
  • 网络residue placenta
  1. 目的:观察米非司酮治疗严重胎盘残留及胎盘植入的效果。

    Objective : To observe the effect of mifepristone on severe postpartum placental remnants and placenta implantation .

  2. 结果失血情况随孕周增加、失血量增多。产后病率9%,包括胎盘残留及软产道损伤等。

    Results The blood losing was increased with pregnancy weeks and incidence of post partum of 9 % that including placenta remain and soft birth canal injury .

  3. 目的:胎盘残留是产后常见的并发症之一,尤其多见于有人流史、多产、生殖器感染、子宫畸形的患者。

    Objective : Placenta Remnant is one of the familiar syndromes , especially for the patients who have been suffered with abortion , fertility , genitalia infection and terat-uterus .

  4. 材料与方法:48例宫内节育器、胚胎或胎盘残留宫腔的患者,在常规清宫术或取环术失败后行宫腔镜手术治疗。

    Material and Methods : Hysteroscopy was performed in 48 patients with remained intrauterine device , embryo and placenta after failure of a general uterine curettage and remove of intrauterine divice .

  5. 将胎盘组织残留血洗净,用酸性缓冲液洗脱得到PEGG。

    PEGG was prepared by elution at acid pH from human placental tissues that were extensively washed .

  6. 90例临床疑为胎盘碎片残留及20例晚期产后流血患者行B型超声检查。

    Ninety patients suspected of retained placental tissue and 20 with late postpartum hemorrhage underwent ultrasonic scans .

  7. 结果:主要病因依次为子宫收缩乏力、软产道裂伤、胎盘胎膜残留、凝血功能障碍等。

    Result : The main causes were uterine atony , soft birth canal laceration , retained placenta and membranes , blood coagulation dysfunction etc.

  8. 危险因素依次为手术产、巨大儿、产程延长、胎盘胎膜残留以及各种妊娠合并症。

    The risk factors were the caesarean delivery , the large infant , the extension of labor cause , the residue of placenta or embryolema and all kinds of pregnancy complications .

  9. 胎盘或胎盘残留是致产后出血的重要因素之一。

    Residual placenta or amniotic membrane is one of the important causes of postpartum hemorrhage .

  10. 子宫复旧不良及胎盘、胎膜残留为主要病因占59.0%。

    Main causes of the disease are subinvolution of uterus and remnants of placenta and embryolemma ( amounting to 59.0 % ) .

  11. 结果发病原因依次为子宫切口裂开,子宫复旧不良,胎盘、蜕膜残留,子宫内膜炎,重度贫血,产后绒癌。

    Results The causes were rupture of cesarean incision , subinvolution of uterus , retained placenta or decidua , endometritis , serious anemia , and postpartum choriocarcinoma in order .

  12. 结果:晚期产后大出血主要原因为胎盘、胎膜残留,子宫胎盘附着面感染或复旧不良以及剖宫产术后子宫切口感染、裂开出血。

    Results : The causes of late postpartum hemorrhage were mostly retained placental tissue or membranes , endometritis or deciduitis and uterine incision infection and dehiscence of cesarean section .