- secondary growth

Arabidopsis TCH4 gene plays an important role in the biological processes related to plant secondary growth , resistance to pathogen , and adaptation to environmental stresses .
Secondary growth of albite on the original detrital feldspar ;
Analysis of NAC transcription factor and Its domain with secondary growth in Arabidopsis thaliana
The Study of Magpies ' Nest-site Selection in Mountainous Region Secondary Growth Forest
The secondary growth mainly relied on activities of vascular cambium and cork cambium .
Cambium is located mainly between collateral phloem and xylem , the secondary growth is limited .
Periderm , lenticelle and secondary vascular tissue in the gynophore are produced due to its secondary growth .
The pattern of the secondary growth of the soybean root is similar to that of most dicots .
The primary and initial secondary growth of the root and stem was similar to those of ordinary dicotyledonous plants .
The primary structure and secondary growth of the root of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch are similar to those of the normal dicotyledons .
The secondary growth is a significant biological activity for plant development , and the secondary xylem plays an important role for human life .
The xylem parenchyma cell wall in roots of 2.47 % salinity highly lignified and thickened , The secondary growth in high salinity was in advance and secondary structures developed .
The development of A. bidentata root and stem was divided into five developmental stages , which were promeristem , primary meristem , primary structure , secondary structure and tertiary growth .
The results showed that the development of Bupleurum chinense DC . roots could be divided into four stages , promeristem , primary meristem , primary structure and secondary stages of growth .
Result showed that roots and stem apexes of Alnus sibirica seedlings formed in the first year grow rapidly and their secondary structures are complete , which manifest its cold resistant characteristics .
The primary xylem of root is diarch , of which developmental process contains primary growth and secondary growth . Secondary growth mainly depends on the activity of the vascular cambium and cork cambium .
Effect of Soil Water on Growth and Development of Primary and Adventitious Root of Winter Wheat
Results and conclusion : Studies on the characteristics of cultured cell indicated that an inverse relationship between growth and secondary metabolite production since the highest levels of secondary compounds were reached during the stationary phase .
The anomalous secondary thickening was studied in the root of medicinal species of Achyranthes bidentata B1 . The primary and early secondary structures are similar to those of most herbs of the dicotyledons .