行为指标,包括线路或变压器过负荷指标、母线电压越限指标、最大发电机功角差指标、开关设备投资指标以及系统网损指标。

    Performance indices corresponding to elements in the index hierarchy are introduced , including the overload of lines or transformers , the busbar voltage violation , the maximal generator power angle error , the device investment and the system power loss .

  25. 研究了Holmes型Duffing振子的混沌及间歇混沌运动,发现参考信号与摄动信号间的微小角频率差是振子产生间歇混沌的原因。

    The chaos and the intermittent chaos motions of the Holmes type Duffing oscillator are researched . It is founded that the tiny angular frequency difference between the referential signal and the disturbing signal is the reason of the intermittent chaos .

  26. 超大偏转角象差理论最大飞行高度;

    The Extra-Large Deflection Angle Aberration Theory the maximum fight altitude ;

  27. 每个房间的四个角水平差均有1-3公分的高低差距。

    Each of the four rooms have poor levels of1-3 centimeters high gap .

  28. 超大偏转角象差理论S弯进气道旋流的有效控制

    The Extra-Large Deflection Angle Aberration Theory Effective Control of Swirl in an S-Shaped Diffuser

  29. 基于道格拉斯格式的宽角有限差分光束传播法分析大角度交叉波导

    Analysis of Wide-Angle Crossed Waveguide by Wide-Angle Finite-Difference Beam Propagation Method Based on the Douglas Scheme

  30. 基于模糊神经网络的点火提前角时间差软测量模型

    Soft-Measuring Model of Time Difference about Spark-Ignition Advanced Angle Based on Fuzzy Control and Neural Networks Theory