
  1. 我国社会消费品零售额ARIMA预测模型

    The ARIMA Projecting Model of Retail Sales of Social Consumption Goods

  2. 北京市社会消费品零售额变动趋势分析

    Analysis of Change Tendency of Total Retail Amount of Commodities in Beijing

  3. 消费品零售额同比增长33.9%。

    Retail sales of consumer goods went up 33.9 percent .

  4. 社会消费品零售额中不含居民住宅销售额。

    The retail sales of consumer goods do not include the sales of resident houses .

  5. 社会消费品零售额比上年下降3%以上,而工业企业增加值总额增长2.8%。

    Retail sales fell by over 3 percent the previous year while the total value added of industrial enterprises increased by 2.8 percent .

  6. 5月份,中国社会消费品零售额同比下降2.8%,较4月份收窄7.5%。同期,社会消费品零售总额达到3.2万亿元,超过4500亿美元,较上月增长0.8%。

    China 's retail sales of consumer goods declined 2.8 percent year on year in May , narrowing from a drop of 7.5 percent in April .

  7. 上个月,社会消费品零售额同比增长4.3%,达到近四万亿元人民币(约合5800多亿美元)。

    The retail sales of consumer goods climbed 4.3 percent year on year to nearly four trillion yuan , or over 580 billion U.S. dollars , last month .

  8. 西单商业街商贸企业的社会消费品零售额目前占全区总量的60%以上,是北京市最繁华的商业街之一。

    Xidan Commercial Street is one of the most business zones in the whole city ; in the current its retail sales in Xicheng distract account to60 % .

  9. 社会消费品零售额指各种经济类型的批发零售贸易业、餐饮业、制造业和其他行业对城乡居民和社会集团的消费品零售额。

    Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods refers to the sum of retail sales of consumer goods sold by all sectors of the national economy to urban and rural residents and social groups .

  10. 天津自1994年在商贸零售领域推行连锁经营以来,销售额每年以20%以上的速度递增,连锁经营占社会消费品零售额的比重逐年增加。

    Since 1994 , Tianjin has promoted chained-marketing in the commercial distribution field , its saling amount has increased 20 % per year , and the chained-marketing has occupied more rates in the social consumption distribution amount .

  11. 这一数字占去年全国消费品总零售额的13.5%。

    The figure accounts for13.5 percent of the country 's total retail sales of consumer goods .

  12. 下半年农村消费品市场销售相对回暖,城市消费品零售额与县及县以下零售额的增长幅度差有所缩小。

    The rural consumer goods market was relatively recovered in the second half year and the difference in growth rate was somewhat reduced .