
  • 网络fire products;fire fighting products
  1. 办理消防产品行政案件应注意的问题

    The Problems with the Disposal of Administrative Cases of Fire Products

  2. 假冒伪劣消防产品一旦投入使用,将对社会公共安全环境构成长期危害。

    Fake fire products once put into use , the social public security environment constitute a long-term hazard .

  3. 第四十四条违反本法的规定,生产、销售未经依照产品质量法的规定确定检验机构检验合格的消防产品的,责令停止违法行为,没收产品和违法所得,依照产品质量法的规定从重处罚。

    Article 44 Those who , in violation the rules of this law , produce and sell fire control products that have not passed qualification check by inspection punished in accordance with the rules of the Product Quality Law .

  4. 实践表明:GST有限公司生产的消防产品能满足图书馆的消防需求,同时还应加强图书馆工作人员的消防意识和消防管理。

    Practice proves that the GST Fire production can satisfy the needs of the library fire , and libraries should also strengthen fire awareness and fire management .

  5. 消防产品型式认可中常见问题探讨

    Discussion on the common problems in type approval of fire product

  6. 省级消防产品质检机构存在的问题及对策

    Problems existing in provincial level fire product quality inspection organization

  7. 消防产品向环保型发展

    Promotion of Environment friendly Fire-fighting Products

  8. 国外消防产品

    Foreign Fire - proof Products

  9. 随着经济社会各项事业的全面发展,消防产品需求急剧增多。

    With the economic and social all-round development of various undertakings , fire product demand sharp increase .

  10. 第十九条消防产品的质量必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。

    Article 19 The quality of fire control products must conform to the state standards or industrial standards .

  11. 然而,在一些地方消防产品市场秩序混乱,产品质量问题突出。

    However , in some places of fire protection products market order disorder , product quality problem is outstanding .

  12. 面对全球一体化的新形势,中国消防产品企业如何抓住机遇,应对挑战?

    To face the new situation of globalization , Chinese enterprises to seize the opportunity to fire products , meet the challenge ?

  13. 对我国消防产品企业由“生产经营型”转向“服务型”的探讨

    Probing the transformation of our country 's fire product enterprise from " produce and management type " to " service type "

  14. 四个国家级消防产品检测中心已分别有各自的英文译名,并且有的已注册使用。

    The four national fire product inspection centers already have their own English names , some of which are registered and in use .

  15. 二氧化碳灭火系统是气体自动灭火系统之一,也是目前我国消防产品中实际生产量较大的一类产品。

    Carbon dioxide extinguishing system is one kind of the automatic gas extinguishing systems . At present , it is a main fire product in our country .

  16. 消防产品是事关国家和人民群众生命财产安全的公共安全产品。

    Currently , fire products market are not well managed , and product quality varies greatly , standards for fire products are inconsistent , and not secure .

  17. 就中国消防产品科技创新发展的问题,从建立完善新机制方面进行了深入探讨。

    The article on China 's science and technology innovation and development of fire protection products , from the establishment of new mechanisms to improve the depth .

  18. 利用职务为用户指定消防产品的销售单位、品牌或者指定建筑消防设施施工单位的;

    Those who , in the capacity of their function , specify sales units or brands of fire control products or specify construction units of fire control facilities .

  19. 如何用科学合理的方法分析、解决矛盾,促进消防产品质量检验工作发展,成为消防质检管理工作所面临的一个重要课题。

    How to use scientific and rational analysis , resolve conflicts and promote the development of fire product quality inspection , quality control management facing an important topic .

  20. 海流公司是开发、研制、生产自动化给水设备的专业厂家,是国家消防产品的定点企业。

    Ocean current company develop , develop , specialized factory , production automation of water work , it is a specially-designated factory of the national fire control products .

  21. 随着时代的发展和社会的进步,消防产品质量问题越来越成为全社会普遍关注的焦点。

    With the development of the times and social progress , the issue of fire product quality has increasingly become the focus of attention of the whole society in general .

  22. 禁止生产、销售或者使用未经依照产品质量法的规定确定的检验机构检验合格的消防产品。

    It is prohibited to produce , sell or use fire control products without passing qualification check by the inspection organ designated in accordance with regulations of the Product Quality Law .

  23. 消防产品市场准入制度的任务是对消防产品进行认证和检验,保证只有质量合格的产品投入生产、销售和使用,是消防工作不可或缺的组成部分。

    The system of fire protection product market permission is adopted to approve and inspect fire protection products , and guarantee that only qualified products are put into production , sales and application .

  24. 消防产品质量检验机构是对消防产品质量实施检验的权威机构和组织,消防产品质量检验的标准、精确度和效率都会对国民的生活和工作产生巨大的影响。

    Fire product quality inspection agency implementation of product quality inspection authority and organization , product quality inspection standards , accuracy and efficiency will have a huge impact on the life and work of nationals .

  25. 分析了消防产品质量监督管理工作的现状和存在问题,就监督部门如何转变职能、加强监督工作做了探讨。

    The paper analyzes the current situation and the problems of the quality supervision and testing of fire building materials , discusses the ways of how to change the function and lengthen the supervision of the center .

  26. 从我国企业的发展和产品质量影响上讲,消防产品质量同样关乎国家产业的兴亡和中国制造品牌战略的成败。

    In terms of the impact of our business development and product quality , fire product quality is related to the rise and fall of the national industry and the success or failure of the Chinese-made brand strategy .

  27. 分析了消防产品现场检查的法律依据和技术依据,提出了消防产品现场检查的分类,对现场检查和合格判定的方法做了初步探索。

    The code and technology basis of inspecting the fire products on site was analyzed . The classification of the product on site inspection was put forward . The method of on site inspection and qualification determination was discussed .

  28. 为了与时俱进,消防产品检测机构为了提高检测技术,保证检测质量和公正评价,从而提高消防产品质量水平和检测技术水平,于是就提出了建设数字化检测系统的任务。

    For the fire product test organizations enhance the test technology , guarantee the test quality and fair appraisal , sequentially raise the quality level of fire product and the test level . the object of constructing digital test system is proposed .

  29. 消防接口产品质量改进的探讨

    Research on improving the quality of fire coupling products

  30. 武汉武立涂料有限公司是一家专业从事消防安全产品研制开发、生产销售、消防工程设计和施工的企业。

    The company obtained vigorous support from the fire scientific research department and experts from higher education institutions as well as professors .