
  • 网络angular velocity sensor;angular rate sensor;angular velocity transducer
  1. 在电路研制中首次采用先进微传感器&ENV-05F型角速度传感器,这种角速度传感器能瞬时捕捉大腿摆动的角速度;

    A new kind of advanced sensor , i.e.ENV-05F angular velocity sensor is adopted in the circuit for the first time . This kind of sensor can instantaneously catch the angular velocity of swing of thigh .

  2. 微机械角速度传感器信号分析与处理

    Signal Analysis and Processing of Micro machine Angular Velocity Sensor

  3. 简易型GPS、角速度传感器组合导航系统

    A Simple Integrated Navigation System with Position from GPS , Angular Rate and Speed Pulse

  4. 采用PWM静电伺服技术的微型角速度传感器

    Angular Speed Microsensors Utilizing PWM Electrostatic Servo Technique

  5. 现阶段声表面波陀螺效应主要应用在SAW陀螺仪(角速度传感器)领域,但是还处于理论研究阶段。

    In present , SAW gyroscope effect is mainly used in the SAW gyroscope ( angularvelocity sensor ) field , but in the stage of theoretical research .

  6. 本文介绍了采用PWM静电伺服技术的微型角速度传感器的结构组成,分析了其工作机理,提出了其基本的检测原理。

    This paper describes the structural components of the angular speed microsensor utilizing a pulse width modulation ( PWM ) Electrostatic Servo Technique and analyzes its principle of operation and presents its fundamental sensing principle .

  7. 激光陀螺(RLG)是基于Sagnac效应的角速度传感器,在惯性导航等领域有重要的应用。

    Ring laser gyro ( RLG ) which is based on the Sagnac effect is used in many fields such as inertial navigation as a rotation sensor .

  8. 基于Sagnac效应的光纤陀螺是一种高精度的惯性角速度传感器,在导航和制导领域有着重要的地位。

    Fiber optic gyroscope is a high accuracy inertial rotation sensor based on the Sagnac effect . It plays an important role in the field of navigation and guidance .

  9. 光纤陀螺作为一种基于Sagnac效应的角速度传感器,其结构的主要力学环境是振动,系统对结构的要求是小型化、轻量化。

    Fiber optical gyroscope is a rotation sensor based on Sagnac effect . Its main mechanical environment is vibration . The requirement for the system structure is small and light .

  10. 集成光学陀螺(IOG)是一种基于Sagnac效应的惯性角速度传感器,在现代惯性导航系统中具有重要作用。

    Integrated Optical Gyro ( IOG ) based on Sagnac effect is a type of inertial angular rate sensor and plays an important role in modern inertial navigation system .

  11. 集成光学角速度传感器系统方案的研究

    Investigation on System Configurations for Developing Integrated Optical Rotation Sensors

  12. 自然对流对气流式角速度传感器的影响

    Effect of Natural Convection on the Gas-flow Angular Rate Sensor

  13. 压电射流角速度传感器敏感机理的有限元分析

    FEM Analysis of Piezoelectric Fluidic Angular Rate 's Sensitive Mechanism

  14. 集成光学角速度传感器及其关键器件的研制

    Research and Development of the Integrated Optical Rotation Sensor and its Key Elements

  15. 再入式无源环形谐振腔光纤角速度传感器

    Reentrant passive ring resonator fiber optic rotation sensor

  16. 角速度传感器理论分析与计算

    Theoretical analysis and calculation of angular speed sensor

  17. 有稳定回路的纤维光学角速度传感器

    Fiber optic angular rate sensor with stable circuit

  18. 无刷角速度传感器结构设计

    Structure Design of Brush Free Angular Speed Transducer

  19. 多量程压电射流角速度传感器研究

    Research on Multi-range Piezoelectric Jet-flow Angular Rate Sensor

  20. 压电射流角速度传感器的消噪研究

    Filtering for Piezoelectric Fluidic Angular Velocity Sensor

  21. 微机械角速度传感器的研制

    The Development of Micromechanical Angular Rate Sensors

  22. 一种硅微振动角速度传感器

    A silicon micro-mechanical vibratory angular rate sensor

  23. 该方法为压电射流角速度传感器压电泵的优化设计提供了重要的依据。

    This calculated method has a great advantage over the energy method and provides fundamental basis for optimization of the piezoelectric pump .

  24. CJSYS-A5型压电射流角速度传感器(以下简称压电射流角速度传感器)属于气流式传感器,本学位论文对压电射流角速度传感器进行了研究。

    A Piezoelectric Fluidic Angular Rate Sensor ( PEARS ) is a kind of flow sensor . In this thesis PEATS were researched .

  25. 介绍了压电射流角速度传感器的软件补偿技术,给出了压电射流角速度传感器的温度补偿和线性补偿的原理和程序。

    The compensation technology for the piezoelectric fluidic angular sensors is discussed , including the principle and program of temperature compensation and linearity compensation .

  26. 使用平台模拟旋转错觉产生条件和科里奥利加速度,分析角速度传感器数据,评价平台性能。

    The study made use of Platform to simulate rotation Illusions conditions and Carioles ' acceleration , analyze the angular velocity sensor data and evaluate platform performance .

  27. 论述了在滤除角度噪声,替代角速度传感器构成速度环路完善系统校正,提供角度插值条件等方面的作用。

    And introduce the effect of fix-gain filter on angle noise filter , forming velocity loop by replacing sensor for perfecting system emendation and suppling angle interpolation .

  28. 论述了提高压电射流角速度传感器分辨率,交叉耦合、线性度、动态范围等关键性能的理论与工艺。

    The article discusses the key theory and technology to enhance the resolution , cross coupling , linearity , and dynamic range of piezoelectric jet-flow angular rate sensor .

  29. 激光陀螺与传统的机电陀螺相比具有高灵敏度、高精度、大动态范围的特点,是惯性系统的理想角速度传感器。

    The ring laser gyro is the ideal angular sensor for the inertial system . Compared to the conventional spinning gyro , it is characteristic of high sensitivity , high accuracy and large dynamic range .

  30. 而用低成本的压电射流角速度传感器和气体摆式倾角传感器组合成抑制干扰加速度误差的倾角测量装置,在满足系统精度的情况下能大幅降低成本。

    However , the low-cost dip measurement device that controls the disturbance accelerated speed errors formed by piezoelectric fluidic speed sensor and air sway dip sensor can meet the precision of the system and greatly reduce the expense at the same time .