
  • 网络Third party management;third-party government
  1. 首先,FIDIC首要原则就是在业主和承包商之间建立公正平等的关系,体现在具体的管理措施上就是实行第三方管理。

    First of all , in the way of FIDIC management , an equal relationship is established by the contractor and owner , and the way of third party management is employed .

  2. “上海社保基金值得密切关注,”z-benadvisors的彼得亚历山大(peteralexander)表示,“全国社保基金的模式很可能在全国复制,第三方管理机构将在其中扮演重要角色。”

    " The Shanghai fund is one to watch very closely , " says Peter Alexander , at Z-Ben advisors . " It is quite possible that the NSSF model will be replicated throughout the country with a big role for third-party managers . "

  3. 论两核信息服务第三方管理模式创新

    On the Innovation regarding Third-party Underwriting and Claim Settlement Information Services

  4. 中投的许多竞投都是通过第三方管理者执行的。

    Many of CIC 's bets are made via third-party managers .

  5. 谈医疗档案第三方管理

    Medical Files Should be Managed by the Third Party

  6. 在英国,对冲基金必须任命第三方管理人,但在美国却不是如此。

    Third-party administrators are required in the UK , but not in the US .

  7. 该公司预料,多数新增资产将委托给第三方管理。

    Most of those new assets will be handed out to third-party managers , the firm predicts .

  8. 所有摄像机的安装简单,并且通过专有或第三方管理软件使管理变得更加简单。

    All cameras are designed for easy installation and management using proprietary or third-party video management software .

  9. 这些资产中的很大一部分将委托给第三方管理公司来管理。

    A large portion of those assets will be handed out in huge mandates to third party managers .

  10. 二是在同国内相关部门建立合作伙伴关系后,由基金会资助或委托合作伙伴或第三方管理和实施项目活动。

    Second , the cooperative partner and the third side of administration are to be aided or entrusted by the foundation to implement the projects .

  11. 作为劳氏船级社的子公司,劳氏质量认证引领着第三方管理体系认证的行业要求,并以公正、可靠和创新享誉全球。

    Established by internationally renowned Lloyd 's Register , LRQA pioneered the modern day principles of quality assurance , and is now acknowledged worldwide for reliability , integrity and innovation .

  12. 专家们表示,对于任何规模和类型的管理公司而言,都是巨大的机遇。未来几年内,仅中国一家,就可能将至少5000亿美元资金托管给第三方管理。

    The opportunities are huge , for managers of all sizes and styles , experts say ; China alone is likely to award at least $ 500bn in mandates over the next couple of years .

  13. 为了确保一切正当索赔请求都得到公平与及时的支付,账户必须也将由独立第三方管理,奥巴马在会谈之前表示。

    In order to ensure that all legitimate claims are paid out in a fair and timely manner , the account must and will be administered by an independent third party , Mr Obama said before the meeting .

  14. 本文评述了当前西方非营利组织研究的主要理论,包括政府失灵理论、合约失灵理论、第三方管理理论、政府与非营利部门关系类型学以及政府、市场、志愿部门相互依赖理论。

    This paper makes comments on the main theory in nonprofit organization , including : government failure theory , contract failure theory , typology of government-nonprofit sector relationship as well as the interdependence theory among government , market and voluntary sector .

  15. 基于Web的多层分布式第三方物流管理系统

    Third Party Logistics Application Based on Web

  16. 该会议管理系统是一个基于WEB的第三方会议管理系统,在选题上有新意,实用性很高。

    This conference management system is a web-based third-party system which is very new and useful .

  17. 通过XML软件技术构建了跨组织、跨部门的第三方物流管理信息系统。

    A multi-organization , multi-department information system for third party logistics was constructed by using XML software technology .

  18. 本论文研究了AJAX技术以及AJAX技术在第三方物流管理系统中的应用,并实现了采用目前流行的微软。

    In this paper , the AJAX technology and its application in the TPL management system are studied .

  19. 针对第三方物流管理的特点,运用基于web环境下JSP(JavaServerpages)技术实现了第三方物流信息平台。

    Aiming at the characteristics of 3PL management , the paper applies JSP ( Java Server Pages ) technology based on Web in 3PL information systems .

  20. 本论文在介绍了一些物流相关理论技术的基础上,按照软件工程的思想来构建E流通第三方物流管理信息系统。

    Third party logistics Management Information System circulating on the thesis basis in the technology having introduced a little logistics relevance theory , according to structuring E-coming the software engineering thought .

  21. 您只需要操作它的HTTP连接即可;既不需要JDBC驱动程序,也不需要第三方控制管理平台。

    And all you need to work with it is an HTTP connection ; no JDBC driver is required , nor do you need a third-party administrative-management platform .

  22. 采用BMC软件公司提供的第三方PATROL管理软件来实现对系统主机、网络和应用的统一集中监控。

    With the third party PATROL management system provided by BMC , it becomes possible to conduct centralized monitoring and control of the system host , networks and applications .

  23. 最后,设计实现了系统原型,并将规范化后的课件应用于符合IMSCELTS规范的第三方学习管理系统(LMS)之中,验证其可重用性与可共享性。

    Finally , a system prototype has been contrived and the standardized courseware has also been applied to the third party Learning Management System to attest that it could be reused and shared .

  24. 为了显得规范得体,它们聘请第三方CDO管理机构或筛选代理机构来筛选和照看抵押债券池。

    For the sake of propriety , they employed a third-party CDO manager or selection agent to select and watch over the pool of mortgage bonds .

  25. 第三方设备管理商基于资产绩效的运营战略

    The operations strategy for third maintenance company based on asset performance

  26. 谈国际上对第三方船舶管理业务范围的理解

    Discusses internationally on to the third party shiphandling business scope understanding

  27. 邮政国际物流第三方物流管理系统设计与实施方案

    A Design Plan for Post International Logistics 3PL Management System

  28. 试论第三方船舶管理

    Discussion on the management of ships of the third party

  29. 第三方物流管理的内涵与特征研究

    A Study on Connotation and Characteristics of 3 PL

  30. 第三方船舶管理公司管理研究

    Management Research of the Third Party Management Company