
  • 网络Harbin, China
  1. 结论中国哈尔滨地区HCC的发生主要与HBV感染有密切关系,特别是HBV的c亚型。

    Conclusion The occurrence of HCC in Harbin of China and the infection of HBV has close relations , specially c subtype of HBV . The relationship between the occurrence of HCC and the infection of HBV is different in various geographic regions .

  2. 2009年,第24届冬季大运会在中国哈尔滨举办。

    In2009 , the24th Winter Universiade was held in Harbin .

  3. 曲婉婷生长于中国哈尔滨。

    Qu was born and raised in Harbin , China .

  4. 这场“脑力战争”在中国哈尔滨举行。

    The Battle of the Brains took place in Harbin , China .

  5. 第三届国际地洼构造与成矿学讨论会在中国哈尔滨举行

    The Third International Symposium on DIWA TECTONICS AND METALLOGENY held in harbin , China

  6. 中国哈尔滨产新鞭毛藻

    New flagellatae from harbin , china

  7. 方法将24只健康的中国哈尔滨大白兔随机分为实验组及对照组。

    Methods Twenty-four healthy Chinese Harbin rabbits were divided randomly into an experimental group and a control group .

  8. 卡拉伊姆人在当今世界人数极少,20世纪初,他们中的一部分人在中国哈尔滨有着一段不为人知的发展历程。

    Nowadays the number of Crimea-Karaites is very few in the world and part of them had a special history in Harbin in the beginning of20th century .

  9. 据世界卫生组织统计,2009年,中国哈尔滨的颗粒物污染浓度达到101微克/米。

    In 2009 , the concentration of particulate pollution in the Chinese city of Harbin averaged 101 micrograms per meter , according to the World Health Organization .

  10. 中国哈尔滨医科大学的研究人员们召集了16名身材苗条和14名肥胖的男性进行了这两项试验,他们的年龄介于十几岁到二十几岁之间。

    Researchers at Harbin Medical University in China recruited 16 slim men and 14 obese men in their late teens or twenties and carried out two experiments .

  11. 市内的冰雕和中国哈尔滨的非常相像,在各处欣赏这些冰雕期间,你和其它游客可以驻足进入圆顶冰屋内喝杯热茶或热咖啡。

    While admiring the ice sculptures everywhere in the city , much like those in Harbin in China , you can stop with other tourists in an igloo for hot tea or coffee .

  12. 中国石油哈尔滨石化公司在线考试系统的开发与设计

    Harbin Petrochemical Company of Petrochina Development and Design of On-line Examination System

  13. 中国·哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院招聘外籍设计人员启事

    Job Available for Foreign Staff in Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT , China

  14. 根据这一令人震惊的视频显示,这个势利的年轻小伙竟然在中国东北哈尔滨的一条马路上对他自己的父母动手。

    Shocking video shows the snobby young man attacking his own mother and father on a road in Harbin , north east China .

  15. 介绍了中国石油哈尔滨石化公司柴油加氢精制-临氢降凝装置采用异构降凝技术提高产品柴油质量的生产情况。

    The quality of diesel oil producing was advanced by isomery pour point depression technique applying in hydrogenation unit in Harbin Petroleum Company Branch of PetroChina .

  16. 周日,一名来自中国东北哈尔滨的警察,在第11届上海国际电影节中,因为他在一部国内影片中的本色表现荣获最佳男主角。

    A policeman in the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin was awarded best actor at the11th Shanghai International Film Festival on Sunday for his unaffected performance in a domestic film .

  17. 美国宇航局地球观测站(NASAEarthObservatory)刚刚宣布,中国东北城市哈尔滨的细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度高达每立方米1000微克。

    The NASA Earth Observatory just announced that the northern city of Harbin saw concentrations of fine particulate matter ( PM2.5 ) as high as 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter .

  18. 巴西航空工业公司已经在中国东北城市哈尔滨组建了一家合资企业和组装工厂。

    Embraer has established a joint venture and assembly plant in the Manchurian city of Harbin .

  19. 2001年世界女排大奖赛中国队获哈尔滨两站冠军探析

    Analysis of Two Championships Won by Chinese Volleyball Team during 2001 World Women 's Volleyball Grand Prize Tournament in Harbin

  20. 这个暖气和电力组合系统为中国东北城市哈尔滨道里区的一百万居民带来了洁净、节能、最优的暖气。

    The combined heat and power system brings clean , efficient and optimal heat to one million residents in the Daoli district of Harbin in northeast China .

  21. 在第26届哈尔滨国际冰雪节上,烟花点亮了位于中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市的一座公园内的冰雕。

    Fireworks light up the sky behind an ice sculpture during the26th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival at a park in Harbin , Heilongjiang province , China .

  22. 上周五,中国北方城市哈尔滨一座大桥坍塌,造成三死五伤,凸显出有关中国快速修建的基础设施安全状况的问题。

    The accidents followed a bridge collapse Friday in the northern city of Harbin , which killed three people and injured five , underscoring related concerns over the state of China 's quickly built infrastructure .

  23. 犹太教及其在中国的传播与哈尔滨的犹太教和犹太教堂

    Judaism and Its Dissemination in China and Judaism and Jewish Church in Harbin

  24. 和绝大多数中国高中一样,哈尔滨十九中没有运动队和体育馆。

    Like most Chinese high schools , No.19 has no sports teams and no gymnasium .

  25. 该公司补充称,在中国,百威和哈尔滨啤酒(百威英博旗下另一个品牌)也得益于此类促销活动。

    In China , Budweiser and Harbin , another AB InBev brand , also benefited from such promotions , the company added .

  26. 一些中国的报道说哈尔滨并没有最先发布公告是因为要等待来自北京的许可。

    Some Chinese reports said that Harbin failed to report the slick at first because it was waiting for Beijing 's permission to tell the truth .

  27. 李胜目前居住在中国东北工业城市哈尔滨,他认为这既是对房地产、也是对孩子未来的一个很好的投资。

    Mr. Li , who lives in Harbin , an industrial city in northern China , sees the purchase as a good investment in both his real-estate portfolio and his children 's future .

  28. 上周五,中国东北部城市哈尔滨的一座八车道大桥的引桥垮塌,导致三人死亡,五人受伤。基础设施安全问题带来的担忧在中国正日益加剧。

    The ramp of an eight-lane bridge in China 's northern city of Harbin collapsed Friday , killing three people and injuring five , as concern about the safety of China 's infrastructure mounts .

  29. 中国石油销售东北公司哈尔滨公司(前身是哈尔滨石油采购供应站)始建于1951年,1985年更名为中国石化销售公司哈尔滨公司,主要业务是按照国家计划负责接收、调拨成品油。

    China Petroleum Sailing East-North Company Harbin Branch ( former Harbin Petroleum Purchases-supply Station ) was built in 1951 , and was changed the name to China Petrochemical Sailing Company in 1985 , its main business was to accept and transfer finished oil .