
  • 网络the International Style
  1. 我一直在学习美式大约一年,这DVD是国际风格,所以我不能肯定这将是有益的。

    I have been learning American Style for about a year and this DVD is International Style , so I was not sure it would be useful .

  2. 我的公司试图将国际风格带到新兴市场的房地产市场。

    My company tries to bring international style to property in emerging markets .

  3. 谈国际风格主义环境设计的再发展

    New Development of International Style in Environmental Design

  4. 19世纪30年代,许多建筑从这场运动中形成并被设计成国际风格。

    By the1930s many buildings emerging from this movement were designed in the International Style .

  5. 马克斯表示,就高级职位而言,如今已形成一种受到相当认可的国际风格。

    At a senior level , says Ms Marx , there is now a fairly accepted international style .

  6. 新理性主义与国际风格的完美组合,美学与制造工艺浑然天成。

    Perfect combination of new reasonability and international style is the natural incorporation of art and manufacturing technology .

  7. 它是引入工控和自动化领域的第一本国际风格的杂志。

    It is the first international style magazine to be introduced to the automation and control industry in China .

  8. 在1929年他前往欧洲,寻找在旧楼和新出现的工作,国际风格。

    In1929 he travelled in Europe , looking at both old buildings and the newly emerging work of the International Style .

  9. 作为这一运动的直接产物,现代建筑国际风格在20世纪风靡世界。

    As a direct result of modern movement , the International Style became a universal mode all over the world in 20th century .

  10. 在欧式等国际风格住宅热卖了十几年以后,中国人也开始思考和建设属于自己的房子。

    After more than ten years ' hotness in the European and international style residential , the Chinese people begin to think about building their own house .

  11. 19世纪50年代,国际风格被发展成为一种通用的建筑方法,标准化了世界城市新建筑的外观。

    By the1950s , the International Style had developed into a universal approach to building , which standardised the appearance of new buildings in cities across the world .

  12. 如果是“中国”终结了,那么如同一些倡导跨文化美学的学者所言,它的归宿应该是新的国际风格。

    If Chinese comes to an end , it , according to the scholars who advocate trans-cultural aesthetics , is substituted by a new " International Style " .

  13. 它当然很现代,却是一种富于表现力的现代主义,与同时代的垂直式的国际风格相去甚远。

    It is " modern ", certainly , but it is an expressive modernism that was quite at odds with the rectilinear " international style " of its time .

  14. 它是整个设计艺术在世界范围内出现国际风格的现代主义潮流之后出现的多元化的,强调传统和本土性的新设计艺术潮流。

    It is the new design trend of emphasis on diversification 、 traditional and indigenous art which was founded after the whole design art trend in the world of " international style " of modernism .

  15. 建筑师密斯范德罗厄设计的布尔诺图根德哈特别墅是20世纪20年代在欧洲兴起的建筑“近代运动”中具有国际风格的优秀建筑范例。

    The tugendhat villa in brno , designed by the architect Mies van der rohe , is an outstanding example of the international style in the modern movement in architecture as it developed in Europe in the1920s .

  16. 时尚,来源于法国的国际华风格;

    Fashion , coming from the international sysles of France ;

  17. 上世纪三十年代,上海曾是著名的东方大都市,以国际建筑风格闻名。

    In the1930s , Shanghai was an Oriental metropolis famed for its international-style buildings .

  18. 正文分八部分,第一部分解释哥特式和国际哥特式风格;第二部分概述意大利国际哥特式绘画;

    Part I explains the concepts of Gothic and the International Gothic Style , Part II narrates the International Gothic Style in Italy .

  19. 伴随着我国城乡建设速度的加快,传统的空间形态及城市肌理受到破坏,出现了大量国际式风格的建筑。

    With the accelerating speed of urban and rural construction in China , the traditional spatial form and urban context have been destroyed , and most of buildings internationalized have been built .

  20. 第二次国际性音乐风格简析

    Brief analysis on the second " international " music style

  21. 国际商务谈判风格与对策

    International business negotiating styles and strategies

  22. 人民日报国际评论的语体风格研究

    Analysis of Style Characteristic of International News Comments on People 's Daily

  23. 热爱时尚、关注时尚、熟悉国际时尚流行品牌风格与趋势。

    Love fashion , focus on fashion , be familiar with international fashion brand style and trends .