
  • Horizontal platform;levelling bench
  1. 静电陀螺水平平台及其在海洋重力测量中的应用

    Horizontal Platform Using Electrostatically Suspended Gyroscope ( ESG ) and Its Application to the Measurement of Gravity in Ocean

  2. 基于此背景,本文通过分析中国商业秘密保护现状,然后以发达国家保护标准及Trips的最低保护水平为平台,找出中国商业秘密保护存在的问题。

    On the base of the back age , the article hope to find out the default and problems of Chinese trade secret law protection when contrasting to developed states and the lowest protective level of Trips by analyzing trade secret protective status quo of China .

  3. 电液伺服水平稳定平台的控制研究

    Research on Control of Electro-hydraulic Servo Horizontal Stable Platform

  4. 它提供了一个更为科学合理的测评考生化学认知水平的平台。

    And it provides a more rational stage to test chemistry cognitive level of examinees .

  5. 开放、水平的平台方法打开网络以下列哪?

    An open , horizontal platform approach opens up the network to which of the following ?

  6. 介绍了一种采用并联非对称液压缸驱动方式的电液伺服水平稳定平台系统,该平台使安装在运动载体上的被稳物体与载体隔离,从而使被稳物体保持稳定状态。

    A kind of electro-hydraulic horizontal servo platform driven by parallel asymmetric fluid cylinders was introduced , the platform was designed for the vibration isolating between movable carrier and the stabilized object furnished on it , consequently result in the object hold the stable status .

  7. 这些在陆上作战中心(TOCs)被安装了在营和旅团水平和和武器平台和战斗用车辆上。

    These were installed in tactical operations centres ( TOCs ) at battalion and brigade levels , and on weapons platforms and combat vehicles .

  8. 根据目前国内外配电管理系统(DMS)的现状,探讨了DMS/DA的特征和功能,并提出DMS的实施首先要有一个高水平的工作平台,在此平台上进行系统功能的集成。

    According to the status of DMS , features and functions of DMS / DA are discussed in this paper . The author puts forward that high quality working deck should be needed for DMS , and realization of system functions should be based on this deck .

  9. 丛式水平井钻井平台规划

    Drilling pad optimization for oilfield development by cluster horizontal wells

  10. 努力将中心办成沟通我国租赁界产、学、研的高起点、高水平的研究平台。

    We will always stand in the frontline of China 's lease research .

  11. 影响力的有无与强弱,受到创意水平、渠道平台、内容质量等因素的制约。

    Its influence is restricted by the major factors such as creative level , channel platforms and content quality .

  12. 方法利用足底水平干扰触发平台对14名老年人和14名年轻人进行突发侧向姿势干扰。

    Methods Postural reactions of14 young people and14 older people as subjects were evoked by sudden unpredictable mediolateral translation platform .

  13. 打造一个结构合理、功能完善、可控可管,有效降低行政成本,提高监管能力和服务水平电子政务平台。

    Create a structured , comprehensive , controlled and control , reduce administrative costs , increase capacity and service level monitoring e-government platform .

  14. 网络和信息通信技术的蓬勃发展解决了企业合作中技术方面的障碍,协同商务成为电子商务发展的必然趋势,它为企业间资源的配置提供了一个更高层次水平上的平台。

    Collaborative commerce has become a destined trend of e-business . It provides a platform on a higher level for resource configuration among corporations .

  15. 公共实训基地是人力资源和社会保障部门提高职业培训和技能人才培养水平的重要平台。

    Public training base is an important platform to improve vocational training and skill level of personnel training for human resources and social security departments .

  16. 在现代企业活动中,供应商已经成为一种战略资源,谁拥有优质供应商,谁就能站在高水平的竞争平台上。

    Suppliers have become a strategic resource in the modern enterprise activities . Companies who have a high-quality supplier can be able to stand on a high level of competition platform .

  17. 网络环境不仅为提高物流企业成本管理水平构筑了平台,也对企业的成本管理系统和管理机制提出了新的要求。

    The network environment not only builds platform for improving the level of the cost management of logistics enterprises , but also put forward new requirement for the cost management system and management mechanism of enterprises .

  18. 最终设计并完成了一个适应烟草业务发展需要、丰富客户沟通渠道、提高企业服务水平的短信平台,从而实现系统自动短信和人工短信的发送,提高企业工作效率、降低服务成本。

    The final design completed a automatic and manually SMS platform which adapt the tobacco business development , meet the requirement of enriching communication channels and improved the customer service , and it makes work efficiency and reduce service costs .

  19. 在此基础上,从沟通水平、沟通平台、沟通机制、沟通文化等方面构建团队绩效提升的认识框架,以期丰富和完善组织沟通及其建设的基本思路。

    From the level of communication . communication platforms , communication , communication , cultural , and other areas , it also enhances the understanding framework of team performance with a view to enriching and improving the basic theories of organization communication .

  20. 结果表明,茶树新梢产量,全N含量和游离氨基酸总量与施N水平呈线性加平台的关系。

    The yield , total N and total free amino acids showed similar patterns with an initial linear increase followed by a platform to increasing N fertilization .

  21. VCIP结合了集中控制和分布处理的优势,具有开放性,根据访问授权与数据类型控制服务水平,支持跨平台ITS异构数据的转换与集成。

    The system architecture is unique in that it combines centralized control with distributed processing . It can support data conversion and integration across an array of heterogeneous ITS subsystems , and control the access level of each subsystem according to its access authorization and the type of data .

  22. 栓塞材料的改进和研发示血管内栓塞治疗水平提高的物质平台。

    Embolic material improvement and development is Endovascular treatment level of the material platform .

  23. 其中,无人平台的自主水平是决定无人平台发展的关键因素。

    However , the autonomy levels of unmanned platforms is the key factor determined the development of unmanned platforms .

  24. 过去的代表参加了护墙板,目前墨西哥在入口处的水平,并在平台的未来。

    The past is represented on the plinth , present time Mexico at the entrance level , and future on the platform .

  25. 虽然用户的多归属行为能够提高消费者剩余水平,但是在平台厂商实现完全兼容后,消费者剩余和社会福利总水平能获得更大幅度的提升。

    Five , although the multi-homing behavior of the user is able to increase consumer surplus , consumer surplus and the overall level of social welfare will greatly be improved when the platform vendors are completely compatible with each other .

  26. 公司拥有技术先进、制造能力达到世界一流水平的生产制造平台,其产品覆盖有线和无线方案、光网络、光接入方案等诸多通信设备领域。

    The company has advanced technology and manufacturing capacity which achieves the world first-class level of manufacturing platform . The products cover wired and wireless solutions , optical network , optical access scheme , and many other communication equipment fields .

  27. 平台在各种载荷作用下所产生的水平位移是影响平台正常工作的因素之一,而桩柱的入土长度又是影响平台水平位移的主要因素。

    The vertical displacement of a platform under different loads is one of the influencing factors for normal operation of the platform , and the underground length of a pile is the main factor for influencing the horizontal displacement of the platform .

  28. 介绍了一种基于解析方法的快速寻北原理,提出了利用方位水平仪的三环平台结构在静止状态下北向真值的测量方案。

    This paper presents a principle of quick north-seeking based on the analytic method , and puts forward a way to measure the true north angle by using three ring platform structure of the bearing-attitude instrument when it keeps in static state .

  29. 最后,分别从应急管理观念、政策法规制定、应急管理能力建设、科学决策系统、社会救助水平、信息合作平台的完善与提高等方面提出保障我国应急管理协调机制运行的可行性对策。

    Finally , respectively from the emergency management concepts , policies and regulations development , emergency management capacity building , scientific decision-making system , social assistance level , informational platform to improve and increase cooperation and other aspects protection mechanism of emergency management coordination to put forward the feasibility countermeasures .

  30. 欧洲高水平、高强度、高密度的比赛,为球员提高技术水平提供了平台。

    The European high-quality , high-intensity , high-density of competition rises the level of technology and provides a platform for players . 3 .