
  • 网络Computer Integrated Manufacturing;Computer-integrated Manufacturing;Computer Integrated Manufacturing, CIM
  1. 计算机集成制造技术在建筑业物资管理中的应用研究

    Applied Study of CIM in Material Management of Building Engineering

  2. 计算机集成制造(CIM)在国际上已经实施20多年了。

    CIM has been implemented all over the world for more than two decades .

  3. 计算机集成制造系统中CAD产品模型的建立

    Foundation Of CAD Production Model In CIMS

  4. 计算机集成制造(ComputerIntegratedManufacturing,简称CIM)思想的出现,把制造业带进了新的时代。

    The advent of CIMS ( Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ) brings integrated manufacturing of enterprises into a new era .

  5. 近年来,CIMS(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystems,计算机集成制造系统)在离散行业中的应用越来越广泛。

    In recent years , the CIMS ( Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems ) has been applied in the discrete industry wider and wider .

  6. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)&工厂自动化的发展方向

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ( CIMS )─ Development Direction of Factory Automation

  7. 质量控制和管理是企业CIMS计算机集成制造应用的一个重要环节。

    Quality control and quality management are key to the applications of CIMS .

  8. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)数据集成体系结构研究

    Study on Architecture of Data Integrating in CIMS

  9. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)的核心是信息集成。

    The core of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ( CIMS ) is information integration .

  10. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)是21世纪制造业的生产模式。

    CIMS ( Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ) is the 21 century 's production paradigm .

  11. 在综合行业技术、经济和管理特征的基础上实施计算机集成制造系统(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystem,CIMS)日益受到人们的重视,在理论研究和应用技术方面也得到了不断深入的发展。

    On the basis of analysing the characteristics of production economy and management , computer integrated manufacturing system ( CIMS ) had been achieving good acceptances in mechanical industries .

  12. 介绍了基于工程数据库的CAD系统对于现代电器工厂计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)进程的重要性。

    The significance of electrical equipment construction CAD system in the CIMS process of electrical equipment manufactures was briefly introduced .

  13. XML是JDF和CIM(计算机集成制造)支柱技术。

    XML is the backbone behind JDF and computer-integrated manufacturing ( CIM ) .

  14. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)的可靠性建模与分析

    Reliability modeling and analysis of CIMS

  15. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)在纺纱中的应用

    Application of CIMS in Spinning Production

  16. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)是企业现代化的方向。

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems ( CIMS ) is a goal for enterprises to go toward modernization .

  17. 本文对信息技术在制造业中的应用及计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)发展的趋势进行了阐述,并对CIMS的技术结构、体系特征进行了说明。

    This paper expatiates the application of Information Technology in manufacturing and the development tendency of CIMS .

  18. 介绍了CIMS概念从计算机集成制造系统向现代集成制造系统的发展,以及对成本管理模式的影响。

    And then it introduces CIMS conception development from computer integrated manufacturing system to contemporary integrated manufacturing system .

  19. 制造业技术发展方向是实现计算机集成制造技术(CIM)。

    The direction of the manufacturing developing is to realize the Computer Integrated Manufacturing ( CIM ) .

  20. 产品信息共享技术是实现计算机集成制造系统的关键技术之一,本文通过对STEP标准的仔细研究,提出了一种解决产品信息共享问题的新方法。

    Product information sharing technology is one of key technologies for CIMS . It is discussed how to solve them and a new method is also given here through careful study of STEP standard .

  21. 作为计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)中一个不可缺少的组成部分&计算机辅助质量系统(CAQ),正日益受到重视。

    As a indispensability proportion in the CIMS , CAQ has increasingly got recognition .

  22. CAPP不仅能实现工艺设计自动化,也是把CAD和CAM连接起来,实现CAD/CAM一体化,建立计算机集成制造系统(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystem&CIMS)的关键中间环节。

    CAPP can not only realize automation of process planning , but also realize integration of CAD and CAM which is the key of constituting CIMS ( Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ) .

  23. 在此基础上出现了一种新型的高柔性、高智能、高效率的生产系统&计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)。

    From the ground up , a high-pliable , high-intelligent and high-efficient production system & Computer Integrated manufacture system ( CIMS ) appeared .

  24. 专家系统(ES)技术是实现计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)的重要基础技术之一。

    Expert System ( ES ) technic is one of the important basic technology in realizing computer integrated manufacturing system ( CIMS ) .

  25. 计算机集成制造(CIM)技术这一高新技术正在产品制造领域被逐步推广应用。

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing ( CIM ) technology is being applied in the field of products manufacturing step by step .

  26. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)是一种新的制造理念,而现代集成制造系统是CIMS的扩展。

    Computer integrated manufacturing systems ( CIMS ) are a new manufacturing paradigm , while contemporary integrated manufacturing systems are an extension to CIMS .

  27. 生产计划与调度系统作为实施CIMS工程中的一个重要组成部分,是计算机集成制造系统功能结构模型中不可缺少的一个层次。

    As an important part of CIMS , the production planning and scheduling system is an obligatory layer in the CIMS function structure model .

  28. 计算机集成制造系统(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystem,CIMS)是按CIM哲理建成的复杂的人机系统,是实现制造业信息化、提高企业竞争力的有效方法。

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ( CIMS ) is a complicated people-machine-interactive system . It is an effective method for every enterprise to improve its capability of competing and make the information manufacturing come true .

  29. 计算机集成制造系统CIMS和并行工程CE技术的发展和应用,对装配设计提出了更高的要求。

    The development and applying of CIMS ( Computer Integrated Manufacture System ) and CE ( Concurrent Engineering ) are giving assembly design a higher requirement .

  30. 为确保在市场竟争中立于不败之地,实施计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)技术是其强有力的保证措施。

    To not be lost in the market , the execution of the computer integrated manufacture system ( CIMS ) is a strong competing method .