
  • 网络warm dryness;warm-dryness
  1. 方法:72只无特定病原体(SPF)级昆明小鼠随机分为常温常湿组、常温燥组、温燥组、凉燥组,每组18只。

    Methods : Seventy-two Kunming mice of specific-pathogen free ( SPF ) were randomly divided into 4 groups , including normal temperature-damp group , normal temperature-dryness group , warm-dryness group and cool-dryness group , 18 mice in each group .

  2. 采用问卷形式在临床点收集外感温燥、凉燥证患者的临床资料。

    We collected clinical data of warm-dryness syndrome and cold-dryness syndrome patients at test plot .

  3. 温燥致气道IgG长期低水平现象值得研究。

    The phenomenon of lower IgG-R in Warm-Dry was worth attention .

  4. 与常温常湿组比较,温燥组小鼠第7天与第14天CM加快,第7天RS增高但第14天减缓(P<0.01);

    Compared with the normal temperature-damp group , CM was speeded on the 7th and the 14th days , and mucoitin secretion was increased on the 7th day and decreased on the 14th day in warm-dryness group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 其中高丽参性偏温燥,温补力大功效佳;

    Partial ginseng which warm dry , warming power of large effect is good ;

  6. 瘦人用药则不宜过分温燥,以防助火伤阴。

    Thin Man is not too warm dry medication , to help prevent Fire Shangyin .

  7. 桑杏汤对温燥小鼠血清与呼吸道抗体的影响

    Effects on Antibodies of Secretion of Respiratory and Intestine of Mice in Warm - Dry with " Sang-Xing Tang "

  8. 通过分析,将《内经》中两条治温燥与凉燥的性味治则定为治疗西北燥证的基本治则。

    We sift the therapeutic methods and available medicines , which fit for treating the Northwest Dryness according to its features and under the principled guidance of Inner Classic .

  9. 中医普遍认为其原因是人参具有温燥之性,可能会导致机体气机塞滞,产生动血之患,从而限制了人参的应用。

    The reason is generally that ginseng drastic property , the body could lead to cypriot air-stagnation , a move from the blood , thereby limiting the application of ginseng .

  10. 古人认为艾火之性温而不燥,能化痰消积、活血化瘀,急救时又能开窍启闭、回阳固脱。

    The writer think that the fire from moxa cone is Warm but not Dry , it is able to Resolve Phlegm , Soften Hard Masses , Remove Blood Stasis , Reduce Resuscitation and Recuperate Depleted Yang .

  11. 加上蚕丝本身特有的透气、透湿性能,使蚕丝被感觉更加滑,爽而不温,温而不燥。

    Plus silk itself peculiar air permeability and moisture transmission performance , silk by feel more slippery , great but not warm , warm but not dry .