
  1. 研究QGP的基本方法是有限温度场论,动力论以及唯像方法,其中动力论是既能描述热力学平衡态,又能描述非平衡态的统计理论。

    The fundamental theoretic methods dealing with the QGP are the finite-temperature field theory , the kinetic theory and phenomenological analysis . The kinetic theory is a statistical theory that can deal with both the thermal equilibrium and the non-equilibrium phenomena .

  2. 近年来,对周期结构系统中布朗粒子在热涨落驱动下运动的研究成为非平衡态统计物理理论的前沿课题。

    In recent years , the research on the transport of Brownian particle driven by fluctuation in periodic structure system has become the foreland problem of the non-equilibrium statistical physics .

  3. 本着这种想法,作者根据廿世纪七十年代发展起来的非平衡态统计物理学的理论基础,试图从局域模型出发探讨地震成因。

    In view of the train of thought , the author tried to discuss the cause by using " localizability " model , based on the theory on non-equilibrium statistical physics developed in the 1970s .

  4. 涨落耗散定理是非平衡态统计物理的重要理论。

    Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem ( FDT ) is an important theory in the non-equilibrium statistical physics .