- 网络secondary phloem

A comparative anatomical study on the secondary phloem of 5 genera , 10 species in Celastraceae was carried out .
The secondary phloem consisted of sieve cells and phloem parenchymas .
PAS reaction results showed polysaccharide were also existed in root periderm and secondary phloem of the two plants .
Comparative Anatomy of the Secondary Phloem in Four Species of Cupressaceae Comparative Anatomy Study on Leaves of Tetraena mongolica Maxim
Comparative studies on secondary phloem of 7 species in Salicaceae
Comparative Anatomical Studies of Stem Secondary Phloem and Wood of Some Gymnosperm
While in branch , scarcely distributed in phloem cells .
Studies on the ultrastructure of secondary phloem in the stem of Rhus verniciflua Stokes
Seasonal Ultrastructural Changes of Secondary Phloem Parenchyma Cells in a Tropical Tree , Dalbergia odorifera
Studies on Cytochemistry of albuminous cells in secondary phloem of stem in Pinus bungeana Zucc
Bark structure and seasonal variations of secondary phloem development in Ligustrum lucidum and Fraxinus chinensis
The anatomy of secondary phloem and periderm of four host tree species of Laccifer lacca
Endophytic fungi existed in the local cells of cork and secondary phloem in the root .
Periodicity of cambium activity and seasonal changes of the secondary phloem in two species of Dalbergia
In the transection section , the area of secondary phloem is much larger than secondary xylem .
The main results are as follows : The secondary phloem of Taxaceae is composed of axial and radial systems .
The secondary phloem is larger than the secondary xylem in the Heracleum , which is the typical storing root .
Some segments of hypha , swelled hypha , pelotons and conidiophore were in colonies in cork and secondary phloem .
A large number of adventitious buds could be seen on the roots , and the adventitious buds originated from the secondary phloem cells .
The present results indicated the remarkable impact of salt stress on cambium cell activity and secondary xylem cell differentiation of both root and stem .
The bark structure of Magnolia biloba , from external to internal parts , includes periderm , cortex , fibre bundies of primary phloem and secondary phloem .
The seasonal development of secondary phloem of 23 species of deciduous trees distributed naturally or introduced on Hainan Island in tropical area of China was studied using microscopy .
Ratio of secondary laticifer lines in secondary functional phloem to the width of secondary functional phloem was significantly positive correlated with rubber yield among rubber clones with or without same genetic background .
The vertical system of secondary phloem consists of sieve tubes , companion cells , parenchyma cells , stone cells and secretory ducts , and radial system were composed with the phloem rays .
The first ring of extra cambium developed from parenchymatous and ray cells outside the secondary phloem and each following ring of extra cambium developed from parenchymatous cells deriving from its previous ring of extra cambium .
The secondary phloem occupied 46 % of the diameter of the root and the parenchymas cells had abundant inclusions . The secondary xylem consisted of vessels , and xylary radial and some xylary parenchyma cells .
While for older roots , there are periderm , secondary phloem , cambium , secondary xylem and primary xylem . In root , the duct caliber of xylem in Akebia quinata ( Thunb . ) Decne .
With the progressive development of stem , the activity of vascular cambium began . The fascicular cambium differentiated into secondary xylem and secondary phloem , while the interfascicular cambium only differentiated into wide ray of parenchyma tissue .
With age increasing , the areas of periderm , secondary phloem and secondary xylem increase , whereas the area ratio of phloem and xylem decrease from 5:1 to 1:1 . One ring new secondary secretory canals increases in phloem every year .
And sieve elements with compound sieve plates and oblique end walls bearing 7 to 8 sieve areas . ( 2 ) There are obvious differences between them in type or ray cells and crystals . Sclereids were not found in secondary phloem in Salix .