
  1. 其中一个棘手的问题就是当前星座计划的关键组件战神一号火箭的安全性。

    A particularly sticky issue is the safety of the Ares I rocket , a key component of the current Constellation program .

  2. 然而,拜吉姆克固执己见,多次声称战神一号从本质上比其他替代品安全。

    Still , Bejmuk stuck to his guns , arguing multiple times that the Ares I was intrinsically safer than the alternatives .

  3. 然而,有些成员,尤其是星座计划常务审查团的主席博丹拜吉姆克,争辩道战神一号应该在安全方面获得比竞争者更高的评分。

    Still , some members , notably Bohdan Bejmuk , chair of the Constellation program Standing Review Board , argued that the Ares I should get a higher safety rating than its competitors .