
ɡuó mén
  • gateway of a country;national border;goalkeeper of the national team;national goalkeeper
国门 [guó mén]
  • (1) [gate of the capital city]

  • (2) 旧指国都的城门,也指守护城门的小神,也指边境;今指边防哨所和海关

  • 拒敌于国门之外

  • (3) 比喻国家政策、规定

  • 打开国门,大胆吸收一切有用的东西

  1. 这是我第一次走出国门,踏上异国土地。

    This is the first time I have left my country and set foot on foreign soil .

  2. 我国自加入WTO之后,中国企业面临着不出国门的国际竞争。

    The Chinese corporation faces the international competition without going abroad since China affiliated the WTO .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,降低了中小企业进入国际市场的壁垒和障碍,使中小企业能顺利走出国门。

    China joined the WTO , this reduce the obstacles that SMEs enter the international market , and make SMEs go abroad smoothly .

  4. 加入WTO以后,越来越多的外企进入我国,我国的一些企业也逐渐走出国门,企业面临着许多新的国际竞争环境。

    Companies have faced many new international competitive environments , with more and more foreign companies coming into our country and our some enterprises coming out after joining the WTO .

  5. 企业为了保证产品质量和服务质量、将产品和服务走出国门,必须进行ISO贯标及认证工作。

    ISO standardization and identification should be carried out to ensure of product and service quality so as to achieve the exportation of them .

  6. 进入WTO,不但为民族产业走出国门提供了机遇,而且国内市场也逐渐趋于国际化,对民族产业的发展也带来了许多不确定因素。

    The entry of WTO has not only brought opportunities of going abroad to national industry , but also made national market international . So many indefinite factors have been brought to national industry .

  7. 随着中国改革开放的逐步深入,尤其是中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)以后,越来越多的人走出国门,到境外就业。

    With the deepening of China 's reform and opening to the world , especially after its entry into WTO , more and more Chinese workers go out of the country to find job abroad .

  8. 至中国加入WTO以来,越来越多的中国商品纷纷销往国外,并且越来越多的商家意识到真正能够成功走出国门的商品都需要有一个成功的商标译名。

    Since China has become to a member of WTO , more and more Chinese commodities are sold abroad . However , it is the successful translated brands that make domestic commodities warmly accepted by the foreign consumers .

  9. 中国加入WTO后,依靠关税和政策壁垒暂时挡在国门之外的国外公司和产品的涌入,使竞争加剧。

    The competition is becoming sharper under the condition that China had only tariff and policy barriers left to stop the foreign manufactures and products from pouring in the domestic market after becoming a member state of WTO .

  10. 自中国加入WTO以来,我国本土企业面临着跨国公司的激烈竞争,走出国门、走向世界成为其生存发展的必经之路。

    Since China joined the WTO . Chinese enterprises are facing the fierce competition with transnational corporations . Go out of the country and to the world market is the only way which must be passed for its survival and development .

  11. 在此,重点分析了3M公司国际化创新的历史发展、战略演变及其国际化创新中成功的管理因素,以期为技术创新刚刚开始走出国门的中国企业提供经验和借鉴。

    It analyzes , the history of 3M innovation internationalization , its strategy evolvement and contributing management factors in order to offer managerial experience for internationalizing Chinese enterprises .

  12. TCL是首批收购海外资产的中国企业之一,通过将本土低成本制造优势与国际知名品牌联姻,实现自己走出国门的目标。

    TCL was among the first Chinese companies to acquire overseas assets in a push to become global by marrying low-cost manufacturing at home with well-known international brands .

  13. 矿业高管和分析师认为,必和必拓(BHPBilliton)对其竞争对手力拓(RioTinto)发起的收购,将鼓励中国企业走出国门,收购更多的海外矿业资产。

    BHP Billiton 's takeover bid for rival Rio Tinto will encourage Chinese companies to go abroad and buy more overseas mining assets , industry executives and analysts believe .

  14. ISIS正在猛烈轰击邻近国家的国门&黎巴嫩、土耳其,某种程度上还包括约旦,最终可能还会包括沙特阿拉伯。

    Isis is banging violently on the doors of its neighbours – Lebanon , Turkey , Jordan to some extent , and maybe eventually Saudi Arabia .

  15. 中国游客经常走出国门寻找带有一点历史底蕴的品牌,从哈罗兹(Harrods)到福莱莎百货(HouseofFraser),都能看到他们的身影。后者是苏格兰一家百货连锁公司,最近刚被中国的一位富翁所收购。

    Chinese tourists cross the world to seek out brands with a bit of historical pedigree , from Harrods to House of Fraser , the Scottish department store chain recently bought by a Chinese millionaire .

  16. 随着我国参加WTO组织,进一步对外开放,许多企业的产品纷纷走出国门,远销到世界各地,或与国内其它企业的出口产品配套,产品间接出口。

    With the participation in WTO and further opening to the outside world by China , many companies export their products abroad , which are sold in every corner of the world , or supply components to exported products made by other companies thus becoming an indirect exporter .

  17. 随着中国加入WTO,国际化程度不断加深,加之国内电建市场的饱和,中国越来越多的电建企业纷纷走出国门,在世界范围内寻求更广阔的市场,其中发展迅速的是国际EPC总承包工程。

    As China joined WTO with deeper internationalization and internal electric power construction market has reached saturation point , more and more electric power construction companies step abroad to seek bigger market worldwide , one of which develops fast is EPC general contract .

  18. 湖南卫视很乐意这么做,因为他们希望这将帮助他们走出国门,打入国际市场,ITVStudios驻香港的地区主管詹姆斯罗斯(JamesRoss)表示。

    Hunan TV is happy with that because they hope this will help them get out there on the global market , said James Ross , regional director for ITV Studios Global Entertainment in Hong Kong .

  19. Spotify走出了国门。它拥有1000多万名付费用户,而活跃用户总计达4000万,分布在58个国家。

    Spotify 's reach goes beyond its home base . It has more than 10 million paying subscribers and a total of 40 million active users in 58 countries .

  20. 据《好莱坞报道》称,英国ITV独立电视台将制作英国版的《好歌曲》,而这也是中国选秀节目模式首次“走出国门”。

    According to the Hollywood Reporter , the UK 's ITV has created a British version of Sing My Song , marking the first time a Chinese format talent show has been exported abroad .

  21. 同时结合我国国情,提出我国企业要走有中国特色的CIO、CKO之路,并要抓住机遇走出国门,走向世界。

    According to Chinese conditions in reality , the author claims that Chinese business should pursue their distinct ways of CIO and CKO , and take every opportunity to integrate themselves into the internationalization .

  22. 北京首都国际机场地面交通中心(GTC)是进出国门的一个窗口,整个钢屋架结构设计线条流畅,造型新颖别致,充分体现了现代建筑风格和新的都市风貌。

    Ground transportation centre ( GTC ) of Capital International Airport is a window to our country , the whole structure design line is gliding and the lectotype is novel and interesting , which embody fully modern architectural style and new city appearance .

  23. 中小企业在走出国门开拓国际市场时营销策略的转变变得极其重要,这也是本文要着重强调E-CRM在国际市场拓展中的重要作用的原因。

    Small and medium-sized enterprises in international marketing strategy to develop international market when the transformation become extremely important , this also is the article will emphasize E-CRM in international market expansion to the important role of reason .

  24. 现在中国人也可以不出国门,体验迪斯尼带来的乐趣。

    Now the people of China can enjoy the happiness too .

  25. 走出国门,向世界品牌挑战。

    To step abroad and challenge the world 's leading brand .

  26. 郭嵩焘是近代中国第一个走出国门的驻外使臣。

    Guo songtao was the first diplomatic envoy abroad in modern China .

  27. 士兵御敌与国门之外。

    The soldiers kept the enemy out of the country .

  28. 如果没有这两家单位的合法手续,只要她没有走出国门,她的欧亚环行就仍然是一个梦想。

    Without the two , her Eurasia travel is still an illusion .

  29. 国门商务区:北京商务新名片

    Air Central Business District : New Business Card for Beijing

  30. 广州恒大的胜利打破了中国足球走不出国门的传言。

    Guangzhou Evergrande 's win has broken China 's Asian title drought .