
  • 网络Chinese investment
  1. 这背后的部分原因是中方投资增加了四倍,这一趋势在马德里举行的毕马威会计事务所活动中得到了承认。

    Part of the reason behind that is due to a four-fold increase in Chinese investment , a trend that was acknowledged at a KPMG event in Madrid .

  2. 于冬说:这是一个有中国角色和中国人情感的故事。它由中方投资,但它具备全球吸引力。

    It tells a Chinese story with Chinese characters and Chinese emotions , backed up by Chinese investment , but it has potential global appeal , says Yu .

  3. 从1994年到2011年,柬埔寨政府同意在柬的中方投资占据了总共400亿美金投资项目的20%。

    From 1994 to 2011 , China accounted for 20 percent of the total US $ 40 billion worth of investment projectsapproved by the Cambodian government .

  4. 英国财相表示,中方对投资英国一系列基础设施项目感兴趣,包括跨越利物浦和曼彻斯特两个城市的庞大开发项目大西洋门户(AtlanticGateway)。

    The chancellor said the Chinese were interested in investing in a range of British infrastructure projects , including the Atlantic Gateway , a vast development project spanning the Liverpool and Manchester city regions .

  5. 中方政府投资巨资运动和新兵在年轻年龄的运动员。

    The Chinese government invests heavily in sport and recruits athletes at a young age .

  6. 截至2003年底,经商务部批准的我国非金融类海外企业累计达到7470家,中方协议投资额114.27亿美元,海外投资已扩展到世界160多个国家和地区。

    Up to the end of 2003 , overseas investment has already been expanded to more than 160 countries and regions in the world .

  7. 中国国家电网表示,谈判涉及一座炼铝厂。除此之外,双方均未透露项目细节或中方的投资总额。

    Neither side gave details of the projects , beyond the State Grid saying the talks involved an aluminium plant , or the amount of funding from Beijing .

  8. 莫斯科在于西方的对抗中,更接近或者说被迫接近中国,它已经放宽了目前对中国投资的正式或非正式的限制,并且开始积极寻求中方的投资。

    Moving , or rather being pushed , closer to China amidst confrontation with the West , Moscow has lifted formal and informal restrictions on Chinese investments that existed hitherto and begun to actively court Chinese capitals .

  9. 2011年,俄方仅在中国投资2000万美元,而中方在俄罗斯投资1.82亿美元。

    Russia invested just $ 20m in China in 2011 , with $ 182m going in the opposite direction .

  10. “我们欢迎中方来欧盟投资,包括新能源、环保、粮食安全等领域,”弗基耶对《第一财经日报》表示。

    " We would welcome the investment of Chinese companies in Europe , including new energy , environmental protection and food safety businesses ," Laurent Wauquiez told China Business News .

  11. 花旗高管告诉中方,新加坡政府投资有限公司(governmentofsingaporeinvestmentcorporation)有意提供花旗寻求的全部资金。

    Citi officials told the Chinese that government of Singapore Investment Corporation ( GIC ) was interested in providing all the money Citi sought .

  12. 一名政府高官证实了中方的这项投资。

    The Chinese investment was confirmed by a senior government official .

  13. 中国企业和官员也质疑中方在美国的投资是否受欢迎。

    Chinese companies and officials have also questioned whether their investments in the US are welcome .

  14. 而在市场经济体制下,政府投资,社会力量投资、政府与社会力量联合投资、外方投资、中方与外方联合投资等形式形成多元化的投资主体结构。

    However , government investment , social strength investment , joint investment of government and social strength , foreign investment , joint investment of foreigner and Chinese , have come into the plural construction of investment subject in the market economy .