
  • 网络qian muwei
  1. 第二部分主要论述了钱穆高等教育价值观的内涵。

    The second part expounds the content of his higher educational values .

  2. 钱穆的文言世界及其现代视域

    Qian Mu 's Classical Chinese World and his Modern View

  3. 钱穆的黄帝观富于比较意识。

    Qian Mu s view of Huangdi is imbued with comparative consciousness .

  4. 钱穆的中西文化差异观

    Qian Mu 's View of Differences of Culture Between China and West

  5. 钱穆先生与20世纪的古史辨派有复杂的关系。

    Qianmu has a complicated relationship with the dialectical school of ancient history .

  6. 钱穆的美学思想与中国儒家美学思想有着历史的承继关系。

    Qian Mu 's aesthetic thoughts historically come from Chinese Confucian aesthetic thoughts .

  7. 钱穆文学美学思想论析

    Qian Mu 's Thoughts on Literary Aesthetics

  8. 论克柳切夫斯基的学术思想求真乎?经世乎?&傅斯年与钱穆学术思想之比较

    Seeking for Truth or Utility ? Comparison on Academic Thoughts between Fu Ssu-nien Qian Mu

  9. 梁启超、钱穆《中国近三百年学术史》的著述思想之辨异

    On the Writing Thought in History of China 's Academics in the 300 Years by Liang Qi-chao and Qian Mu

  10. 钱穆的文化哲学思想以及中西文化比较论为我们的中西文化比较研究提供了重要的理论生长点。

    This article primarily studies QIAN Mu 's culture philosophy thought , and comparative standpoint about Chinese culture and western culture .

  11. 而严耕望在钱穆等身上所受的人文主义与通识教育使得他逐渐形成其整体的中国历史观。

    The humanism and liberal education received from Chien Mu make Yen gradually forming " the whole concept of Chinese history " .

  12. 《中国近三百年学术史》是钱穆潜心研究清代学术史的力作,也是二十世纪中国史学名著之一。

    History of China 's Academics in the 300 Years by QIAN Mu is the work of Academic Learning of Qing Dynasty .

  13. 钱穆是现代新儒家的著名学者,虽以史学成就著称于世,但其文学修养也相当深厚。

    Qian Mu is a well-known expert in modern new Confucianism . Although famous for his historical achievements , he possesses profound literary knowledge .

  14. 钱穆的《中国近三百年学术史》是中国近代史学领域的一部经典之作。

    Academic History of China of the past 300 Years , written by Qian Mu , is one of the masterpieces in Chinese modern history .

  15. 钱穆先生是中国现代著名的历史学家、国学家、教育家,他有五十余年的大学教育经历,经验丰富,对大学教育有很多独特的见解。

    Mr. Qian Mu , who was a famous historian , sinologist and educator in modern China , had practiced college education for more than fifty years .

  16. 有的学者,如著名的中国学者王国维、钱穆等先生,力主学无中西。

    Some scholars , for example the famous scholars Wang Guowei , Qian Mu and others emphasized that " studies do not know east or west " .

  17. 但钱穆对于非专制论的理论探索是在学术史的范畴内,在理论上认为中国政治制度的背后都有一套精神与理想,这导致了钱穆的政治理论是一种理想型政治。

    He assumes that there is a serious of spirit and ideal back of politics of China , his political theory is just a kind of ideal politics .

  18. 近代中国史学界,无论是自由主义学者,还是保守主义学者,对中国传统政治是专制政治的观点,都普遍持肯定的态度。只有钱穆对此持有异议。

    Abstract : In the historiography circle of modern China , both liberal scholars and conservative scholars are generally agreed that Traditional Politic of China is despotism except Qian Mu .

  19. 而中国近现代著名史学家钱穆在明清学术思想史领域所展开的研究,无疑是了解明清学术思想的真实发展状况的一把钥匙。

    The research of Qian Mu , who was a modern Chinese well-known historian , is undoubtedly a key to understanding the real development of the Ming and Qing academic thought .

  20. 钱穆也认为中国传统政治中央集权过度、地方政治衰败,社会的平铺化导致社会缺乏力量是中国传统政治的主要结构性缺陷。

    QIAN Mu pointed out that the main structural defects of ancient Chinese politics was over centralization of government , local politics ' decay and social impotence induced by tiled society .

  21. 钱穆是中国20世纪著名的历史学家、思想家、教育家,是对中国传统优秀文化资源饱含深情而又加以创造性重建的国学大师。

    QIAN Mu was an outstanding historian , thinker and educator of China in 20 century . He was a master of Chinese studies that had the affection to Chinese traditional culture .

  22. 钱穆先生曾对王阳明评论:“其实明代理学,只需举王阳明一人为代表,其他有光彩有力量的,也都在守仁后。”

    Chien-ming 's comments : " In fact , Ming Neo , just give a person on behalf of Wang Yangming , and other honorable powerful , and also after the Shour-ren . "

  23. 梁启超和钱穆同名的《中国近三百年学术史》,代表着两种不同的学术史范式,在体例渊源、写作宗旨等方面都有很大的不同。

    Liang Qichao and Qian Mu have ever wrote successively two works on the academical history of Qing dynasty with the same name " Academical History of China of the Last Three Hundred Years " .

  24. 而钱穆以其敏锐的眼光、过人的智慧及艰苦卓绝的实践,为中国的历史教育作出了全面的、深刻的、开创性的探索,从而推动了历史教育的近代化。

    Qian Mu , with his keen foresight , extraordinary wisdom and arduous practice , has made a comprehensive , profound and groundbreaking exploration on history education which greatly promote the modernization of history education .

  25. 当前学界在新儒家崛起的背景下,有将钱穆思想定位于新儒家的倾向,并在钱穆是否属于新儒家问题上形成争论。

    The context of the current academic rise in Neo-Confucian , Some scholars believe that Qian Mu thought is belong to have the tendency of the new Confucian , and form controversial of whether Qian Mu belong to Neo-Confucian .

  26. 自从钱穆提出宋代“积贫积弱”说以来,人们几乎都将它看作是宋王朝的基本特点,但这并不符合事实。

    Since Qian Mu introduced the view of the " piled-up poverty and weakness " of the Song Dynasty , almost everyone takes it as the basic characteristic of the dynasty , but it was not true of the fact .

  27. 钱穆的中西史学比较观是建立在他的民族文化生命史观基础上的,意在为他的中国史学优越论和中国历史文化优越论提供理论和历史的依据。

    His thoughts on contracting Chinese History with Western History is based on his historical view of national cultural life . He hoped to add the theoretical and historical basis to his views of superiorities of Chinese history and culture .

  28. 无锡七房桥钱氏宗族在近现代中国史学领域占据着重要的地位,代表人物就是一代国学大师钱穆和他的三子清华大学著名论语学专家钱逊。

    The Wuxi seven rooms Bridge Qian clan occupies an important position in the field of modern Chinese historiography , the representative of the generation of famous literary scholar Qian Mu and his third son , Tsinghua University expert Qian Xun .

  29. 钱穆认为,历史和文化是同一的,历史文化是由经济(物质生活)、政治和精神(思想)三个层面构成,而精神的核心又是道德。

    Qian Mu holds that history and culture are identical . History and culture consist of three layers : economic ( material life ) , political , and spiritual ( ideology ) , with ethics as the core of the spiritual layer .