- battle song;war song;fighting song

[war song] 鼓舞士气富于战斗性的歌曲
The second part of " the hero battle song ," there is vigorous Allegro .
There also seems to be some truth in the Tiger Mom syndrome described by author Amy Chua .
There also seems to be some truth in the " Tiger Mom " syndrome described by author Amy Chua .
Chua 's first book , Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , upset liberal mothers everywhere , making us feel uneasy about being such softies with our children .
The book proposal for " Fresh Off the Boat " was sent to publishers not long after an excerpt from Amy Chua 's memoir , " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , " appeared in The Wall Street Journal .
Here lies Grommash Hellscream , Chieftain of the Warsong Clan .
Competing against Global TV players : David against Goliath ?
Gives the fans a brand-new song to sing .
Ode and battle songs were two main poetic forms at that time .
Ashenvale Forest begins to be cut and cleared by the Warsong Clan .
Hostilities have even ceased in Alterac Valley , Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch .
Settlements of Jaina Proudmoore in the Stonetalon Mountains are attacked by the Warsong clan .
Guo Xiaochuan won the title of a soldier-poet for many of his fighting songs sung .
And chant thy dauntless slogan-song .
Civil-rights activists in the1960s were inspired by protest songs , but the songs did not drive the movement .
But reading the book ," Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother ," it can be hard to tell when she is kidding .
An activist , writer and poet Julia shot to fame with her famous Civil War song ," Battle Hymn of the Republic " .
A new book called " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother " by Amy Chua has caused a debate about cultural differences in parenting .
Alfred , Lord Tennyson , famous for his epic poem " The Charge of the Light Brigade ," was born on this date in1809 .
It 's a parenting style made famous in 2011 by the Chinese-American author Amy Chua and her best-selling book The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother .
Sight to the end of war songs as weeping seems to be a wall of fuzzy yiselin just like broken photographs , leaving only the vicissitudes of life .
But the marketing campaign , of which the excerpt was a part , appealed to an underlying ( and not entirely unjustified ) concern among white American parents that they had grown too indulgent toward their children . Huang found the book repellent .
Second , his political lyrics with an occasional line with policy making , are from the heart of the express policy was consistent with the praise songs of war , but also individual thought and felt in the mainstream of the confusion of contradictory policies for .
But my thoughts have been turning the past few days to those who would be watching at home , to an older fellow who will throw a salute by himself when the flag goes by , and the women who will tell her sons the words of the battle hymns .