
  • 网络axial fan;DCAxial-Fans;Chip-Cooler;DC Axial-Fans
  1. 使用Gurney襟翼降低轴流风扇噪声的简便方法

    Simple Method Using Gurney Flap to Reduce Noise of Axial Fan

  2. 周向前弯叶片对轴流风扇气动声学性能影响

    Effect of circumferential forward-skewed blade on aeroacoustic performance of axial fan

  3. 开式轴流风扇叶尖流动的PIV实验研究

    PIV investigation of blade tip flow in open axial fan

  4. 实验结果结合三维CFD数值模拟研究了部分管道式轴流风扇系统叶尖涡、尾缘涡特征,及其在室外机内部的流动变化。

    With help of experiment and CFD simulations , character of tip vortex and trailing edge vortex of partly-ducted axial flow fan is studied , with flow change in outdoor units also analyzed . 2 .

  5. 本文利用对开式前缘弯掠轴流风扇进行PIV实验,捕捉到了开式轴流风扇的叶尖涡。

    This paper studied the velocity field of a forward swept axial-flow fan with no casing configuration by means of PIV technology , and a tip vortex phenomenon is observed .

  6. 提出了基于低速等熵流涡声理论和CFD数值计算方法相结合的部分管道式轴流风扇系统气动噪声源辨识方法,在此基础上发展了基于CFD的涡脱落噪声预测模型。

    Next , the methods used to identify noise source of partly-ducted axial flow fan are introduced , which is based on vortex sound theory of low Mach number and homentropic flow together with CFD simulation .

  7. 介绍了利用激光多普勒测速仪(LDA)和激光片光流场显示技术在一轴流风扇转子叶尖附近流场测量得到的结果。

    An experimental investigation associated with the basic fluid mechanics in an axial flow fan is described in this paper . The flow field in the tip region has been studied by laser Doppler anemometer ( LDA ) and flow visualization technique .

  8. 详细分析了轴流风扇流道内部和出口的速度分布,并利用激光微粒图像测速(PIV)手段,验证数值模拟结果,模拟结果与PIV测量值吻合较好。

    The airflow velocity distributions which are in the flow channel and outlet of axial flow fan are analyzed in detail . Numerical results are evaluated by the laser particle image veloci - metry ( PIV ) method . And numerical results are well agreement with the PIV results .

  9. 轴流风扇锥形风道式谷物初清装置的研究

    Research on the Conic Wind Funnel Previous Cleaning Mechanism of Grain

  10. 航空电子设备冷却轴流风扇优化设计

    Optimal design of the axial-flow fan in the aeronautic electronic devices

  11. 有无外罩时前缘弯掠轴流风扇内流性能的比较

    The internal flows of axial flow fans with skewed-swept in leading-edge

  12. 轴流风扇旋转失速时的流场测量与分析

    Flow measurements and analysis of rotating stall in an axial flow fan

  13. 多级轴流风扇的性能试验与流场分析

    Performance Experiment and Flow Field Analysis of a Multistage Axial Flow Fan

  14. 微型轴流风扇噪声特性分析及试验研究

    Analysis and Test for Noise Radiated from Micro-Axle Flow Fan

  15. 非光滑叶片对轴流风扇气动性能的影响

    Effects of non-smooth blade on the aerodynamic performance of an axial fan

  16. 高负荷低速轴流风扇数值优化设计与实验研究

    Numerical design optimization of a high-loaded low-speed axial-flow fan and experimental research

  17. 掠动叶对微型轴流风扇气动-声学性能的影响研究

    Effect of swept blade on aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic performance of small axial fan

  18. 微型轴流风扇中变环量指数对扭叶片气动性能的影响特点

    Aerodynamic Characteristics of Twisted Blade Influenced by Twisted Power in Micro Axial Fans

  19. 汽轮发电机轴流风扇效率模拟试验台测控系统

    Measuring and Controlling System of Efficiency Test Stand for Axial Fan in Turbogenerator

  20. 轴流风扇扇叶网格的自动生成

    Automatic Grid Generation of the Axial - flow Fan

  21. 雷诺数对轴流风扇/压气机性能和稳定性的影响

    Effects of Reynolds Number on Performance and Stability of Axial Fans / Compressors

  22. 轴流风扇旋转失速的实验研究

    Experimental study on rotating stall in an axial-flow fan

  23. 本文介绍了一台高性能前掠叶型三级轴流风扇的设计与试验研究。

    Research on the performance improvement of the low pressure axial flow fan ;

  24. 跨声速轴流风扇转子流场三维粘性数值分析

    3-D viscous numerical investigation on flow field of a transonic axial-flow fan rotor

  25. 具有可选风扇节距控制的翼式轴流风扇。

    Vane axial fan with optional fan pitch control .

  26. 新型子午加速轴流风扇轮毂的设计

    Design of new type wheel hub of axial flow cooling fan with meridian acceleration

  27. 动叶前掠角与小型轴流风扇气动性能的关系

    Relationship Between Forward-swept Angles of Moving Blade and Aerodynamic Performance of Small-size Axial-flow Fans

  28. 塑料轴流风扇的质量控制

    Quality control of plastic AXIA-fLOW fan production

  29. 空调轴流风扇运行特性的实验与数值研究

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Working Characteristic of Axial - flow Fan for Air Condition

  30. 多普勒激光测速仪在轴流风扇流场测量中的应用

    Measurement of Flow Field in the Rotor of an Axial Flow Fan by Laser Doppler Anemometer