
  • 网络Axis unit;axial unit;Axial unit distance
  1. 文中应用旋转矩阵导出各方向余弦的递推公式.并根据坐标变换不变量的概念,求出各坐标轴单位矢量的混合积。

    The recursive formulas of direction cosines are derived by using the rotation matrixes and the triple products of cartesian unit vectors are calculated by using the concept of invariant of coordinate transformation .

  2. 文中利用旋转矩阵的性质,容易得出各坐标轴单位矢量的方向余弦的递推公式,求出这些单位矢量的标积和混合积,并且可以方便地导出第六个约束方程,推导颇为简捷。

    Applying the character of rotation matrices , it is not difficult to obtain the recurrence formulas of direction cosines of Cartesian unit vectors , to calculate the scalar products and triple products of these unit vectors , and to derive the 6th constraint equation .

  3. 轴的单位长度扭转角

    Angle of twist per unit length of shaft

  4. 矢耳石的长轴、短轴和单位重量等的变异系数,均要小于其体长特别是体重的变异系数,矢耳石形态的稳定性显著优于其身体形态的稳定性。

    The morphological stability of sagittal otolith is remarkably higher than that of their body shape .

  5. 扭力的强度,扭力的角度轴的单位长度扭转角

    The degree or angle of torsional stress . angle of twist per unit length of shaft

  6. 坐标轴显示单位必须是大于0的数值或者是在显示单位列表中预先定义的值之一。

    The axis display unit must be a numeric value greater than 0 or one of the predefined values in the Display units list .

  7. x轴的测量单位是天。

    The unit of measurement for the x-axis is days .

  8. y轴的测量单位是公里。

    The unit of measurement for the y-axis is kilometers .

  9. 默认情况下,时间(X轴上的单位)的显示单位为秒。

    By default , time ( the units on the X-axis ) is shown in seconds .

  10. 您还可以更改Y轴上的单位。

    You can also change the units on the Y-axis .

  11. 轴心国维亚纳商务酒店及水疗中心,是该集团的酒店和高尔夫球轴最近的单位。

    The Axis Viana Business & SPA Hotel , is the most recent unit of the group Axis Hotels and Golf .

  12. 这则是y轴,方向的单位矢量,这是z轴,方向的单位矢量。

    And this is the unit vector in the y direction and this is the unit vector in the z direction .

  13. 坐标轴上显示的单位必须是大于0的数值或预定义的名称之一。

    Axis display units must be a numeric value greater than 0 or one of the predefined names .

  14. 印度核武机构公布的资料根本不足以支持政府的说法;举例来说,资料中有一张图,用来显示放射性副产品的产量,两个座标轴都没有注明单位。

    The data released by the Indian weapons establishment to support its claims are seriously deficient ; for example , a graph said to be of yields of radioactive by-products has no units on the axes .

  15. 单位矢量,始终指向,轴的正方向,轴方向的单位矢量,and,the,unit,vector,是这个。

    Unit vectors are always pointing in the direction of the positive axis x in the x direction is this one .

  16. 在正轴测投影理论中,由轴向变形系数p、q、r中的任意两个可确定轴测轴X、Y、Z及其轴测单位i、j、k。

    In the theory of orthogonal axonometric projection , axonometric axes X , Y , Z and axonometric units I , j , k can be determined by any two of distortion factors along axonometric axes p , q , r.