
  • 网络axonometric projection;axonometric drawing
  1. 运用逆向思维,提出基于正轴测投影图的反求研究。

    With converse thinking , reverse research based on axonometric projection is brought forward .

  2. 在路人的眼中,建筑似乎有些变形,仿佛轴测投影图一般。

    To the passer-by , the result is a house of deformed perspective , in axonometric projection .

  3. 本文说明斜轴测投影图只能用AutoCAD的绘图和编辑功能绘制。

    This paper is to illustrate that oblique axonometric drawings can be drawn up only with the aid of the charting and editing function in AutoCAD .

  4. 常用轴测投影图在工程中的选择与应用

    The Selection and Application of Axonometric Projection in Common List in Engineering

  5. 心理表征对正投影问题解决及轴测投影图再认水平的影响

    The effects of mental representation on orthographic problem solution and isometric recognition

  6. 绘制正轴测投影图的专用计算尺的研制

    A Special Slide Rule for Drawing Axonometric Projections

  7. 轴测投影图画法的一些简化

    Simplifying of Method for Axonometric Drawings

  8. 在IBM&PC计算机上,得到轴测投影图仅需一分钟左右的时间。

    It is necessary to take only about one minute to get projection view on IBM-PC computer .

  9. 用轴测投影图与球面三角相结合求解空间角度,具有精度高和解题迅速的特点。

    Axonometric drawing and spherical triangle combined to solve space angle has the characteristic of high precision and produces rapid solution .

  10. 轴测投影图由于富有立体感、具有较好的度量性、作图简便,在工程中得到了广泛的应用。

    The axonometric projection has been applied extensively in engineering because of its three-dimensional effect and better measurement and because of its drawing unsophisticatedly .

  11. 基于直线解释正轴测投影图圆环面正轴测计算机绘图的数学模型

    A Method Convenient for Computer Interpretation of Orthographic Axonometric Drawing of Plane Body MATHEMATICAL PATTERN FOR DRAWING THE ORTHOGRAPHIC AXONOMETRIC PROJECTION OF A TORUS WITH A COMPUTER

  12. 借鉴内隐记忆的研究范式,采用平面、分离的正投影问题解决及其相应轴测投影图的再认任务,探讨问题表征的结构特征性对空间问题解决和再认水平的影响。

    Sets of flat , separated orthographic projections and isometric views of the same objects were used to study the effects of structures of problem representation on the solution of spatial problems .

  13. AutoCAD中由三维模型创建轴测图和二维投影图的改进二、末日意识

    Improvement on creating axonometric drawing and ( two - ) dimensional projection from three-dimensional model in AutoCAD