
  • 网络moulin
  1. 最大冰臼口宽约10m,深约3.5m;最小冰臼口宽及深度均在数厘米左右;

    The largest moulin is about 10 m wide and about 3 . 5 m deep , whereas the mouth width and depth of the smallest moulin are both about a few centimeters ;

  2. 河北、内蒙古中低山区发现罕见的冰臼群

    Rare Moulin Swarms Discovered in the Medium-Low Mountains Areas in Hebei and Inner Mongolia

  3. 冰臼大小一般为0.5~2m,深0.2~1m左右。

    These moulins are generally 0 . 5 ~ 2 m in diameter and 0 . 2-1 m or so in depth .

  4. 论内蒙古第四纪冰川和冰臼群的成因

    Quaternary glacial geology and origin of glacial pothole swarms in Inner Mongolia

  5. 依据冰期气候地层法的分析、研究和对比,冰臼群大约形成于距今约2~3百万年的第四纪早期。

    The moulins were formed in early Quaternary , about 2 ~ 3 Ma B.P. , according to the study on climatic stratigraphy .

  6. 至于是否存在末次冰期盛冰阶时期的冰川遗迹和冰臼则值得进行进一步研究和讨论。

    However , the problem is worth further studying that whether there were traces of glaciation during the last glacial period in the past 23 ~ 12 ka .

  7. 南国冰臼群的确定,是在发现大量古冰川遗迹的基础上提出的。

    The moulins in South China were determined , based on the discovery of many paleo-glacial remnants and the comparison of the moulins that had been found in China and abroad .

  8. 河北、内蒙古中低山区大量冰臼群的发现,笔者认为中国东部中低山区在第四纪早期确实曾发生过大规模冰川活动。

    The discovery of large numbers of moulin swarms in the medium-low mountains areas of Hebei and Inner Mongolia provides evidence that large-scale glaciation did took place in the early Quaternary in medium-low mountains areas of eastern China .

  9. 南国冰臼群分布区大量冰川堆积、冰川条痕石及变形砾石的发现,再次有力地证明是冰臼不是壶穴的正确结论。

    The discovery of a host of glacial drifts , stratified pebbles and deformation gravel in the moulin groups area in South China once again provides strong evidence for the conclusion that the moulins are not a pot holes .