
guī sù
  • a destination;goal;a home to return to;home one finally returns to
归宿 [guī sù]
  • [goal;home one finally returns to] 人或事物的最终着落;结局

  • 正如马克思改造过的政治经济学向我们指明了人类社会的必然归宿。--《论学习共产主义》

归宿[guī sù]
  1. 这是一个离现在并不会太远的归宿。

    We no longer have a home to return to .

  2. 解决“三农”问题的归宿是农业技术创新和制度创新。

    Solve " 3 farming " a home to return to of the problem is agrotechnical innovation and system innovation .

  3. 政策是革命政党一切实际行动的出发点,并且表现于行动的过程和归宿。

    Policy is the starting point of all the practical actions of a revolutionary party and manifests itself in the process and the end-result of that party 's actions .

  4. 漂泊多年,她最终找到了自己的归宿。

    After long years of wandering , she at last found a permanent home .

  5. 外商直接投资(FDI)在空间分布上有特定的规律,形成地区性聚集是绝大多数外资企业的归宿。

    There are some specific rules of spatial distribution of FDI .

  6. 交通配流是交通需求预测的最终归宿,也在OD矩阵反推过程中扮演重要角色。

    Traffic assignment is the destination of traffic demand forecast , and plays important part in OD estimation .

  7. 不过我还是觉得诺基亚应该选择Android生态系统,这是它更好的归宿,它可以继续发挥特长,制造出类拔萃的硬件。

    I would have suggested the Android ecosystem would have been a better place for them to make really brilliant hardware , which they do .

  8. 结论:GD患者和HT患者不同的病理改变和相应的临床征象可能归宿于T、B淋巴细胞和NK细胞亚群的分布存在差异。

    Conclusions : Different pathological changes and clinical manifestations in patients with GD and HT may owe to its significant difference in the distribution of T , B and NK cells .

  9. 采用SPE-GC-MSD-SIM方法,分析了壬基酚在污水再生处理全过程中的迁移转化行为与归宿。

    An integrated SPE-GC-MSD-SIM analytical approach was used for examining the fate and removal of Nonylpheoel ( NP ) in different wastewater treatment processes .

  10. 慢性冠状动脉供血不足心电图的临床归宿探讨

    The Clinical Analysis of Chronic Coronary Artery Blood Supply Insufficiency Electrocardiography

  11. 她用佛教的思想解决了自己的灵魂归宿问题。

    She found the destination of her soul for her self .

  12. 经济人概念在经济史中的成形及归宿

    The Figuration and End-result of Economic Man Conception in Economic History

  13. 政治秩序是政治思想的主题和逻辑归宿

    Political order is the subject of political thinking and logical destination

  14. 我渴望着我心灵上的归宿。

    I had a longing for a homeland for my soul .

  15. 我只想为宝贝女儿找个好归宿。

    I just want what 's best for my baby girl .

  16. 中国宗教:未曾经历革命及其归宿

    Chinese Religions ; No Experience of Revolution and Its Result

  17. 道德&法治的源头与归宿

    Moral & the Source and the End-Result of the Rule of Law

  18. 人是整个马克思主义哲学的出发点和归宿。

    Human is the starting point and the end of Marxist philosophy .

  19. 这是论文的核心与归宿点。

    This is the core of the paper with the destination point .

  20. 可可粉能够释放心坎里的欲望,并且揭示命运的归宿。

    Cocoa can release your desire and reveal your destiny .

  21. 厦门湾颗粒活性污染物归宿的研究

    Fate of particle - reactive pollutants in the Xiamen Bay

  22. 我确信她已经有了一个很好的归宿。

    I 'm sure she was placed in a very happy home .

  23. 作为自然法则,死亡是每一个人人生的最终归宿。

    As a law of nature , everyone will end up dead .

  24. 苏州河水及沉积物中有机氯农药的分布与归宿

    Distribution characteristics and fate of organochlorine pesticide in water-sediment of Suzhou River

  25. 农业和农村经济是中国国民经济的基础,稳步提高农民收入是发展农业和农村经济的出发点和归宿。

    Agriculture and rural economy are foundations of China 's national economy ;

  26. 因为,只有既是自己擅长、同时也是自己喜爱的工作才是你真正想要从事的工作,才是你的最终归宿。

    Because that is the place you want to land .

  27. 中国传统民本思想的发展历程与历史归宿

    The Development Stage And Historical Destination of Chinese People-oriented Thoughts

  28. 一般均衡归宿分析常用两部门、两要素模型。

    General equilibrium incidence analysis often employs a two-sector , two-factor model .

  29. 废弃食用油的归宿不一定是下水道;

    Waste cooking oil doesn 't have to go down the drain ;

  30. 新时期的价值本位与价值归宿&关于当代中国社会价值观念变迁的两点思考

    The Standard and Outcome of Values in Modern China