
  • 网络NHC;the National Hurricane Center
  1. “他们将面临一个类似的场景,北卡罗莱纳州是今天面临的”国家飓风中心主任比尔Read说。

    " They 'll be facing a similar scenario that North Carolina is facing today ," National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read said .

  2. 国家飓风中心预报员ToddKimberlain表示,飓风艾琳的问题是它的路径。

    National Hurricane Center forecaster Todd Kimberlain said the problem with Irene is its path .

  3. 国家飓风中心的BillReed表示,预期Fiona不会像厄尔那样靠近陆地。

    Bill Reed of the National Hurricane Center says Fiona is not expected to come as close to land as Earl did .

  4. “这是最强的飓风威胁,因为飓风鲍伯在1991年英格兰东北部和新建,”丹尼斯说Feltgen,一个国家飓风中心的专家。

    " This is the strongest hurricane to threaten the northeast and New England since Hurricane Bob in1991 ," said Dennis Feltgen , a National Hurricane Center specialist .

  5. 这是国家飓风中心预测跟踪所得出的结果。

    Here 's forecast track from the National Hurricane Center .

  6. 美国国家飓风中心说,艾萨克星期四经过路易斯安那州北部,风力已经减弱。

    The National Hurricane Center says the slow-moving Isaac weakened over northern Louisiana Thursday .

  7. 送到这里的气象报告,都经过迈阿密国家飓风中心极仔细的分析。

    All incoming reports were given most careful analysis at the National Hurricane Center at Miami .

  8. 国家飓风中心称,芭芭拉的最大持续风力将达到近每小时75英里。

    The national hurricane center says Barbara 's maximum sustained winds are near 75 miles per hour .

  9. 美国国家飓风中心的丹尼斯·费尔根表示,风暴将于7月4日登陆北卡罗来纳州。

    The national hurricane center Dennis Feltgen calls the area of north Carolina should expect the stormy 4th of July .

  10. 美国国家飓风中心警告说,路易斯安那州东南部和密西西比州可能还会发生洪水,并可能出现龙卷风。

    The hurricane center warned there could still be more flooding across southeastern Louisiana and Mississippi and that tornadoes are possible .

  11. 墨西哥国家飓风中心的迈克尔·布兰登表示,“英格丽德”正向墨西哥湾西海岸移动。

    The national hurricane center 's Michael Branden , says Ingrid is heading for the western coast of the gulf of Mexico .

  12. 国家飓风中心主任表示,如果继续向北移动,该热带风暴将在大西洋形成非常危险的形势。

    National Hurricane Center Director Bill Reed said the storm should continue to produce very dangerous conditions in Atlantic waters as it moves north .

  13. 美国国家飓风中心表示,这场风暴将于周三开始向北移动,而其在向东海岸移动时会继续停留在海面上。

    The national hurricane center says the storm is expected to turn north Wednesday and remain offshore as it heads of the east coast .

  14. 国家飓风中心警告从佛罗里达一直到缅因州沿岸的居民警惕极端危险的海浪和威胁生命的激流。

    The National Hurricane Centre is warning people from Florida all the way to Maine of extremely dangerous surf and life threatening rip currents .

  15. 美国国家飓风中心报告称,“劳拉”的最大持续风速为每小时225公里,正在向得克萨斯州和路易斯安那州边界移动。

    The National Hurricane Center reported that Laura had maximum sustained winds at 225 kilometers per hour and was moving toward the Texas / Louisiana border .

  16. 保拉星期一在洪都拉斯沿岸形成,并且预计到星期二发展为飓风,位于佛罗里达州,迈阿密的国家飓风中心说。

    Paula formed Monday off Honduras and was expected to develop into a hurricane by Tuesday , said the National Hurricane Center in Miami , Florida .

  17. 美国国家飓风中心预言,这场等级为一的风暴将在明后两天登陆前减小势头。

    The National Hurricane Center says the category one storm is forecast to drift over the coast for the next day or two before heading inland .

  18. 但是,位于迈阿密的国家飓风中心的气象预报人员说,「艾克」飓风可能在星期五晚些时候或者星期六上午登陆前升级成为更加强烈的三级飓风。

    But forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami say it could develop into a much stronger Category Three storm before it makes landfall later Friday or early Saturday .

  19. 美国国家飓风中心表示,今天热带气候将为波多黎各和多米尼加共和国带去雨水,这股热带气候在移动至巴哈马附近水域时将逐渐变强。

    The National Hurricane Center says the tropical weather sets to drench Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic today is expected to gather strength as it moves over waters near the Bahamas .

  20. 迈阿密国家飓风中心天气预报员表示,他们正在密切监视该飓风,查看厄尔飓风会继续停留在海面还是向西移动,影响美国海岸线。

    Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami said they are closely watching the storm for signs that it will remain in open waters , or turn west and impact the U.S. coastline .

  21. 国家飓风中心的负责人瑞克·科纳布说埃萨克带来的滂沱大雨很可能会造成广泛的洪水,在路易斯安那州和密西西比州风暴和大量激增的海水可能会猛力击打沿海地区。

    The head of national hurricane center Rick Knabb says Issac 's drenching rains are likely to cause widespread river flooding and the storm could slam coastal areas in Louisiana and Mississippi with significant surge of sea water .

  22. 令人意外的是,美国国家海洋和大气管理局——同时也是管理国家飓风中心的组织——也多次被问到这个问题。

    It turns out the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-the agency that runs the National Hurricane Center-gets it a lot , too .