
  • 网络tu weiming;Tu Wei-ming;Wei-Ming Tu
  1. 2009年,美国学者杜维明离开哈佛燕京学社(Harvard-YenchingInstitute),前往北京大学任教,致力于宣扬儒家思想,视之为一种与西方哲学并驾齐驱的严肃伦理体系。

    The American scholar Tu Weiming left the Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2009 for a post at Beijing University , promoting Confucianism as a serious ethical system on a par with western philosophy .

  2. 让我借用哈佛大学杜维明教授的文化中国,来包括所有经中华文化浪潮冲击的地方。

    Let me borrow from Professor Tu Weiming of Harvard University his term , " cultural China ", to include all of the shores washed by the tide of Chinese culture .

  3. 东亚现代性的世界性涵义&杜维明教授对全球化、现代化与多元化理解和认识问题

    The World Implication of East Asia ′ s Modernity

  4. 儒学在多元价值世界的现代转化&杜维明新儒学思想初探

    Modern Transformation of Confucian Teaching into Pluralistic Values from Du Weiming 's neo-Confucianism

  5. 杜维明论知识分子的群体批判自我意识

    Du Weiming Discuss the Group Critical Self-consciousness of Intellectual

  6. 杜维明的新见解应该引起如今生态美学研究者的注意。

    Du 's new understanding deserves a close concern from scholars of ecological aesthetics .

  7. 当代新儒家的追求和局限管窥&从杜维明《现代精神与儒家传统》说起

    On the Pursuits and Limitations of Contemporary New Confucianism Humanism : Tradition and Contemporary

  8. 知识分子的现代使命&杜维明新儒学思想述评

    The Modern Mission of Intellectuals & A Commentary on Du Weiming 's New Confucian Ideas

  9. 当代新儒家和海外学者杜维明对孝文化给予更为积极的肯定,他们的肯定意见启发人们对孝文化批判进行新的思考。

    Contemporary new confucianist and overseas scholar Du weiming adopted a more positive attitude towards it .

  10. 哈佛大学杜维明教授认为中国传统儒家思想具有不言而喻的生态学意义。

    Professor Du Wei Ming of Harvard considers that the traditional Confucianism has significance of Ecology definitely .

  11. 以杜维明和成中英为例的波士顿儒学与夏威夷儒学思想研究

    Tu Wei-ming and Cheng Zhong-ying as the Examples in Thoughts Studying of Boston Confucianism and Hawaiian Confucianism

  12. 据杜维明教授的看法,创意思维一定要从道德观念,文化价值作为依据。

    According to Professor Tu Wei-ming , creative thinking should be supported by moral and cultural values .

  13. 中国传统价值观的现代意义&杜维明、黄万盛对话录(节选)

    Modern Implications of Chinese Traditional Values & The Dialogue between Du wei-ming and Huang Wan-sheng ( extracts )

  14. 杜维明的这一现代知识分子观在我们看来有其合理之处,同时还存在着一些不足。

    We think Du weiming ' opinion about contemporary intellectual have some shortcoming at the same time have some reasonable piece .

  15. 新轴心时代的文明对话&论杜维明的文明对话观

    Dialogue of civilizations " at new " axial-age " - On Tu Wei-ming 's view of " the dialogue of civilizations

  16. 杜维明以哲学人类学的视角对儒学作出“创造性阐释,”把儒家哲学阐释为一种哲学的人类学。

    DU Weiming provides a creative interpretation to Confucianism from the perspective of philosophic anthropology by categorizing Confucian philosophy into philosophic anthropology .

  17. 由于时代背景、个人经历和文化认知的不同,唐君毅、杜维明对儒家文化的心态有较大差别。

    Owing to the different background , personal experiences and cultural understandings , Tang and Du have the discrepancy to the Confucian culture .

  18. 杜维明的“文明对话”观主要包含三个方面:作为当代新儒家的主要代表,他通过对亨廷顿的“文明冲突”论的批评,揭示了文明对话的时代内涵;

    Tu criticizes the view of Samuel P.Huntington 's " the clash of civilization ", reveals the era connotation about the dialogue of civilizations .

  19. 作为一生挚爱传统文化的当代儒者,唐君毅、杜维明为了重建中国文化传统、弘扬中华文化而作出了不懈努力。

    As the traditional culture keen lovers , the Contemporary Confucianists , Tang Chunyi and Du Weiming have made unremitting efforts for reconstructing and promoting the Chinese traditional culture .