
  • 网络cephalopelvic disproportion;CPD;cephalopelvic disproportion, CPD;cephalopelvic disproportion,CPD
  1. 2000年全市剖宫产主要指征构成依次为:胎儿窘迫(22.41%)、社会因素(16.93%)、相对性头盆不称(9.78%)及臀位(6.84%)。

    And the rank order of indications for cesarean section in other hospitals in Shanghai was as follows : fetal distress ( 22.41 % ), social factor ( 16.9 % ), cephalopelvic disproportion ( 9.78 % ) and breech presentation ( 6.84 % ) .

  2. 结果阴道手术助产的前三位影响因素依次为相对头盆不称、胎儿窘迫和宫缩乏力。

    Results The first three influencing factors of vagina surgical delivery were relative cephalopelvic disproportion , fetal distress and uterine inertia .

  3. 而对照组前三位剖宫产指征依次为头盆不称、胎儿窘迫和其他,剖宫产对PROM母婴预后无特殊益处,相反却明显增加其新生儿及母体感染性疾病发生率。

    However , cesarean section is of no particular benefit to babies and mothers in PROM group . Conversely , it can increase the morbidity of infective diseases in both mothers and babies .

  4. 以相对头盆不称为指征的剖宫产100例分析

    Analysis on cesarean section of 100 cases with relative cephalopelvic disproportion

  5. 剖宫产指征以头盆不称及胎儿宫内窘迫分别居第1位和第2位。

    And fetal distress in No .

  6. 医学因素包括胎儿窘迫、头盆不称、孕期患有并发症/合并症、分娩孕周。

    The medical factors include fetal distress , cephalopelvic disproportion , complication in pregnancy and gestational weeks .

  7. 过期妊娠剖宫产率偏高,宫内窘迫、头盆不称、引产失败是其主要适应证。

    Cesarean section rate was increased , and major indications were fetal distress , cephalo-pelvic disproportion and failure in induction of labor .

  8. 高危因素前5位是胎儿窘迫、头盆不称、过期妊娠、胎膜早破、羊水过少。

    The top five factors were in turn fetal distress , cephalopelvic disproportion , postdate pregnancy , PROM ( premature rupture ! of membranes ), oligohydramnios .

  9. 剖宫产格征以胎儿窘迫和相对性头盆不称为多,分别为22例和23例。

    Normal labor , 161 . Fetal distress and relative cephalopelvic disproportion were the numerous of indications of cesarean section which were 22 and 23 cases respectively .

  10. 结果头盆不称、胎位异常、早产流产史、生殖器炎症是胎膜早破主要病因。

    Results Cephalopelvic disproportion , abnormal position of fetus , history of premature birth and abortion , inflammation of reproductive organs were the most factors of PROM .

  11. 高危妊娠的病因构成依人口不同而有别,主要是疤痕子宫、胎位异常、头盆不称、早产、妊高征等等。

    The main symptoms were scar uterus , abnormal fetal position , cephalopelvic disproprotion ( CPD ), premature dilivery and pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome ( PIH ), etc.