
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ cái chǎn
  • public property
公共财产 [gōng gòng cái chǎn]
  • [public property] 公众共有的财产

  1. 西北部的一半林地是公共财产。

    Half of the north-west 's timber land is public property .

  2. 公共财产不可侵犯。

    Public property shall be inviolable .

  3. 说唱组合被禁止参加大型的音乐活动,因为他们使人联想到肆意破坏公共财产的行为。

    Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism .

  4. 破坏公共财产者将电话机扯到电话亭外。

    Vandal have pull the telephone out of the call boxes .

  5. 共同非法占有公共财产犯罪的定性辨析

    Analysis on Identification of Conspiratorial Illegal Occupation of Public Property

  6. 这里的公共财产包括公款和特定的公物。

    The public property here includes public fund and specific public property .

  7. 他因破坏公共财产被处监禁。

    He was sent to prison for damaging public property .

  8. 这些田地是公共财产。实际上不归任何个人所有。

    The fields are communal property and no one really owns them .

  9. 制止任何危害他人或破坏公共财产的行为。

    They should stop any unauthorized activities and prevent property and personal damages .

  10. 破坏他人财产者故意或恶意地毁坏或破坏公共财产或私有财产的人。

    One who willfully or maliciously defaces or destroys public or private property .

  11. 我们一定要在这个城市彻底杜绝破坏公共财产的行为。

    We must stamp out vandalism in this town once and for all .

  12. 破坏公共财产的行为,象癌肿一样正大规模地在房地产业中日益增长。

    Vandalism is increasing on the large housing estates like a cancerous growth .

  13. 窃贼、破坏公共财产者、性犯罪者以及行凶抢劫者。

    Thieves , vandals , sex offenders and muggers .

  14. 第十二条社会主义的公共财产神圣不可侵犯。

    Article 12 Socialist public property is inviolable .

  15. 足球场上闹事、破坏公共财产和行凶抢劫等暴力行为已大大增加了。

    There has been a great increase in football hooliganism , vandalism and muggings .

  16. 这是他们的问题,那是公共财产

    That 's on them . Public property .

  17. 他随便动用公共财产。

    He has taken liberties with public property .

  18. 文学作品中最伟大的侦探之一将成为公共财产。

    One of the literature 's greatest detectives has moved into the public domain .

  19. 保持了自然风貌的作为公共财产的一大片土地。

    A large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property .

  20. 他们发现他盗窃公共财产。

    They discovered him stealing public property .

  21. 国家保护社会主义的公共财产。

    The state protects socialist public property .

  22. 可以保留为公共财产,但分配进入的权利。

    We might keep them as public property , but allocate the right enter them .

  23. 滥用职权罪的客观方面表现为国家机关工作人员滥用职权,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。

    The objective aspects of the crime of power abuse : first is beyond power ;

  24. 公款应当限于具有直接支付功能的公共财产。

    " Public funds " refers to the public property which can be payed directly .

  25. 可以把它们当成公共财产,尽管是由私人投资产生的;

    They might be treated as public property , even though created by private investments ;

  26. 中国宪法明确规定保护公共财产和公民合法财产。

    The Constitution provides that public property and the legitimate property of citizens are protected .

  27. 这些人是蒙面抗议者,其出名的行为方式是同警方打斗,以及破坏公共财产和银行。

    These are masked protesters known for clashing with police and destroying public property and banks .

  28. “大规模盗取公共财产对发展具有破坏性的影响,”佐利克说。

    " The development impact of theft on a massive scale is devastating ," says Zoellick .

  29. 他被控盗窃公共财产[接受贿赂,充当特务]。

    He was accused of stealing public property [ taking bribes , being a spy ] .

  30. 现在它是公共财产了。

    It 's public property now .