
  • 网络gamma knife
  1. 患者在接受头部伽玛刀治疗前后应注意哪些事项?

    What points should patients pay attention to before and after head gamma knife treatment ?

  2. 头部伽玛刀是专门为治疗脑内疾病所设计的神经外科设备。

    Gamma Knife is a neurosurgical tool designed exclusively for the treatment of brain disorders .

  3. 头部伽玛刀是成熟的治疗方式吗?

    Is the gamma knife a matured therapeutic method ?

  4. 旋转式头部伽玛刀的维护与保养体会

    The maintenance of the rotary head Gamma kinfe

  5. 旋转式头部伽玛刀控制系统

    Control System For Rotational Gamma Knife

  6. 模块化设计结构,使得这种系统经过适当变换就可以适用于头部伽玛刀或其他医疗设备的控制。

    The modularize and open architecture make this system can he used to control rotational gamma knife for head by reducing several modules .

  7. 结论:加强对头部伽玛刀患者术前、术后的观察和护理,是防止并发症发生和减少不良反应的有效措施。

    Conclusion We should enhance the patients ' observations and nursing of pre-or post-operative gamma-knife on head and it is an effective measure to reduce adverse reactions and avoid the complications .

  8. 目的:加强对头部患者伽玛刀手术前后的护理,减少不良反应,防止并发症的发生,注意观察病情变化,提高医疗质量。

    Objective To enhance the nursing of pre-or post-operative gamma-knife on head , reduce adverse reactions , avoid the complications , observe the variation on illness and improve the medical quality .