
zào xié
  • dryness evil
燥邪[zào xié]
  1. 论西北燥证中燥邪与湿邪的病机转化

    On change of pathogenesis about damp and dryness pathogen in Northwest Dryness Syndrome

  2. 结果西北燥证中燥邪与湿邪相互转化的病机关系凡四一为燥滞营卫,外燥内湿;

    Results : The pathogenesis relation of damp and dryness pathogen in Northwest Dryness Syndrome changing each other had four types : first , dryness pathogen stagnated nutritive and defensive Qi , furthermore , the outside was dryness and the inside was damp ;

  3. 结论西北燥证是以燥邪为主的自然环境因素引发的地域性综合病证,外燥为其主要证候,不同地区及不同民族居民所患西北燥证其兼证各具特点。

    Conclusion : Northwest Dryness Syndrome is a kind of regional syndrome which is induced by natural environments and its main syndrome is exopathic dryness . The characteristics of main and accompanying symptoms in different regions and among different ethnic groups are different .

  4. 方法以中医传统理论方法为指导,以流行病学调查中发现的线索为依据,综合分析西北燥证中燥、湿二邪的病机关系。

    Methods : To synthesize analyzing the relation of damp and dryness pathogen in Northwest Dryness Syndrome guiding by the TCM theory and basing on the clue of epidemiological survey .

  5. 《内经》首次提出“燥胜则干”的论点,是对燥邪致病病理特点的总概括。

    " Jing " the first time " was the dry-dry " argument is dry evil pathogenic features of the general .

  6. 结论西北燥证所兼湿证为内湿,系由外感燥邪侵袭人体,邪正交争、病机转化而生。

    Conclusion : Damp from the Northwest Dryness Syndrome is the inner damp , caused by the outside dryness attacking human body initiate struggle between Vital-Qi and pathogenic Factors .

  7. 目的分析探讨西北燥证的主要致病因素、次要致病因素及机体感受燥邪后的病机转化,为西北燥证主症状筛选与临床分型奠定基础。

    Objective : Analyzing and discussing the primary and secondary pathogenesis of Northwest Dryness Syndrome ( NDS ) and the transformation among them after one ′ s body effected by dryness .