
ɡuī huà shè jì
  • plan and design
  1. 基于组件GIS的灌溉管网规划设计软件系统

    Software System for Plan and Design of Irrigation Pipe Network Based on GIS

  2. 复垦规划设计中AUTOCAD的应用

    Application of AUTOCAD in the reclamation plan and design

  3. 他的结论是这座城市过分重视规划设计了。

    The city , he concluded , had overdosed on design .

  4. 基于组件式GIS的管道输水灌溉系统规划设计软件研制

    Design for software system of pipe irrigation planning based on GIS

  5. GIS技术在山地规划设计中的应用

    Application of GIS in Mountainous Region Planning

  6. 土石坝坝体CAD系统是水利部水利水电规划设计总院正式下达给我院的水利行业九五CAD重点开发项目。

    The Earth Dam CAD System is a key developing subject assigned by the Ministry ' of Water Resources .

  7. 某市区TD-SCDMA无线网络规划设计方案

    Some Urban District TD-SCDMA Wireless Network Planning Design Proposal

  8. 农田景观规划设计及3S技术应用

    Farm landscape design and planning and application of 3S

  9. 河南移动TD-SCDMA网络规划设计

    Henan Mobile TD-SCDMA Network Planning and Design

  10. 本文研究了如何将VR、GIS、RS等技术综合运用到规划设计领域的方法,并将此方法应用到实际项目中。

    In this paper , the method of applying VR , GIS , and RS techniques into plan field is discussed , which is combined with actual project .

  11. 结合某管网规划设计,以环为主线的编程思路,用C语言编制相应的计算程序并通过调试。

    Combining with the planning and the design of certain department concerned as well as the programming thinking with the loop as principle line , C-language is applied to compiling corresponding computer program and its debug has been passed .

  12. 基于该模型和方法开发的工业货架设计分析系统软件具有进行货架规划设计、有限元分析和工程报价的功能,可以自动生成规划设计报告、有限元分析报告、CAD设计图纸和工程报价清单。

    We developed an industrial rack design and analysis system based on these models and design methods . This software has some basic functions , such as rack planning and design , finite analysis and project pricing .

  13. 以一项CIMS应用工程为实例,讨论了CIMS关键技术之一&计算机网络子系统的规划设计方法。

    This paper discusses one of the key techniques in CIMS plan and design of the computer network subsystem , with a case study in a CIMS application project .

  14. 基于开采沉陷预计的采煤区下沉等值线图不便于直观地反映矿区地形的动态变化,其图形数据结构与数字地形图存在差异,难以直接用于规划设计和矿区GIS分析。

    The settlement isoline map , based on subsidence prediction in mining area , is difficult to be directly applied to land planning in mining area and MGIS analysis due to its different data structure from digital terrain map .

  15. 地理信息系统(GIS)作为集计算机科学、地理学、环境科学、城市科学、空间科学、信息科学和管理科学为一体的学科,可为水土保持规划设计与管理提供强有力的技术手段支持。

    Being as an integrated discipline of incorporating the sciences of computer , geography , environment , urban , space , information and management , GIS can provide powerful technical support for the planning , design and management of soil and water conservation .

  16. 在分析了设计院面临的社会、经济等宏观环境、行业结构与企业内部环境的基础上,采用SWOT法,探讨了成都市城市煤气规划设计院的发展战略。

    Based on the study of social and economic macro environment , the structure of the industry and the internal factors of the enterprise , the paper uses SWOT as a basis of developing a strategic for Chengdu City Gas Engineering Planning & Designing Institute .

  17. 概述部分介绍了成都电信PSTN网向NGN网络演进规划设计的项目背景,论文课题涉及范围,规划设计的依据,以及近期NGN网络发展的目标。

    Have summed up and introduced the project background to NGN network gradual progress programming and design of the telecommunication PSTN networks of Chengdu partly , thesis subject involves the range , the basis of programming and design , and the goal of NGN network development of the near future .

  18. 长沙市江岸锦城商住小区规划设计

    Changsha City River Bank Jincheng Business community 's Planning & Design

  19. 土地利用规划设计专业风格和职业道德

    Professional Ethics and Style of Land - Use Planning 's Design

  20. 对林区城镇住宅小区规划设计的探讨

    Planning and design of dwelling districts in towns of forest areas

  21. 街区住宅的涵义及其规划设计策略探析

    Discussion of the Implication of Residential Block and the Planning Strategy

  22. 汽车消费进入家庭后居住区规划设计对策研究

    Planning solutions of residential district when cars becoming family consumer goods

  23. 北京工业大学校园总体规划设计构思

    The Master Plan of the Campus of Beijing Polytechnic University

  24. 雕塑、建筑小品在园林规划设计中的作用

    The function of sculpture and architectural oddments in garden planning and designing

  25. 北京市小城镇排水管网规划设计探讨

    Investigation on planning and design of town 's drainage system in Beijing

  26. 低密度住宅的规划设计与新技术的应用

    The planning and design the application of new technologies for low-density houses

  27. 石膏山佛寺建筑维修保护及复原规划设计

    Maintenance , protection and restoration design of temple architecture in Shigao Mountain

  28. 成都曼哈顿居住区规划设计

    The planning and architecture design of Chengdu Manhattan residential community

  29. 克服地球轨道空间碎片的航天器防护结构几何规划设计

    Geometric programming design of spacecraft protective structures to defeat EARTH-ORBITAL space debris

  30. 关于城市道路规划设计中提升环境功能的探讨

    Approach to Improve Environmental Function in Planning and Design of Urban Roads