
  1. 论国民财产神圣不可侵犯

    On Inviolability of National Property

  2. 火灾是当前损害国民财产、威胁人身安全的主要灾害之一,每年造成了巨大的财产损失和人员伤亡。

    Fire is one of the most serious disasters damaging the wealth and intimidating the safety of people . It leads to a lot of loss of the wealth and lives .

  3. 从教会到国民拥有的财产的移交。

    Transfer of property from ecclesiastical to civil possession .

  4. 山地占我国国土面积的70%,国民的生命财产安全正遭受滑坡灾害的威胁。

    The Lives and property of citizens are suffering from the threat of landslides , which belong to 70 % mountain area of our land .

  5. 受罗马法对物与财产的不同理解的影响,法国民法典使用财产的概念。

    By the influence of the different understanding of res and property in the Roman law , Civil Code of France adopts the concept of property .

  6. 为了能够厘清民国司法实践对民国民法典夫妻财产制的适用情况,笔者致力于案例分析,揭示了法制理想与社会环境之间的矛盾。

    In order to clarify the application of husband and wife property system in Civil Code of China Republic in judicatory practice , the writer concentrates on the case analysis . The conclusion is drawn that conflict lies between legal ideal and social circumstance .

  7. 中国是地震灾害多发国,地震给国民的人身财产安全带来了巨大损失并影响着社会的稳定。

    China is an earthquake-prone country . Earthquake brings great loss to people ' spersonal and property security and influences social stability .