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  • Gimbal;gymbal
  1. 此内转台可在其自身平面内绕其轴线A转动,并装在一个位于圆环里面的常平架上。

    This turnable can be rotated in its own plane about its axis A. and is mounted on gimbals within a ring .

  2. 宏控制系统为方位、俯仰两轴常平架结构,实现快速粗跟踪,同时隔离粗平台的剩余摇摆误差,稳定光电系统的视轴。

    The macro-control system is used to achieve a fast tracking , while isolating the remaining swing error of primary platform and stabilizing the LOS optical tracker .

  3. 由于机械加工精度和常平架的调平精度有限,天顶摄影仪的视轴、垂直旋转轴与铅垂线总是存在不一致,导致测量精度与理论精度存在很大的偏差。

    Due to machining accuracy and limited leveling precision of gimbals , there is always an inconsistency between the visual axis and the vertical rotational axis of the digital zenith camera and the plumb line , which leads to a big deviation between measurement precision and theoretical precision .