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At one end of the spectrum Goldman Sachs sails sublimely on , churning out ever-improving earnings figures while offsetting losses on its exposure to the subprime market with vast profits on short positions in mortgages .
With the conduits in trouble over bad investments in the US subprime market , these credit lines are battering confidence in the banks .
Investors have learnt from what happened to us subprime mortgages that these securities may be " weapons of financial mass destruction " , as Warren Buffett warned .
In the US , the Bush administration caved in to political pressure to lift portfolio caps on government-backed mortgage lenders , after criticism over the handling of the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market .
Bob diamond , President of Barclays , insisted that long-term growth prospects for the Barclays Capital division were largely undimmed in spite of months of upheaval triggered by the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market .
Goldman Sachs yesterday reported another record quarter and said it saw no sign that turmoil in the subprime mortgage market was spreading to prime mortgages or other areas of the capital markets .
It started in subprime mortgages , then it moved to prime mortgages , then to car financing , says Mark Greene , chief executive of Fico , the US credit checking group .
Wilbur Ross , the US financier who specialises in distressed businesses , is planning a push into subprime mortgages in a sign the credit turmoil is opening up opportunities for bargain-hunting , risk-taking investors .
In the financial markets , the IMF said the deterioration of credit prices since April , and in particular the rising difficulties in the US subprime mortgage market , vindicated its warning about how much credit discipline had weakened in recent years .
Investment funds on both sides of the Atlantic were affected by recent market turmoil yesterday . BNP Paribas shocked European markets by freezing three funds exposed to the stumbling US subprime mortgage market .
Data on fourth-quarter defaults by borrowers were released and specialist lenders that served the market began to report losses for the period , starting with the largest , novastar .
Mounting fears of massive mark-to-market losses by hedge funds stemming from investments in the subprime and the so-called " Alt-A " mortgage sector in between prime and subprime are fuelling wild price swings across all markets .
Many of these are linked to problems in the US subprime mortgage sector .
Recently there has been an increasing focus on the sub-prime crisis in the United States .
The one area where growth has been fuelled by excess borrowing has been in US subprime mortgages .
A significant part of such asset-based longer-term instruments has included exposures to the troubled US subprime mortgage market .
The pawns are getting killed by rising foreclosures in the subprime mortgage market , leaving the better credits exposed .
The crisis that started in the US subprime mortgage market spread this year to become a global economic and financial disaster .
Mr Bernanke played down the threat from the subprime mortgage market and highlighted a new risk to growth from weak business investment .
Global stock markets saw their first big wobble of the year as evidence of problems in the US subprime mortgage market began to mount .
Since the financial globalization trend and financial market volatility intensify in recent years , the risk management of commercial banks is becoming the international and domestic financial focus .
An invoking fact of subprime mortgage crisis is that : it necessarily leads to credit market crisis such as credit card loan , auto loan and commercial mortgage loan .
Boards will also be concerned about knock-on effects from the US subprime mortgage market , which has sparked a wider crisis in credit markets and forced a repricing of risk generally .
Virtually everyone expressed concern that the housing slump and the financial crisis triggered by the subprime mortgage market would significantly slow down the US economy , and perhaps the world economy .
The bank , one of the first to suffer from the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market , said any recovery in the US housing market was unlikely this year .
The resilience of the regions property markets has been such that the credit contraction stemming from problems in the US subprime mortgage market has not so far had a significant destabilising impact .
Here was a global story whose tentacles spread from the US sub-prime mortgage market to the City of London , Iceland , Russian oligarchs , Dubai property barons and numerous other actors .
Global credit markets yesterday suffered one of their worst trading days this decade amid concerns that some investors are being forced to sell assets to cover losses related to the subprime debacle .
Leading bankers yesterday moved to calm the global markets even as they admitted that the shockwaves from of the US subprime collapse could put private equity deals on hold for the next few months .
US consumers are defaulting on credit card payments at a significantly higher rate than last year , raising the prospect of problems in the stricken US subprime mortgage market spreading to other types of consumer debt .