
zhàn shù yuán zé
  • tactical principle
  1. “先为不可胜”,“避实而击虚”等战术原则和策略思想与篮球比赛有着十分密切的关系,是篮球比赛及临场指挥中强有力的理论武器。

    Some tactical principles and strategical ideas of the book have very close relationship with the basketball matches , and they are powerful theoretical weapons in basketball matches and on-the-spot commanding .

  2. 二者对政治与军事的关系,治军理念以及战略战术原则的认识,有不少相同和近似之处。

    They have many the same or similar views on the relationship between politics and military affairs , ideas of directing troops as well as the understanding of strategically and tactical principles .

  3. 根据舰艇对抗声自导鱼雷的战术原则,从实战出发,本文重点对水面舰艇利用水下连续爆炸声信号与声自导鱼雷的对抗进行了研究。

    According to the tactics principle of naval ship counter acoustic homing torpedo , this paper mainly discusses naval ship how to counter acoustic homing torpedo by using the noises produced by continual underwater explosions .

  4. 在分析国内导航定位现状基础上,从平台精确定位方法和战术原则两个方面,对协同平台精确联网定位问题进行研究。

    In this thesis , based on the analysis of actuality of navigation location inland , the problem of cooperative platform accurate location is studied from the point of platform accurate location and tactics principle .

  5. 他论述了抗日游击战争的战略地位和战略作用,论述了抗日游击队的建设和有关战略战术原则,论述了抗日游击战争的根据地问题。

    He not only discussed the strategic position and the role of the guerrilla war , expounding the construction of guerrilla forces and its tactic principle but talked much about the base area of the guerrilla war .

  6. 《吴子》较之《孙子兵法》,尽管在战争规律的探索上没有明显突破,但在具体战术原则上,则有新的阐发。

    Although Wu Zi , compared with Military Science of Sun Tzu , has no obvious breakthrough in the exploration of the law of war , but has made new exploration in the principles of concrete tactics .

  7. 羽毛球战术选用原则及实施要点分析

    Analysis of Selective Principle and Implement Outline for Badminton Tactics

  8. 这些特点,规定了中国革命战争的指导路线及其许多战略战术的原则。

    These characteristics determine the line for guiding China 's revolutionary war as well as many of its strategic and tactical principles .

  9. 基于该定量分析,结合实战要求,提出了舰载微波超视距雷达进行多舰交叉定位时的战术应用原则。

    Based on the quantitative analysis and linking to the combat command , it presents the tactical application principles of muti-vessel cross location using the ship-borne microwave OTH radar .

  10. 其中,战术性会计原则又包括核算和监督两方面。

    Of which , the tactic principle includes both check inspection and supervision .

  11. 本文对制订战术方案的原则、要素进行了分析探讨。

    This essay probes into the principles and component parts in making tactics plan .

  12. 其次,它是一套具体操作性的犯罪处理与预防的策略与艺术,凡一切有助于对付犯罪的战略战术、方针原则、制度体系及措施手段,都可包容在其中。

    All strategies , tactics , principles , rules and measures that are conducive for fighting against crime can be part of the modern criminal policy .

  13. 查缉战术教学想定原则与方法

    Principles and Methods of Investigating Arresting Tactical Teaching

  14. 所谓篮球战术意识是指运动员在篮球比赛中,根据比赛情况,按照一定的战术原则、目的,正确合理地运用技术和战术的主动、自觉的心理活动。

    The tactics consciousness of basketball means players in the basketball match , according to the match , according to certain tactics principle , purpose , using the initiative , conscientious psychological activities of technology and tactics correctly and rationally .

  15. 文章论述了人民警察战术的概念,人民警察战术的形成和发展,人民警察战斗的基本特点、战术原则和方法。

    This article illustrates the concept of the people 's police tactics , the formation and development , the basic traits , the tactical principles and methods .