
  • 网络head voice;head tone;Head register;falsetto
  1. 我的意思是,在其中的几首中,他甚至到到达了头声。

    I mean , he even reaches his head voice in some of these songs .

  2. “头声”一词脱胎于美声学派的声区理论,与声区理论的形成和发展密切相关。

    A " head voice ", derived from the theory of voice register of Bel Canto , is closely associated with the emergence and the development of the theory of voice register .

  3. 歌唱的声音分为头声区、混声区及胸声区,它们各有其特点,分担着不同的任务。

    The sound of song can be divided into three parts : head sound , confused sound and bosom sound , which have different features and share different tasks .

  4. 本文用有限元法,研究了前辐射头在声换能器组成中的弯曲振动问题,与测试结果相吻合。

    In this paper , the flexural vibrating of a horn in compound bar transducer is investigated by using finite element methods , the calculating results are in good agreement with experiments .

  5. 他从门口探进头来说了声再见。

    He popped his head round the door to say goodbye .

  6. 他抬起头笑出声来,因为他想起了把猫送回她家时两人一起谈论板球的情景。相比之下,乔这副一本正经的神态显得十分逗趣。

    And he looked up and laughed outright , for Jo 's prim manner was rather funny when he remembered how they had chatted about cricket when he brought the cat home .

  7. 他的头砰的一声撞在了地板上。

    His head hit the floor with a dull thud .

  8. 我得用垫子盖着头好好大叫几声。

    I have to go scream into a cushion .

  9. 蛇抬起头并发出嘶嘶声。

    The snake raised his head and hissed .

  10. 他掉下床时头砰的一声撞在地板上。

    He thumped his head on the floor when he fell out of bed .

  11. 我的头砰的一声磕在了冰冷的沥青路面上,感觉有某样硬而冷的东西把我压在了地上。

    My head cracked against the icy blacktop , and I felt something solid and cold pinning me to the ground .

  12. 外邦喧囔,列国动摇。神发声,地便熔化。四小姐用劲地摇着头,不出声。

    The heathen raged , the kingdoms were moved : he uttered his voice , the earth melted . Huei-fang 's only reply was an emphatic shake of her head .